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I am now offically terrified

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 11:18 pm
by Meilingkie
So That's done

Had the live podcast with John Dehlin yesterday.
3 friends called in on the broadcast, and I am being bombarded with Messages and calls now.

From family, friends and complete strangers alike. Most positive but I didn't sleep last night.


I was so nervous in the beginning, but John puts you at easy really well.
Don't know where this is going to end, but I have started to dust off my nukes.....
Never know if I might need to use them.

Hope my SP understands He is treading on very thin ice if He tries to call me in.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:49 am
by Vlad the Emailer
I've always thought you were great, Meilingkie, and do even more so now.

The podcast was an incredible and brave thing to do. I haven't listened to it yet, but I will soon.

I hope there is nothing to be terrified about. You and your DW know where you stand with regard to the church. If this ends up transitioning you a little further, or just opening up your NOM world a little wider, that may well be for the best.

Good luck!

You know NOM is here for you!

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:55 am
by Mormorrisey
After listening to your interview, I can understand your feelings. Yet, I can't help feeling that the burden of proof is now on your leaders to prove you wrong. You made it very clear that all of this saddens you, that you wish the church would do better and not go through this, and gave a number of good suggestions to stop the bleeding. Drives me nuts that the church is so busy shooting the messengers, rather than listening to the number of ideas you had. This story is not over, and it will be interesting if your concerns are actually addressed.

NOM's got your back, buddy!

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:02 am
by SunbeltRed
Listening now!

It is awesome to put a voice with the texts I have read and heard here.

Good luck my friend, it will all be ok.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:16 am
by Zack Tacorin Dos

Don't know if I've gone on record on the new NOM site that I appreciate your input, but I really do. In huge part this is due to the fact that your perspective is other than North American. Not that there's anything wrong with a North American perspective, I just think it helps us North Americans to read your take on things. Add to this your gift for telling a story (the true kind) and the fact that the Church seems to be falling apart in your neck of the woods, news from you almost always puts me in the mood to sit back with a bucket of popcorn and watch.

I won't be able to listen to the podcast until later today, but I am so looking forward to it.

Thanks for putting yourself out there brother! And, a big shout-out to Mrs. Meilingkie for supporting you as you navigate your way through the Church debris!


Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:21 am
by Spicy McHaggis
Maybe it can be your lucky break. An easy exit.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 8:29 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Watching now! Really enjoying it.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:16 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
I'm probably biased by my participation on NOM and being a fan of Meilingkie before he was famous, but that was one of the most interesting and pertinent Dehlin interviews I've listened to in a long time. Really well done and quite concise for mormon stories.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:59 am
by Korihor
Mel - great job!!!
I've listened to part of it and you were awesome. I'm going to listen to the whole thing tonight.

Don't worry, you're going to be just fine. Embrace the attention and support. Your SP has ZERO power over you. This is your ball in your court playing your game, Just enjoy your time in the limelight and keep on keeping on.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:52 am
by Meilingkie
Called my best friend and informed him I did talk to John about the financial shenanigans.

John was aghast, roundly called it corruptie.
He asked me for a second podcast.

My friend is very interested but has concerns.
He is willing to go public IF He can protect our mutual friend de Stakeclerk.
We both want the SP to call a DC for his predecessor and the person cashing the 300K.
My friend thinks He should do it, because He has even more weight in the Church. Being a Cardcarrying former bishop and counselor to the SP.

We have a visiting GA at stakeconference in may.
So watch his space.

Thanks for all the compliments and encouragement. Love y'all

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:02 pm
by StarbucksMom
Thank you for being willing to stand up and tell the truth. And I will add my thanks to the others here who really enjoy hearing about your perspectives on/experiences with the Mormon church in Europe.

Mormon Inc is a bully, but the truth is they are scared and completely lost. They don't know which direction to take and their actions are erratic and lacking in purpose. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by a church that was not only started by a child pedophile, but still today----in 20-freaking-17, worships and defends him. Why be scared of an organization that glorifies marrying 14 year olds and foster children as "a commandment from God?"

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 12:10 pm
by Mormorrisey
Meilingkie wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:52 am Called my best friend and informed him I did talk to John about the financial shenanigans.

John was aghast, roundly called it corruptie.
He asked me for a second podcast.

My friend is very interested but has concerns.
He is willing to go public IF He can protect our mutual friend de Stakeclerk.
We both want the SP to call a DC for his predecessor and the person cashing the 300K.
My friend thinks He should do it, because He has even more weight in the Church. Being a Cardcarrying former bishop and counselor to the SP.

We have a visiting GA at stakeconference in may.
So watch his space.

Thanks for all the compliments and encouragement. Love y'all
That's the Mormon Stories I will be totally excited to hear. But I certainly understand your need to protect your source - that's a tough one. But someone needs to be accountable for these shenanigans. Protecting the church can only go so far. Good luck with your decision - balancing a desire to publish the nonsense and protecting yourself and others. Not an easy choice.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:00 pm
by Red Ryder
I gave this one a listen.

At first it comes across as extremely circumstantial. Then I realized that's the nature of the church and the reality we deal with as uninformed members. Without published or church released information, all we are left with is connecting the dots with our own reasoning.

Great job Meilingkie! (the John Dehlin of the Netherlands)

I missed the last 15 minutes. Did he name drop NOM? If not, everyone should leave a comment in the MS comments and reference NOM, and our home grown pseudo famous poster!

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 1:22 pm
by Meilingkie
Oh crap, yes I KNEW I forgot something.
And I had so promised Korihor to drop namedrop NOM....................

So sorry.....................

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:30 pm
by RubinHighlander
Good pod cast sir!
I commend you on your integrity and courage!

It brought back some memories to hear about Manchester and one of the Ashton wards closing. I served there 83-85. At that time, Manchester was the highest baptizing mission in Europe. I will also say the quality of the proselyting and the converts was not what I would consider quality work. It was definitely improving with my mission prez vs. the previous one, as I heard many stories of many kids getting baptized after being invited to learn how to play baseball and other such shinnanagans. I knew the stories were true because we visited many of those inactive members. I felt bad for my friends serving in Germany and Austria at that same time, as they reported little to no success.

I think all of this shrinkage will simply be written off by the COB and believed by the serving TBMs as the last days prophesy for separation of wheat from tares. It will just make the remaining few hunker down into their pool of dogma and feel even more special than they already do.


Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 2:52 pm
by redjay

I enjoyed the Podcast. As yet you have given the church no reason to come after you. You did say something along the lines of other churches having truth too/no one true church. In my email to my Stake President I said the same thing and it was respectfully treated - I also said the same in another conversation with a member of the stake presidency (not the SP) and again I was not punitively treated. So I don't think you need to be terrified, although I understand your concern.

Hopefully we are one tiny step closer to a church that embraces all (from orthodox to non-orthodox) thanks to your contribution.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:27 pm
by Give It Time
Bold move.

Fortune favors the bold.

Until then, I've found sleeping on my stomach calms my limbic system.

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:25 pm
by moksha

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 2:10 am
by Caligurl2012
I thought that was you when I was listening to the podcast episode yesterday. You did a great job!!!

Re: I am now offically terrified

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:12 am
by clean sweep
I don't hardly post much at all anymore. You have had quite the journey M. My DW Sargent Sweep listened. She also thought you did a great job. What you told us all solidifies that the church is really an American religion that bases what it does on religious colonization. Be not therefore terrified, for they have no power over you. Stand firm in the truth as it really is. Be cheerful and filled with gladness.

You done good 8-)