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Return of Red Crown

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:53 am
by Redcrown27
Hi everyone. I used to sometimes post on the old Nom and the staylds forums.

It has been quite the faith Journey. I still have Mormon friends and Mormon family. I no longer self identify as Mormon. I will keep my name on record for now.

I have attended other deNOMinations and am on record with those deNOMinations. I am on record on the New NEW ORDER MORMON! Having my name on record of one place or another is no big deal to me.

I felt like there was a spot for me in the LDS church but after so many middle ground podcasters and bloggers were excommunicated I felt like there was no spot for me. Now it seems like the LDS are saying "Believe and agree with everything or GET OUT!

so now I guess I will ride off in the sunset with a bag full of shattered testimonies and find my way elsewhere.

I will post time to time here. It will probably take over a year for me to break 100 posts like I did last time.

I am glad to see NOM has been reborn. I thank whoever it was that took the time to pray in the woods and felt inspired to have a restoration. ;)

Re: Return of Red Crown

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 7:34 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Yes the NOM hath been restored. It becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor. Glad to have you back!

Re: Return of Red Crown

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 8:50 am
by Red Ryder
Welcome back RC27!
Redcrown27 wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:53 am I felt like there was a spot for me in the LDS church but after so many middle ground podcasters and bloggers were excommunicated I felt like there was no spot for me. Now it seems like the LDS are saying "Believe and agree with everything or GET OUT!

so now I guess I will ride off in the sunset with a bag full of shattered testimonies and find my way elsewhere.
This resonates with me. I've found that we all carry away a small collective piece of Mormonism as we leave. Like the organization becomes less of what it once was leaving it more rigid, cold, and unrecognizable.

Re: Return of Red Crown

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:32 am
by No Tof
Seems like many of us are on similar tracks. I think keeping in touch with my Mormon roots through NOM is my strategy. Pretty sure Ive learned and been guided to more truth here then in fifty years of church attendance.

Glad to have you on board

Re: Return of Red Crown

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:55 am
by CaptainSalty
Redcrown27 wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:53 am I am glad to see NOM has been reborn. I thank whoever it was that took the time to pray in the woods and felt inspired to have a restoration. ;)
This is a very generous view of how NOM 2.0 was created. It was far more "I'm a duplicitous reprobate that is easily amused by LDS satire. How could I continue this tradition with a bunch of friends who also seemed to like NOM 1.0?" The fact that many people actually derive comfort and joy from fellowship with others in their faith transition is sometimes an accidental benefit of NOM 2.0.

Re: Return of Red Crown

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:35 pm
by MalcolmVillager
Welcome to New NOM!

Re: Return of Red Crown

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:01 am
by Newme
It really depends on leadership roulette, but some policies require even the most understanding bishops to be less than Christ-like, ironically.

Anyway, welcome!