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Resigned September 8, 2010

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 6:56 pm
by JustCurious
At the time I resigned from the church, I had no idea that people were even doing that. I wrote the following letter, and sent it to the Member Records Division (redacted for anonymity). I received the standard form letter response (which I did not know at the time was the standard response), followed by a 2nd letter approximately 30 days later acknowledging my request (which again I did not know at the time that this was the standard procedure for such requests received by the church):

Member Records Division, LDS Church
50 E North Temple Rm 1372
SLC UT 84150-5310

I wish you to recognize this letter as a formal request to have my name removed from membership in the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (i.e., the “LDS Church”, or simply “your church”). And I also wish to advise you that henceforth, when asked about my possible membership in your church, I intend to respond that I am not a member.

I harbor no ill-will towards your church, and wish you, your church, and all of your members all the best in all of your collective endeavors. Indeed, I believe the LDS Church to have many fine and honorable programs that are worthy of respect and support. Furthermore, I believe that the authorities of your church have the complete right to control, direct, or otherwise dictate any of the assets, and any of the activities, and any of the doctrines, policies, or procedures of your church, to the extent that they relate solely to your church. That fully includes, in my opinion, any processing of LDS Church records, or even whether or not you choose to acknowledge letters such as this one, or do anything at all in response to them.

Never-the-less, I wish this letter to be recognized by you as a formal request to have my name removed from membership in your church. And, as mentioned, if I am ever asked about membership in your church, I intend to respond that I am not a member. At this time I feel that continued consent to being listed as a member of your church would be dishonest on my part, and that I need to correct it, out of respect for honesty, and even out of respect for your church, and out of respect for other people, whether or not they are members of your church.

I don't remember exactly when it was that I became listed as a member of your church-- that occurred many years ago. But I do remember that it was not because I believed that the LDS Church was “The One True Church of God”. I simply did not voice any objections to membership. I also voiced my opinion, just as I've stated above, that I believed (and continue to believe) that the President of your church has the complete right to dictate the affairs, policies, doctrines, assets, or procedures of your church in any way he sees fit, and be the sole spokesperson over your entire church, if that is his desire.

But that is not the same thing as believing that the President of the LDS Church is the sole spokesperson for God, upon this earth, or that your church is “The One True Church of God”. I do not believe that at all, and I have never believed that.

Consequently, at this time I feel that continued consent to being listed as a member of your church would be dishonest on my part, and that I need to correct it, out of respect for honesty, and even out of respect for your church, and out of respect for other people, whether or not they are members of your church.


Re: Resigned September 8, 2010

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 7:39 am
by MalcolmVillager
Very well written letter.

I hope that has given you the peace, freedom, and separation you sought.

I doubt I will ever write a letter. It is too complicated with family. I hope to become a Catholic Mormon. Go when I want and believe what I want. Sadly Mormonism doesn't make space for people like that. Especially those who are HP.

We will see how that plays out.

Re: Resigned September 8, 2010

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:59 am
by JustCurious
Thank you.

I was at peace with it long before writing the letter. Writing the letter just made answering the question "Are you a Mormon?" an easier question to answer without being called a liar by one side or another. :-)

Re: Resigned September 8, 2010

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 5:13 pm
by MoPag
Nice letter. And welcome to NOM!

Re: Resigned September 8, 2010

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:30 pm
by Gatorbait
Great letter JustCurious. You've got my respect.

Many years ago, when a friend of mine disassociated himself from the LDS church I asked him if he was still a member. He said that he'd not officially resigned, but that his membership did not exist on his own terms, and that he couldn't care less if any church feels the need to place his name on a membership role. His life- his terms.

I asked him if he was worried about the church members tracking him down, wanting to home teach him and fellowship him. He said that he was not worried about that. They could come if they wished, and he would speak to them if he chose. If he did not wish to have them around he would tell them.

To me, that was a very mature approach. This person knew little about the church other than things he learned up until his teen-age years. No deep rooted knowledge.

In any case, I think it takes a great deal of courage to resign from the LDS Church. I admire your courage noble one.