AWARD: "Most Sexist" in General NOMfrence
Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:18 pm
I'm taking a study break to hand out a few awards.
For "Most Sexist" the award goes to......
Russell M. Nelson!!!! Here's the quote that I feel is sexist on many levels
The reason I thought he deserved the award was that he showed such an arrogant lack of understanding about the basic structure of women and girls programs within the church-the very church he is going to be running probably sooner rather than later.
Laurels are in Young Women's. They are not in Relief Society. They would not go to Relief Society meetings. Perhaps their stake had a combined RS YW event. Well he should have said so. Saying it the way he did shows that either he doesn't know or care about the programs that are set up for the non males in the church.
But I think it could go deeper than this. Why didn't anyone else catch this? It had to go through a teleprompter, or they at least could have made a modification to the online print version. What about Aunt Wendy? Does he share his GC talks with her before hand? I think she would have caught this. So either a) she was too afraid to correct her almost prophet husband, b) she corrected him and he ignored her, or c) she corrected him and he corrected her for presuming to correct him.
So congrats RMN! You deserve it!!! (I wonder who he's going to thank in his acceptance speech!!)
For "Most Sexist" the award goes to......
Russell M. Nelson!!!! Here's the quote that I feel is sexist on many levels
The main message is f'ed up on its own. Forget about your accomplishments and dreams. Good girls give them all up for the church. But we heard worse in the Women's' session. There, we heard not one, but two stories of terminally ill women serving in RS presidencies. F'ed up.Recently I learned of a fearless young Laurel. She was invited to participate in a statewide competition for her high school on the same evening she had committed to participate in a stake Relief Society meeting. When she realized the conflict and explained to competition officials that she would need to leave the competition early to attend an important meeting, she was told she would be disqualified if she did so.
What did this latter-day Laurel do? She kept her commitment to participate in the Relief Society meeting. As promised, she was disqualified from the statewide competition. When asked about her decision, she replied simply, “Well, the Church is more important, isn’t it?”
The reason I thought he deserved the award was that he showed such an arrogant lack of understanding about the basic structure of women and girls programs within the church-the very church he is going to be running probably sooner rather than later.
Laurels are in Young Women's. They are not in Relief Society. They would not go to Relief Society meetings. Perhaps their stake had a combined RS YW event. Well he should have said so. Saying it the way he did shows that either he doesn't know or care about the programs that are set up for the non males in the church.
But I think it could go deeper than this. Why didn't anyone else catch this? It had to go through a teleprompter, or they at least could have made a modification to the online print version. What about Aunt Wendy? Does he share his GC talks with her before hand? I think she would have caught this. So either a) she was too afraid to correct her almost prophet husband, b) she corrected him and he ignored her, or c) she corrected him and he corrected her for presuming to correct him.
So congrats RMN! You deserve it!!! (I wonder who he's going to thank in his acceptance speech!!)