I've been dating an exmormon for a few months. He left because he read anti-mormon stuff online and started questioning things, as is usual for a lot of exmembers I think.
Going into the relationship, we both knew it'd be difficult given his very recent, quite emotional separation with the church and my active involvement in it. But we both respect each others' beliefs and neither of us consciously try to tear each other down. My boyfriend has said that of course he wants me to leave the church, but he's totally okay with me being active in the church as long as I don't try to reconvert him, which is obviously okay with me.
Everything has been awesome so far -- he's refreshing to spend time with and is very sweet despite his juvenile sense of humor

But recently I've been wondering if I want to keep attending church. When I first started attending (I'm a convert, baptized a few months ago but I've been attending for a few years), everything about the church felt right.
I've since read the CES letter and I do lurk on /r/exmormon so I know of many arguments against every aspect of the church. I knew of them before I was baptized. I just sort of put things on a shelf in the back of my mind and rationalized some other things.
And now my boyfriend is sort of a constant reminder of someone who left the church, who's read the same stuff as me and came out on the other side of the debate. I'm not sure if this is just a natural ebb and flow of faith for me or if it's because of him.
I don't want to go inactive in the church, eventually break up with him, and realize that I didn't lose faith in the church ie I had just been influenced indirectly by him. But I don't want to stay active in church and realize later that I should have left because I simply don't believe anymore.
I feel like I'm at a crossroads and that I need to make a decision before the stress of not choosing wears me down. Has anyone been in this situation? Or has any sort of advice? I know that no one can really tell me if I need to leave the church or not, but I have no idea what to do about this.