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8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:51 am
by 20/20hind
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:04 am
by wtfluff
Have those folks ever seen a mirror?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry about that "article".
I guess I'll do both.
Possibly at the same time.
I hope it doesn't cause me any physical damage...
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:11 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
This is another quality blog post from Jeremy Goff the recently returned missionary. I have charity for the poor kid because I was once just like him in attitude and piety, but then I grew up. It's a sad reflection on LDSliving that they rely on immature young RM's for their content on battling the dark arts.
More importantly when are his fellow millenials on Zelph on the Shelf doing their video smackdown of this? I would love to see an old timey early mormonism style debate between the two parties on this subject.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:12 am
by redjay
Then goes on to say
"...inaccurate translation and not the scrolls that Joseph translated the book of Abraham from!"
Which itself is half truth and misdirection.
Turns out that I've heard more half-truths at church than I have heard anywhere else. It's exhausting.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:26 am
by Red Ryder
8 reasons why that blog is wrong:
1. Satan does not exist.
2. Satan does not exist.
3. Satan does not exist.
4. Satan does not exist.
5. Satan does not exist.
6. Satan does not exist.
7. Satan does not exist.
8. Satan does not exist.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:38 am
by 20/20hind
I think he forgot the 9th item on the list. Satan hacked into lds .com and published the esaays. That's a lot of anti right there. Personally I know a hand full of people who have left or at least look at the church very differently now because of satans website hack.
Oh that crafty serpent.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:55 am
by Vlad the Emailer
Red Ryder wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:26 am
8 reasons why that blog is wrong:
1. Satan does not exist.
2. Satan does not exist.
3. Satan does not exist.
4. Satan does not exist.
5. Satan does not exist.
6. Satan does not exist.
7. Satan does not exist.
8. Satan does not exist.
Dude, you know you're just fulfilling prophecy, right? One of Satan's biggest deceits is to get people to think he doesn't even exist.
I've started writing two or three different replies about that article, but the whole damn business is so exhausting. Most people do not have to deal with people peddling insanity and saying you're insane if you don't buy it.
When Joseph bought the papyri scrolls, the edges were tattered, so he trimmed them off and put them in a safe place. He then translated the scrolls into the Book of Abraham. Those scrolls have been lost. What has survived are the tattered edges. It is the edges that the Egyptologists have examined and deemed an inaccurate translation and not the scrolls that Joseph translated the book of Abraham from!
Even the church in it's pathetic BoA apologetic didn't throw something like that out there! And that idiot wants to talk about lies and deceit???
(insert emoji banging it's head against the wall here)
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:07 am
by wtfluff
Since he's so fond of pointing out logical fallacies in the "article" the above quote is: Moving The Goalposts or Shifting The Sands.
Checkmate - ah... Never-mind. Checkmates don't matter when playing pigeon chess.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:18 am
by 20/20hind
Red Ryder wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:26 am
8 reasons why that blog is wrong:
1. Satan does not exist.
2. Satan does not exist.
3. Satan does not exist.
4. Satan does not exist.
5. Satan does not exist.
6. Satan does not exist.
7. Satan does not exist.
8. Satan does not exist.
Red Ryder:
Satan is totally real because Joseph smith got attacked by him in the sacred grove.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:19 am
by document
When I was LDS, it hurt my feelings when Evangelical protestors would say that I was part of Satan's church or that I was controlled by Satan. My seminary teacher taught me that if someone says that Mormons are controlled by Satan they are merely venting their hatred. My mother taught me that when they called us Satanists it was out of frustration and ignorance.
It is interesting that when I was in the LDS church I never batted an eye when an LDS person claimed someone was controlled by Satan. I never batted an eye when Joseph Smith (through the book of Mormon) made claim that Satan was the founder of the Catholic church. I noticed it more and more upon leaving the church, mostly because people were telling me that I was being controlled by Satan. Off the top of my head, I can think of four instances and the people who told me this.
However, I think I was right, my seminary teacher was right, and my mother was right: this man is hurtful, venting his hatred, frustrated, and ignorant.
If these things are applicable to someone from the outside calling out Mormons, then it is also applicable to Mormons from the inside calling out ex-Mormons or other groups.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:23 am
by Corsair
The author of this list should at least add an obligatory click-bait tagline:
8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints! (Number 6 will astonish you and build your testimony!)
I think we all recognize that this is just the latest Buzzfeed style list shoring up the brittle testimonies of LDS true believers. The sobering fact is that we can recognize that this kind of list does actually work for many believers. I would have to admit how this list would have summoned righteous indignation in my fervent testimony for much of my own life.
The real debate I would like to imagine matches up strong believer Corsair of 2004 versus calm unbeliever Corsair of 2017. 2017 Corsair knows the foundational cracks in 2004 Corsair's testimony. Each of these "8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints" would have been as helpful as a spare tire with a slow leak. It appears helpful at first but steadily deflates into a drag when you need it most.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:55 am
by Red Ryder
20/20hind wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:18 am
Red Ryder:
Satan is totally real because Joseph smith got attacked by him in the sacred grove.
Ironically this is what started my path to apostasy. Over 10 years ago, the church mailed me a DVD to celebrate Joseph Smith. I probably would have never even watched it but my young daughter wanted to "watch the free movie from the mail box!!!"
So we turned it on and it was the typical mormon heartell JS worship fest retelling the first vision story. Well, the church had skipped that part where JS was attempting to pray and Stan tried to stop him. I've seen the film strip version 100 times so this omission in the new DVD caught my attention. It stuck with me for a few days and I wondered by the church would omit it?
So I googled "omitted first vision" and opened Pandora's box. Turns out the church's has a history of whitewashing it's history!!
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:59 am
by Red Ryder
Corsair wrote:Each of these "8 Anti-Mormon Tactics That Satan Uses To Attack The Latter-day Saints" would have been as helpful as a spare tire with a slow leak. It appears helpful at first but steadily deflates into a drag when you need it most.
This describes nearly all church answers to tough questions, apologetics/FAIR, and Elder Oaks' libido.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:08 am
by Korihor
Red Ryder wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:55 am
So I googled "omitted first vision" and opened Pandora's box. Turns out the church has a history of whitewashing it's history!!
Whitewashing history, AKA modern revelation. Same thing.
The prophets get visions of how things were supposed to happen but Satan messes stuff up. Chruch is true because of how it should have happened.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:20 am
by clean sweep
Red Ryder wrote: ↑
Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:26 am
8 reasons why that blog is wrong:
1. Satan does not exist.
2. Satan does not exist.
3. Satan does not exist.
4. Satan does not exist.
5. Satan does not exist.
6. Satan does not exist.
7. Satan does not exist.
8. Satan does not exist.
I had to pipe up here on this one. Red Ryder is totally wrong. Just ask Hermey. The young men's presidency in the ward where he resides told Hermey's son that Hermey was the devil incarnate. There, we have proof that the devil walks to and fro on the earth wreaking havoc as stated in modern and misleading scripture.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:42 am
by Red Ryder
clean sweep wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:20 am
I had to pipe up here on this one. Red Ryder is totally wrong. Just ask Hermey. The young men's presidency in the ward where he resides told Hermey's son that Hermey was the devil incarnate. There, we have proof that the devil walks to and fro on the earth wreaking havoc as stated in modern and misleading scripture.
That's hilarious! Wait, that's sad! Another grown man tells a kid his dad is the devil. Sounds about right for Mormonism.
If it is true, then I secretly worship Stan.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:42 pm
by Give It Time
document wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:19 am
When I was LDS, it hurt my feelings when Evangelical protestors would say that I was part of Satan's church or that I was controlled by Satan. My seminary teacher taught me that if someone says that Mormons are controlled by Satan they are merely venting their hatred. My mother taught me that when they called us Satanists it was out of frustration and ignorance.
It is interesting that when I was in the LDS church I never batted an eye when an LDS person claimed someone was controlled by Satan. I never batted an eye when Joseph Smith (through the book of Mormon) made claim that Satan was the founder of the Catholic church. I noticed it more and more upon leaving the church, mostly because people were telling me that I was being controlled by Satan. Off the top of my head, I can think of four instances and the people who told me this.
However, I think I was right, my seminary teacher was right, and my mother was right: this man is hurtful, venting his hatred, frustrated, and ignorant.
If these things are applicable to someone from the outside calling out Mormons, then it is also applicable to Mormons from the inside calling out ex-Mormons or other groups.
Actually, venting their fear and frustration is a kind and charitable way to look at it.
This showed up in my Facebook feed, as well. I looked at the author and just felt pity for the kid.
Anyway, I would be considered Ms. Hasty Generalization. Although, I did my due diligence to make sure my issues weren't a single (several, actually) bishop(s). My concern is I don't want family and ward members coming at me with this, because I really don't want to smack them down and I can. I'm just so tired of people walking away from me with tears in their eyes.
I think it's time to say, you set down this article and I'll set aside my books and, if you feel it isn't threatening to do so, let's actually look at each other and talk to each other.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:50 pm
by 20/20hind
Red Ryder wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:42 am
clean sweep wrote: ↑Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:20 am
I had to pipe up here on this one. Red Ryder is totally wrong. Just ask Hermey. The young men's presidency in the ward where he resides told Hermey's son that Hermey was the devil incarnate. There, we have proof that the devil walks to and fro on the earth wreaking havoc as stated in modern and misleading scripture.
That's hilarious! Wait, that's sad! Another grown man tells a kid his dad is the devil. Sounds about right for Mormonism.
If it is true, then I secretly worship Stan.
Hermey told me about this at our Sunday meet up in draped. It's horrible to think someone would say that.
Hermey is a good guy. I'm positive he is nothing like the fictional character Satan. I've never seen him sneaking around tempting people.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:54 pm
by LostMormon
at the end of the day, the only way to detect and prevent Satan’s lies are to gain a testimony from God Himself that this work is true. Once you have a testimony don’t let Satan shake it. When he comes saying “Look at this part of Church History you don’t know!” You will be able to reply “I have a witness from God that this Church is true!” And thereby overcome Satan’s efforts to deceive the elect of God. As President Uchtdorf taught “doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith.”
The conclusion is basically admitting that there will be parts of church history that most members won't know, and it will shake your faith, but it's all good, just ignore it, that's why the church hides it, You can't handle the truth, so just move along.
Re: 8 tactics Satan uses in anti mormons
Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:13 pm
by Give It Time
Actually, saying my issues with the church are a hasty generalization is
...a hasty generalization.
Got it!