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Re: Church paying $5 Million SEC fine

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:07 pm
by Hagoth
w2mz wrote: Sun Mar 05, 2023 12:49 pm I think the leadership is giving general members way too much credit. True believers won’t think for themselves, they’ll keep giving money regardless of how much wealth the church has, because of their mindless obedience.
I would have. If fact, I would probably have considered it a demonstration of my faith. Another of the God's trickster tests to separate the wheat from the tares.

Re: Church paying $5 Million SEC fine

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:30 am
by Cnsl1
wtfluff wrote: Sat Mar 04, 2023 1:03 pm
Cnsl1 wrote: Sat Mar 04, 2023 7:08 am I stand corrected.
Cnsl1: I hope I didn't "offend" you with my post. I wasn't necessarily trying to call you out. I have seen several posts elsewhere asking "who" stated that the fraud was committed to hide tithing funds from members.

I literally randomly found that screenshot over on that other website that might focus on "exMORmON" type stuff. :shock:

If true, I wonder how long "Brother" Clarke will remain "head of Ensign Peak Advisors" ?
You didn't offend me at all.

I hope I didn't sound offended.

I value accuracy and truth over opinion, so if I'm wrong, and there is data to support that I'm wrong, I appreciate knowing about it, so I can then adjust my thinking and make corrections and apologies as needed.

This is a pretty huge deal, but I'm not sure even something as blatant as violating an SEC rule for years (i.e. breaking the law) will influence a significant number of TBMs to stop or reduce their contributions. The church has already spun the story such that members can assume some lackeys made mistakes interpreting a complicated SEC rule and since God allows people their free agency, this caused a legal problem but the church handled it, and the matter is closed. It might even encourage more diligence in contributing since the church had to pay a million dollar fine, as well probably increased suspicion and distrust of the government who goes after God's church. God would not allow the prophet to lead us astray. Stay in the boat. Keep on the covenant path.

Re: Church paying $5 Million SEC fine

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 11:00 am
by wtfluff
Cnsl1 wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:30 am ...
I value accuracy and truth over opinion, so if I'm wrong, and there is data to support that I'm wrong, I appreciate knowing about it, so I can then adjust my thinking and make corrections and apologies as needed.
Me too.

Thanks for your reply.

Re: Church paying $5 Million SEC fine

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:48 am
by Hagoth
The latest Mormonism Live podcast does a great job of reading through the most salient sections of the SEC report and comparing/contrasting them with the church handbook and GA statements about honesty and integrity. ... -advisors/

Re: Church paying $5 Million SEC fine

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 8:26 pm
by 2bizE
I was watching the post-attainment speech by the NY district attorney regarding Trump and his 34 counts of fraud. Turns out Trump falsified documents and set up shell companies to hide his crimes….something he said sounded oddly familiar.