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NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory:

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 3:58 pm
by MoPag
Awards time is almost here!!!! Yay!!! We just have to narrow down our NOMinees and then we can decide by common consent who wins the NOMfrence awards! :D

We have a lot of awards to give away, so I've broken them down into different categories: "Most," "Mental Gymnastics," "Style/Voice," "Topical Guide," and "Special."

Here are the "Most" awards and my NOMinees from what I can remember. (I didn't watch priesthood and I missed bits of Saturday's sessions.)

****Please add your NOMinations too!****

General NOMfrence Category: "Style/Voice"

Syrup voice
This was kind of meant to be a mini competition between the sisters that spoke at GC. But there was only 1 sister that spoke during the main sessions. There were 3 female speakers at the RS session, which technically is supposed to be a real part of GC. None of their voices really stuck me as syrupy.

Mansplaining Award
I think by default the priesthood speaker at the RS session always does this. This year it was Eyring ... u?lang=eng

Condescending Voice
I'm going to say Nelson, Bragg and Rasband

Annoying Sounds
Clayton's crying was annoying.

Teleprompter King
I listened more that watched. Renlund, sounds like he is reading at us more than actually speaking to us.

Cliché Mormon Sayings
Could probably give this to everyone who said a prayer at GC.

Sexiest Award
I would nominate DFU, cause he's DFU.
I think S. Mark Palmer has a sexy Australian accent. Then I saw him and he looks like the dad from 19 kids and counting. But I think he gave a good talk about seeing people with love and compassion, so I'm NOMinating him anyway.

Any other NOMinations?

Re: NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory:

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 7:10 pm
by Random

I can't think of any others to add.

Re: NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory:

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:34 am
by MoPag
I'm totally going to do the awards soon. I'm just drowning in homework at the moment. :lol:

Re: NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory:

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:34 pm
by Random
Cool! 8-) I look forward to it.

Re: NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory:

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:19 am
by Corsair
Perhaps Thomas Monson should be nominated for some kind of aggressive lifetime achievement award. But this would more oriented towards "as long as you are alive you are obligated to keep achieving". His conference talks have been consistent for decades and the only change has been to shorten them of late.

Re: NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory:

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:18 pm
by Random
Sort of a preach til you drop thing? Since he slid down the podium one time, but kept coming back for other talks. The energizer bunny is running down, but refuses to completely drop.