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Thank you NOM

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 2:03 pm
by Can of Worms
It is one year since DH and I decided that we could no longer keep up the pretense of believing/belonging. I took off my garments that night and put them all in a storage bin in the basement. Last month they all went to the landfill. That was liberating. Last month, I cleaned out the bookshelves in the basement. As much as I hate to throw out books, I have no interest in keeping all of the church books my older sister has given me over the years and I can't imagine who I would give them too. Outside of the Morcor, there is little interest from Goodwill. I've made peace with recycling them.

We have only told my dad (ex'd nearly 40 years ago) and my younger sister (left after high school over 20 years ago). We will let the rest of our family (including DD who married a nevermo) fill in the blanks themselves. We don't feel the need to make it a topic of conversation.

DH has been a NOM reader for many years and he introduced me to it a year ago. I have mostly lurked but have found great support in reading the experiences of those of you who are regular posters. I was really shaken when NOM 1.0 went down last fall and delighted when I found NOM 2.0.

Thank you to all who make this possible - it has been invaluable in helping me find my new path.

Re: Thank you NOM

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 3:14 pm
by Mormorrisey
I saw from another post that you're a fellow Canuck - I'm in the East. Welcome back to NOM! I lurked for several months too, before I decided to hop in. And the water is fine.

Re: Thank you NOM

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 4:28 pm
by Silver Girl
What a great and touching post! Thanks for sharing the journey you and DH have had this past year - and One Year Happy Anniversary! So many of us were panicked or otherwise distressed with NOM 1.0 went black. I join you in thanking the leaders of our very special "ward" here for creating the new site.

I think the number of people who are on the books but are half-hearted or basically "out of the church" is far larger than anyone knows. Even among those who attend fairly often, there are silent NOMs who no longer believe.

I'm so glad you're here - thanks for your post!

Re: Thank you NOM

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:29 pm
by wtfluff
Yay NOM!

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Re: Thank you NOM

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:34 pm
by Red Ryder
I'd like to publicly thank my Mom too!