Still here...
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 7:53 pm
Hey y’all…’tis great to see NOM up and running again. Here is my updated introduction, as suggested.
My LDS background: Multi-generation LDS, BIC, RM, MIT, BYU, HP…yadda, yadda… Once I retired, the church had no more control over my career or livelihood. (employment dependent upon having an ecclesiastical endorsement or a TR) It also seemed the right time to step-up, register on NOM, and start contributing to the conversation.
When I no longer needed a TR I made an appointment to turn mine in to the bishop. When the Bp asked me why I no longer wanted a TR I said, “The temple’s plagiarized masonic ritual does nothing for me”. My wife elected to simply let her TR lapse and not renew it when the time came to renew.
Fortunately, when it comes to the church, my wife and I have been on the same sheet of music since we both read Emma Smith: Mormon Enigma. Joseph Smith’s character has been suspect ever since. We still believe in God, but no longer believe in “the so-called church”.
Since retirement, I’ve had more time to read extensively, listen to podcasts, and expand my circle of NOM-like and exmo friendships, thanks to Our families of origin, adult children, and grandchildren are involved at various levels, from fully engaged to inactive. For now, we are just doing church on our own terms. As for me, resignation is likely an inevitable conclusion…but Notchet.
My LDS background: Multi-generation LDS, BIC, RM, MIT, BYU, HP…yadda, yadda… Once I retired, the church had no more control over my career or livelihood. (employment dependent upon having an ecclesiastical endorsement or a TR) It also seemed the right time to step-up, register on NOM, and start contributing to the conversation.
When I no longer needed a TR I made an appointment to turn mine in to the bishop. When the Bp asked me why I no longer wanted a TR I said, “The temple’s plagiarized masonic ritual does nothing for me”. My wife elected to simply let her TR lapse and not renew it when the time came to renew.
Fortunately, when it comes to the church, my wife and I have been on the same sheet of music since we both read Emma Smith: Mormon Enigma. Joseph Smith’s character has been suspect ever since. We still believe in God, but no longer believe in “the so-called church”.
Since retirement, I’ve had more time to read extensively, listen to podcasts, and expand my circle of NOM-like and exmo friendships, thanks to Our families of origin, adult children, and grandchildren are involved at various levels, from fully engaged to inactive. For now, we are just doing church on our own terms. As for me, resignation is likely an inevitable conclusion…but Notchet.