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Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:19 pm
by Pharmerswife
Hellllooooo People of NOM, it is I the wife of a pharmer!

I was so sad to visit the (original) NOM board back in August and found out it was not working. I Googled and found the link for reddit that you all were discussing it but I don't have a reddit account, reddit is to confusing for me. So for the last two months, every couple days I would check and still the original wasn't up.
But behold, my DH asked if I saw this new NOM and he told me you guys created a new one.

Thank you so much for doing this who ever created this new NOM board.

When I first noticed the old one not working my first thought was how so many of you helped me through my journey for 4 years and I thought about others just starting their journey and that they might have a hard time finding a soft place to land when their shelf starts breaking. So I'm extremely happy NOM is back up and running!!

Long story short on a little about me. DH found out about the church and approached me in Spring 2012. In September 2012 was our last time going to our ward. From 2012 until this Spring 2016 we didn't tell anyone. We finally told our families this past Spring. So far everything has been going great, no family problems on either side. Last month, we had our first Temple wedding that we stood outside of the Temple for DH's sisters wedding. Lots of friends we grew up where there but not one person asked why we waited outside, so I was relieved after the wedding. (Or unless news got out before hand, and gossip was already said about us?) But, no one said anything to us and that was fine with me. It was a little sad waiting outside, feeling like second class citizens, but that is what is being taught and I was in that place at my own wedding. I quickly got over it and since we went out to lunch afterwards (that was the reception) , the bride and groom left about 30 minutes after lunch to get going on their honeymoon and the rest of the afternoon my family spent in the hotel pool and went to Disney Springs that evening. I had a real hard time driving 2.5 hours one way to stand outside than another 2.5 hours home with 2 kids in dress clothes. So we made a weekend out of it and stayed the whole weekend, just showed up at the Temple that morning, had lunch and the rest of the weekend we played in Orlando. I did have to go buy a church approved dress, since I haven't worn a modest dress since 2012. But all in all, our big first function being out with family turned out to be good.

Even though, we are out with family and i feel like i don't need support anymore, i did want to join back with NOM to help those that are just starting their journey like those that helped me when my shelf started cracking.

I truly thank everyone on NOM for being there for me, everyone is great here!!!

The saying here at NOM is to "go slow", I'm glad we followed that advice, even though it took us 4 years and most days I was frustrated and wanted to get it out in the open, I am glad we did take it slow. Once it is said you can't take out back. And just like that movie "what about Bob"....Baby steps.

Welcome everyone to NOM, this is a great place and a lot of nice folks!

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:32 pm
by Pharmerswife
Maybe I should also share. Both DH and I grew up in the church. DH's family goes back to pioneers. My parents joined the church a couple years before I was born. DH went on a mission. I did not. We were married in the Temple. We have 3 kids. The oldest (just turned 13) is from my pervious marriage. DH and I got married when she was 4, so he has known her almost her whole life.
I was in this one ward up until 11, at age 11 we moved across town into another ward but we were still in the same stake. DH moved from out west to Florida when he was 12 and moved into our old ward that I was in for 11 years. We never ran into each other at church functions, but we were in the same stake. It wasn't until we met in the signals ward that we realized we grew up in the same stake and have a lot of mutual friends but never ran into each other's families. His parents still live in the sake house that they moved into when he was 12 and they still go to that same ward. After we got married we both have had various callings. Then it all came down in 2012.

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:54 pm
by Corsair
We are glad you found us again! We're still figuring out how to advertise that NOM has returned with updated software and SSL encryption. And a lot of stalwarts and malcontents patterned after the old website where we used to post.

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:01 pm
by Red Ryder
Welcome back PW!

Glad to hear your update and everything has gone so well. As Satan once said to Eve... "Now go and get Pharmer to sign up!"

You both could be the poster couple for leaving together. We would love to hear from him.

How's the neck?

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 11:48 am
by Silver Girl
Yay! I am so glad to see you here!

I agree with you - those of us who have healed and moved on can return the favor of our NOM colleagues by being here for the next group of new members needing support and sanity.

Welcome Home, PW!

Silver Girl

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:03 pm
by crazyhamster
Good to see you again, PW!

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 8:35 am
by Pharmerswife
Red Ryder wrote:Welcome back PW!

Glad to hear your update and everything has gone so well. As Satan once said to Eve... "Now go and get Pharmer to sign up!"

You both could be the poster couple for leaving together. We would love to hear from him.

How's the neck?
LOL on the quote about Satan. I will ask DH if he will join. When I first started NOM 3 years ago, DH was still in med school and didn't have the time to post. He now is in his second year of residency, and has a little more time now.

Thank you for asking. My neck has no problems, before surgery I suffered really made headaches (on a scale of 1-10, 10 being not moving off the couch and every little thing made my headache worse), my headaches were 5/6 times a week, 10 on the scale and lasting 8-12 hours and sometimes 24 hours. But now after surgery, I get maybe 2-3 headaches a week and 4 on the scale lasting anywhere from 3-4 hours. I try not to take medicine, but when it doesn't go away after a couple hours, that is when I bust out with the Ibuprofen. So, not nearly has bad or has long or has many times a week. I am glad I did the surgery, it did give me a lot of relief, I just wished it would have worked 100%.

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 8:10 am
by Lithium Sunset
I was wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear it didn't work 100% Parmwife. Is there anything else they can do for you?

Glad to see you on the new site! And I am glad things are going better with your family.

Re: Pharmerswife here!!

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:07 am
by slk
Welcome back. I want to say I remember some not so good stories of you and TBM sister. (Sorry if I'm wrong). Glad to hear things are much better with family members.