Scott the NOWmormon served a two year mission, but now he has a new mission. Please help.
Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 3:54 pm
I remember a few years back there was a hot issue in the news, stem cell research or something, and I remember going to to see what I believed vs examining internally what I personally believed.
I had been led that the church has the answer to everything, and as the only true church, I was expected to sacrifice my entire belief system to the church, and look to the church for ALL answers, instead of thinking for myself.
On r/exmormon, the users are pretty much half and half: members and nonmembers. But I have noticed in some other forums that there is a visible divide: Between the people like me in the paragraph above and people like me that now think for themselves.
For many reasons, the church has itself is to blame for this (the prophet will never lead you astray, he knows the way, etc.).
But because of this, when the church responded to the plural marriage essay media coverage with “The fact that Joseph Smith had plural marriage relationships is not new, of course.”
“Much of what you’ll find in the essays on polygamy has been published in diverse sources and known among long-term and well-read members, historians, and Church leaders for many years.”
They gave members license to judge, ridicule and ostracize the members that had not known about it.
The church essentially created a reverse large and spacious building; A them and us culture, when in fact the Mormon spectrum is just that, a spectrum.
I know that many people have been hurt by the church’s Culture of Concealment before me, and many will be hurt after me.
But I, personally, am dealing with this right now.
The concealment of Joseph’s plural marriage has hit me particularly hard.
And for me, I need to do something about it.
In responding to the media coverage, the Church inadvertently exposed a secret combination that may be exploited for the benefit of NOW Mormons and the world in general:
When there is enough uncomfortable publicity, the Church responds.
Yes, I served a two-year mission, but now I have a new mission:
-Promote and secure acknowledgement and validation from church leadership of NOW Mormons
-Promote and receive compassionate public recognition, remorse and regret from church leadership for the Culture of Concealment historically perpetuated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Maybe this will be an epic fail.
Maybe this will be an epic success.
But either way, I need to try.
Enough publicity is needed so that the church feels it needs to respond, as it should.
And since I know that I am not alone, I can’t do it alone. I need your help and ideas.
I have created the following:
Twitter: mormonwounds
Instagram: mormonwounds
Take a look and remember, this is a work in progress.
Don’t judge me, just help me.
When we fail to stand for truth, we betray.
One voice may not be noticed, but many voices beg acknowledgement.
The church must acknowledge the hurt.
I had been led that the church has the answer to everything, and as the only true church, I was expected to sacrifice my entire belief system to the church, and look to the church for ALL answers, instead of thinking for myself.
On r/exmormon, the users are pretty much half and half: members and nonmembers. But I have noticed in some other forums that there is a visible divide: Between the people like me in the paragraph above and people like me that now think for themselves.
For many reasons, the church has itself is to blame for this (the prophet will never lead you astray, he knows the way, etc.).
But because of this, when the church responded to the plural marriage essay media coverage with “The fact that Joseph Smith had plural marriage relationships is not new, of course.”
“Much of what you’ll find in the essays on polygamy has been published in diverse sources and known among long-term and well-read members, historians, and Church leaders for many years.”
They gave members license to judge, ridicule and ostracize the members that had not known about it.
The church essentially created a reverse large and spacious building; A them and us culture, when in fact the Mormon spectrum is just that, a spectrum.
I know that many people have been hurt by the church’s Culture of Concealment before me, and many will be hurt after me.
But I, personally, am dealing with this right now.
The concealment of Joseph’s plural marriage has hit me particularly hard.
And for me, I need to do something about it.
In responding to the media coverage, the Church inadvertently exposed a secret combination that may be exploited for the benefit of NOW Mormons and the world in general:
When there is enough uncomfortable publicity, the Church responds.
Yes, I served a two-year mission, but now I have a new mission:
-Promote and secure acknowledgement and validation from church leadership of NOW Mormons
-Promote and receive compassionate public recognition, remorse and regret from church leadership for the Culture of Concealment historically perpetuated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Maybe this will be an epic fail.
Maybe this will be an epic success.
But either way, I need to try.
Enough publicity is needed so that the church feels it needs to respond, as it should.
And since I know that I am not alone, I can’t do it alone. I need your help and ideas.
I have created the following:
Twitter: mormonwounds
Instagram: mormonwounds
Take a look and remember, this is a work in progress.
Don’t judge me, just help me.
When we fail to stand for truth, we betray.
One voice may not be noticed, but many voices beg acknowledgement.
The church must acknowledge the hurt.