NOMfrence NOMinations Catagory: "Mental Gymnastics"
Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2017 2:48 pm
Awards time is almost here!!!! Yay!!! We just have to narrow down our NOMinees and then we can decide by common consent who wins the NOMfrence awards!
We have a lot of awards to give away, so I've broken them down into different categories: "Most," "Mental Gymnastics," "Style/Voice," "Topical Guide," and "Special."
Here are the "Most" awards and my NOMinees from what I can remember. (I didn't watch priesthood and I missed bits of Saturday's sessions.)
****Please add your NOMinations too!****
General NOMfrence Category: "Mental Gymnastics"
Avoiding Common Sense Award
I think Christofferson's entire talk lacked common sense.
Worst Analogy Award
Cook said going to church is like a world class athlete exercising. Um no.
Irrational Apologetics Award
I think we might have touch on this on the main GC thread, but didn't Cook talk about seer stones and U&T and played it all off like that was always how JS claimed to translate the BOM?
Distortion of Fact Award
I nominate Mark A. Bragg's "the church is stronger than it has ever been..."
Contradictions Award
FiveFingerNumneric Posted an awesome contradiction meme on the other nominations thread. TSM "the world is evil" vs DFO "you shouldn't think the world is evil"
I would like to add Oct 2016 D. Todd "God doesn't love you when you sin." vs. Apr 2017 D. Todd "God punishes you when you sin because he loves you"
What mental GC gymnastics do you remember?
We have a lot of awards to give away, so I've broken them down into different categories: "Most," "Mental Gymnastics," "Style/Voice," "Topical Guide," and "Special."
Here are the "Most" awards and my NOMinees from what I can remember. (I didn't watch priesthood and I missed bits of Saturday's sessions.)
****Please add your NOMinations too!****
General NOMfrence Category: "Mental Gymnastics"
Avoiding Common Sense Award
I think Christofferson's entire talk lacked common sense.
Worst Analogy Award
Cook said going to church is like a world class athlete exercising. Um no.
Irrational Apologetics Award
I think we might have touch on this on the main GC thread, but didn't Cook talk about seer stones and U&T and played it all off like that was always how JS claimed to translate the BOM?
Distortion of Fact Award
I nominate Mark A. Bragg's "the church is stronger than it has ever been..."
Contradictions Award
FiveFingerNumneric Posted an awesome contradiction meme on the other nominations thread. TSM "the world is evil" vs DFO "you shouldn't think the world is evil"
I would like to add Oct 2016 D. Todd "God doesn't love you when you sin." vs. Apr 2017 D. Todd "God punishes you when you sin because he loves you"
What mental GC gymnastics do you remember?