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Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:32 pm
by Linked
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
Note on the graph above, how much higher related deaths were in 2018 - yet no massive stimulus packages and shut downs etc. back then.
The USCDC is finally admitting that only 6% of the deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to covid. They exaggerated by 94%! And what is most sad is the insane herd mentality that believed it, even when this came out several months ago...
“More than 99% of coronavirus patients who died in Italy suffered from other, pre-existing health issues, according to a study by the country's health officials...”
Maybe put in these terms may help...
Newme, Your post is trolling and your position on the subject is an abject moral failing on your part and you should look in the mirror and make some changes.
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
Note on the graph above, how much higher related deaths were in 2018 - yet no massive stimulus packages and shut downs etc. back then.
What is your point here? That we should put less value on human life as a society? That the shut downs for COVID-19 and the stimulus package to support it in an attempt to save the lives and livelyhoods of Americans was a waste because more people have died before?
CDC estimates of deaths from flu and pneumonia during the 2017-2018 flu season which you referred to are 60,000 people. That is 1/3 of what we have seen so far from Coronavirus. The 60,000 number from 2017-2018 and the COVID-19 number of 180,000 so far were reported in a similar fashion, so this is an apples to apples comparison.
Most of the other deaths were caused by the typical leading causes of death; heart disease, cancer, accidental injuries, etc. None of these are communicable diseases, so lockdowns don't make sense to prevent them. We do spend money preventing each of these causes of death.
oliblish wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:36 am
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
The USCDC is finally admitting that only 6% of the deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to covid. They exaggerated by 94%! And what is most sad is the insane herd mentality that believed it, even when this came out several months ago...
The CDC is admitting no such thing. As a matter of fact they have come out and explicitly denied this because of all of the misinformation being spread on social media by the likes of you.
Newme, your statement is false, and it encourages behavior that is going to get many more people unnecessarily killed. Co-morbidities are not unusual on a death certificate. You need to change.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:34 pm
by Reuben
oliblish wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:36 am
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
The USCDC is finally admitting that only 6% of the deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to covid. They exaggerated by 94%! And what is most sad is the insane herd mentality that believed it, even when this came out several months ago...
The CDC is admitting no such thing. As a matter of fact they have come out and explicitly denied this because of all of the misinformation being spread on social media by the likes of you.
Could do without "the likes of you." Conservatives? Yes. President Trump? Yep. Let's not be mean though. ... vid-deaths
“Many clinicians will list the physiologic process which caused death,” says Dr. Braunstein. “For example, 55,000 of the death certificates had ‘respiratory failure’ listed as cause of death—we know that this is one of the most common mechanisms by which COVID-19 leads to death. We also know that in over 160,000 of the 180,000-plus deaths caused by COVID-19 in the US, COVID-19 was one of the diagnoses that was listed on the death certificate, and was felt to be the trigger for mortality.”
So because most doctors list the
physiologic cause of death - the big problem that finally did the person in - and COVID-19 never directly causes death,
you would expect a low percentage of death certificates to only list COVID-19. This is supported by the fact that pneumonia was another commonly listed comorbidity, which COVID-19 also causes.
There are also correlations to consider. Hypertension is commonly listed as a comorbidity, and not only is it fairly common, it's increasingly common with age - as is hospitalization for COVID-19 symptoms.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:41 pm
by alas
oliblish wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:36 am
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
The USCDC is finally admitting that only 6% of the deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to covid. They exaggerated by 94%! And what is most sad is the insane herd mentality that believed it, even when this came out several months ago...
The CDC is admitting no such thing. As a matter of fact they have come out and explicitly denied this because of all of the misinformation being spread on social media by the likes of you.
Yes, the CDC has specifically said this is a misrepresentation of facts. For example, I have a “pre existing condition” that will not kill me for another 30 years. And then my “cause of death” will probably be sited as my mother and grandmother were, as heart problems. Because it isn’t the “preexisting condition that will kill me, but lol
No term heart damage from my preexisting condition. My husband has the same preexisting condition, that won’t kill him for 20 years. My son and my oldest daughter who are in their early 40s have the same preexisting condition and it won’t kill them for another 50 years. My middle daughter has a different “preexisting condition” and it won’t kill her by itself at all. My two daughter in laws have still another “preexisting condition” that by itself won’t kill them at all. My son in law, who according to “preexisting conditions” doesn’t have any that make him more vulnerable to Covid, but he will most likely die before any of the rest of us because of war injuries he sustained in the gulf war. But if any of us get Covid, our “preexisting condition will be noted because although it will not kill us by itself, It does make us more vulnerable to Covid. So, if I die of Covid, it will be what kills me because my “preexisting condition” won’t kill me for YEARS.
You know 80% of the total population has a preexisting condition, because they are counting it if you are overweight.
Stop listening to conspiracy theories and the fake news that Fox puts out and FACT CHECK your information.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:58 pm
by oliblish
Reuben wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:34 pm
oliblish wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:36 am
The CDC is admitting no such thing. As a matter of fact they have come out and explicitly denied this because of all of the misinformation being spread on social media by the likes of you.
Could do without "the likes of you." Conservatives? Yes. President Trump? Yep. Let's not be mean though.
You are right. That was out of line. I apologize for the comment.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:18 pm
by Hagoth
As with so many things, the human problem of black and white thinking derails the potential for working together for the benefit of everyone. I know people who react in both extremes; some won't venture outside their front door for anything and think everyone should do the same, others claim the virus is a hoax and take no precautions at all. Black and white. Just like religious thinking (or rooted in it?).
Long term total shutdown of the economy is untenable. Maybe if people had followed the rules for a few months the current situation would be different? Who knows? You send kids away to college and they're going to party. How about they have to choose between staying home or staying on campus for a few months? Us over-60s know we have to take responsibility for ourselves to a large degree. Some don't and suffer for it.
I got a check in the mail that said in big, bold letters that it was from Donald Trump. I didn't ask for it, I didn't need it, and I didn't want it. This was purely political. It's not wasting money to help struggling people survive, but it sure as hell is a waste of money using it to buy votes. I used it to help someone who is struggling because their work has been put on hold because of COVID. Last I heard that person had not received their check and cannot get unemployment because they are part of the gig economy.
Maybe it cold be done better if our elected leaders would grow up and work together?
I think we also need, as a country, to learn more simple lessons about preparing for the future. Unfortunately there are a lot of people in this country who live paycheck to paycheck because they can't earn enough money to put anything away for the future. Also unfortunately, there are a lot of people who live paycheck to paycheck because they are unwilling to save and sacrifice in the near term. I have been kind of shocked at how many really nice cars I see on the news (many much better than mine) are lined up for food handouts.
I really wish we could start changing the public awareness from political jousting to common sense but I guess loud will always win over thoughtful.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:51 pm
by Red Ryder
“Hagoth” wrote: I got a check in the mail that said in big, bold letters that it was from Donald Trump. I didn't ask for it, I didn't need it, and I didn't want it. This was purely political. It's not wasting money to help struggling people survive, but it sure as hell is a waste of money using it to buy votes.
I considered mine to be part of my taxes paid that the government didn’t need to use so they sent back to me.

Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:34 am
by Not Buying It
Hagoth wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:18 pm
As with so many things, the human problem of black and white thinking derails the potential for working together for the benefit of everyone. I know people who react in both extremes; some won't venture outside their front door for anything and think everyone should do the same, others claim the virus is a hoax and take no precautions at all. Black and white. Just like religious thinking (or rooted in it?).
And this is where we are at in 2020 - rather than a pandemic being an opportunity to unite to solve a common, very serious problem, it is politicized and used to further divide an already deeply divided U.S. populace. And some people feel free to believe whatever they want to about it because many have been taught to think science is bogus, facts don't matter, and the news source of their choice that tells them what they want to hear all the time is all they can trust.
COVID has not only killed almost 200,000 Americans - many of them unnecessarily, when you look at the lower death rates in other countries - it has laid bare some pretty severe problems in civic life in the U.S. today. When we have good, hard evidence that a fast spreading virus that is deadly to vulnerable populations is among us, and the response among some is to politicize it, ignore the evidence, and willfully and intentionally engage in behaviors that increase the chances of it spreading it, putting their fellow Americans in danger- I'd say we're in a pretty big mess that won't go away even if COVID just one day magically disappears as our wise and fearless leader has said it will.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 8:29 am
by oliblish
Not Buying It wrote: ↑Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:34 am
Hagoth wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:18 pm
As with so many things, the human problem of black and white thinking derails the potential for working together for the benefit of everyone. I know people who react in both extremes; some won't venture outside their front door for anything and think everyone should do the same, others claim the virus is a hoax and take no precautions at all. Black and white. Just like religious thinking (or rooted in it?).
And this is where we are at in 2020 - rather than a pandemic being an opportunity to unite to solve a common, very serious problem, it is politicized and used to further divide an already deeply divided U.S. populace. And some people feel free to believe whatever they want to about it because many have been taught to think science is bogus, facts don't matter, and the news source of their choice that tells them what they want to hear all the time is all they can trust.
COVID has not only killed almost 200,000 Americans - many of them unnecessarily, when you look at the lower death rates in other countries - it has laid bare some pretty severe problems in civic life in the U.S. today. When we have good, hard evidence that a fast spreading virus that is deadly to vulnerable populations is among us, and the response among some is to politicize it, ignore the evidence, and willfully and intentionally engage in behaviors that increase the chances of it spreading it, putting their fellow Americans in danger- I'd say we're in a pretty big mess that won't go away even if COVID just one day magically disappears as our wise and fearless leader has said it will.
I wish there were a way to upvote posts in this system. This one and the post by Hagoth it is quoting both deserve many upvotes.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:22 am
by wtfluff
Not Buying It wrote: ↑Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:34 amAnd this is where we are at in 2020 - rather than a pandemic being an opportunity to unite to solve a common, very serious problem, it is politicized and used to further divide an already deeply divided U.S. populace.
This statement reminds me of an online conversation I was involved in a while before COVID-19 actually became a worldwide problem. It was something along the lines of the us-vs.-them/tribal mentality that humans can't get past. It was mentioned that there is no "Us Versus Them" when it comes to the entire human race: It should just be US. ALL of US together. At that point someone else said something along the lines of: "The only way the entire human population could ever actually unite and come together is if there were an alien invasion where all of us would have to fight together to survive."
And what do you know? A little while later we realized that an invisible "alien" enemy was spreading world-wide randomly killing off humans. This "alien invasion" did nothing to unite us, but just intensified the finger-pointing and tribalism. Not just finger-pointing in the U.S.A., but pretty much worldwide.
Once again I am reminded of the thought that bounces around my Fluffy head at times: It is an absolute miracle that the human race has survived as long as we have. It is amazing we haven't destroyed ourselves, despite ourselves.
Ok. End Fluffy rant/threadjack. Back to your normally scheduled Honey-Badger-Virus/SARS-COV-II/COVID-19 "discussion."
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:14 am
by Mormorrisey
Can I give you an outsider's view of what's going on with my neighbour to the south? I simply can't understand it.
I have no idea how a pandemic can become politicized. It's a virus, for God's sake. It's not a political tool.
How do you blame a country for a virus, just because it started there? China had thousands of their people die as well, and probably more than that, given their tendency towards censorship. It's a virus. They know no nationality or political creed.
What I simply cannot understand, is that people REALLY believe that China instituted a worldwide pandemic just on the OFF-CHANCE that Trump would not be elected. I have an in-law that lives in the American Southwest, has been Trumpinized by her husband into really believing this, has sent us the Plandemic video, and all sorts of crap from the Federalist and other great media sources to confirm the nonsense she's peddling. And I would say that to her - "you REALLY think that the whole world has made this up, just in case Trump gets elected again? Because I'm pretty confident that the world doesn't give a rat's tushy for Trump one way or the other. I know I don't." But she's adamant that this is the case. She even believed that tests were faked, the virus was largely a non-issue, and she wasn't going to live in fear with a mask.
Until she and her family caught covid.
Now it's a problem, and I do feel compassion for her and her family's situation as they really are sick, can't work, and are really going through a difficult time. And she's sure not telling people that it's a hoax anymore. She doesn't even have the energy to talk to Sis M, she's feeling so bad. It's pretty tough, and I'm having a hard time chastising my kids who rolled their eyes at this person's Trump worship, but are now having a little "I told you so" fun at this sick person's expense.
Lookit. Canada had similar problems of finger pointing and political stupidity, but by and large all four major political parties were on the same page when it came to financial stimulus, shutting down when it needed it, a reliance on top doctors for advice, and all of that. I never thought in my lifetime I would see a Conservative premier of the largest province tell the world how much he appreciated the work the Liberal Finance Minster/Deputy Prime Minister was doing in her job. My jaw hit the floor. The sad thing is that it appears that grace period is over, and it seems it's back to politics as normal. But boy, during the pandemic it was nice while it lasted. But it's still not as divisive as what's going on with ya'll.
It's a bit crazy to me, as an outsider, how divided the US has become. It's sad, and makes me worried for my kids that live there.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:24 am
by FiveFingerMnemonic
How do you blame a country for a virus, just because it started there? China had thousands of their people die as well, and probably more than that, given their tendency towards censorship. It's a virus. They know no nationality or political creed.
You can't blame them for the existence of the virus but you can blame their government for its incompetence in letting it escape the lab where it was being researched and then covering up the seriousness of the situation. Hell even the chinese were pissed at their communist overlords for ignoring the pleadings of the young Wuhan doctor who died of the virus after trying to warn everyone. Eff the CCP!
And by the way, they continue to harvest organs from minority groups. Pure evil. ... s_in_China
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 12:43 pm
by Red Ryder
Mormorrisey wrote: ↑Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:14 am
Can I give you an outsider's view of what's going on with my neighbour to the south? I simply can't understand it.
I have no idea how a pandemic can become politicized. It's a virus, for God's sake. It's not a political tool.
How do you blame a country for a virus, just because it started there? China had thousands of their people die as well, and probably more than that, given their tendency towards censorship. It's a virus. They know no nationality or political creed.
What I simply cannot understand, is that people REALLY believe that China instituted a worldwide pandemic just on the OFF-CHANCE that Trump would not be elected. I have an in-law that lives in the American Southwest, has been Trumpinized by her husband into really believing this, has sent us the Plandemic video, and all sorts of crap from the Federalist and other great media sources to confirm the nonsense she's peddling. And I would say that to her - "you REALLY think that the whole world has made this up, just in case Trump gets elected again? Because I'm pretty confident that the world doesn't give a rat's tushy for Trump one way or the other. I know I don't." But she's adamant that this is the case. She even believed that tests were faked, the virus was largely a non-issue, and she wasn't going to live in fear with a mask.
Until she and her family caught covid.
Now it's a problem, and I do feel compassion for her and her family's situation as they really are sick, can't work, and are really going through a difficult time. And she's sure not telling people that it's a hoax anymore. She doesn't even have the energy to talk to Sis M, she's feeling so bad. It's pretty tough, and I'm having a hard time chastising my kids who rolled their eyes at this person's Trump worship, but are now having a little "I told you so" fun at this sick person's expense.
Lookit. Canada had similar problems of finger pointing and political stupidity, but by and large all four major political parties were on the same page when it came to financial stimulus, shutting down when it needed it, a reliance on top doctors for advice, and all of that. I never thought in my lifetime I would see a Conservative premier of the largest province tell the world how much he appreciated the work the Liberal Finance Minster/Deputy Prime Minister was doing in her job. My jaw hit the floor. The sad thing is that it appears that grace period is over, and it seems it's back to politics as normal. But boy, during the pandemic it was nice while it lasted. But it's still not as divisive as what's going on with ya'll.
It's a bit crazy to me, as an outsider, how divided the US has become. It's sad, and makes me worried for my kids that live there.
I think the majority of people here would agree with your concern. I think there is a high level of sensationalism going on by different participants that captures the media attention.
It’s a muddy mess of multiple issues that creates a much bigger problem. Here’s how I look at it.
Issues in no particular order of importance:
1. The Election and Trump/narcissist factor.
1a. Interference by foreign gov’s to sow discontent?
2. The Pandemic and inability to maintain a clear and concise public health message; should we wear a mask or not? Is inventory and supply chain stable enough to provide health care workers and the public?
3. Racial tensions that exploded with the killing of Goerge Floyd.
4. The wealth gap and socioeconomic divide. Healthcare affordability, etc
5. Never ending Immigration debate
All of these issues have meshed into one giant clusterfnck that the media has to constantly keep in the headlines in order for their business models to survive.
Things would have (hopefully) been different if the pandemic hit in any other non-election year and a mentally stable POTUS.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:18 pm
by Not Buying It
FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: ↑Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:24 am
How do you blame a country for a virus, just because it started there? China had thousands of their people die as well, and probably more than that, given their tendency towards censorship. It's a virus. They know no nationality or political creed.
You can't blame them for the existence of the virus but you can blame their government for its incompetence in letting it escape the lab where it was being researched and then covering up the seriousness of the situation. Hell even the chinese were pissed at their communist overlords for ignoring the pleadings of the young Wuhan doctor who died of the virus after trying to warn everyone. Eff the CCP!
And by the way, they continue to harvest organs from minority groups. Pure evil. ... s_in_China sure are you about that idea that COVID-19 escaped a lab? I'm not sure there is scientific consensus on that point. I'd be interested in some sources on that claim.
Regardless, I'm not sure it is particularly fair of politicians in the U.S. to go on about China's incompetence in handling the virus given our own incompetence at the national level in dealing with it ourselves. There's no way to spin it, the federal government has done a completely incompetent job of addressing it. Hell, the Commander in Chief is still mocking people for wearing masks - that isn't just incompetence, that's harmful.
And yes, harvesting organs from minority groups is pure evil, I agree, but I am not sure how that relates to blame for the spread of the virus.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 2:43 pm
by FiveFingerMnemonic
Not Buying It wrote:FiveFingerMnemonic wrote: ↑Fri Sep 04, 2020 11:24 am
How do you blame a country for a virus, just because it started there? China had thousands of their people die as well, and probably more than that, given their tendency towards censorship. It's a virus. They know no nationality or political creed.
You can't blame them for the existence of the virus but you can blame their government for its incompetence in letting it escape the lab where it was being researched and then covering up the seriousness of the situation. Hell even the chinese were pissed at their communist overlords for ignoring the pleadings of the young Wuhan doctor who died of the virus after trying to warn everyone. Eff the CCP!
And by the way, they continue to harvest organs from minority groups. Pure evil. ... s_in_China sure are you about that idea that COVID-19 escaped a lab? I'm not sure there is scientific consensus on that point. I'd be interested in some sources on that claim.
Regardless, I'm not sure it is particularly fair of politicians in the U.S. to go on about China's incompetence in handling the virus given our own incompetence at the national level in dealing with it ourselves. There's no way to spin it, the federal government has done a completely incompetent job of addressing it. Hell, the Commander in Chief is still mocking people for wearing masks - that isn't just incompetence, that's harmful.
And yes, harvesting organs from minority groups is pure evil, I agree, but I am not sure how that relates to blame for the spread of the virus.
The fact that Wuhan the epicenter happens to be the home to China's premier virology lab. The claim isn't that the virus was designed or created artificially, we know it originates in bats naturally, but it is a fact that they have been studying these viruses ever since the original SARS there. Wet markets could be a source but have been cracked down on as illegal and the pangolin intermediate species theory has been debunked. And whether it came from the lab that is right in the epicenter or a wet market, either way the fault lies with those communist autocrats for their incompetence either way. And yes, making governments our "Gods" to rule over us no matter ours or someone else's type IS the problem. If I have learned anything from faith transition it is this. You can't trust any man made institution or leader. They will only let you down in the end. ... ab-origin/
And the organ harvesting is pertinent because it demonstrates that they don't care for human life and have no impetus for competence in handling deadly viruses.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:27 pm
by Newme
oliblish wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:36 am
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
The USCDC is finally admitting that only 6% of the deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to covid. They exaggerated by 94%! And what is most sad is the insane herd mentality that believed it, even when this came out several months ago...
The CDC is admitting no such thing. As a matter of fact they have come out and explicitly denied this because of all of the misinformation being spread on social media by the likes of you.
Sorry but you’re mistaken...
About half-way down the screen page The Center for Health Statistics August 26, 2020 update on provisional death counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) states the following:
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”
Again, for anyone paying attention, this is not really new. Way back in March...
“More than 99% of Italy's coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country's national health authority.”
In a real pandemic, worthy of all these draconian oppressive measures, people would be dropping like flies all around us - but they’re not.
What I find most disturbing are Hitler-type insane oppression - people telling on one another, neighbors having neighbors arrested for playing in the park or getting their water shut off for having a family gathering. Wake up people! There are actual threats besides the red herrings you’re all programmed to chase after.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:52 pm
by Newme
Linked wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:32 pm
Newme, Your post is trolling and your position on the subject is an abject moral failing on your part and you should look in the mirror and make some changes...
What is your point here? That we should put less value on human life as a society? That the shut downs for COVID-19 and the stimulus package to support it in an attempt to save the lives and livelyhoods of Americans was a waste because more people have died before?
...Newme, your statement is false, and it encourages behavior that is going to get many more people unnecessarily killed. Co-morbidities are not unusual on a death certificate. You need to change.
Why engage in ad hominem attack if you’re so sure?
Why resort to trying to put me down? Does that help you feel better?
How many deaths have been caused because people were scared and didn’t get treatment when they needed it - due to unfounded paranoia??
How many people have lost jobs - not just in the US where they have resources to turn to, but in already poverty-stricken areas where they have no such resources?
This is why I don’t like coming on this forum, I’m disappointed. I come here unrealistically expecting people to see through BS, but same ol’. Why? I was thinking about possible reasons... I imagine how some TBM BPD family seem to operate. And maybe it’s similar to homosexuality becoming an issue on which to dictate how “loving” someone supposedly is. Both that & this covid BS are based on appeal to emotion & emotional reasoning.
A study suggested 70% of people are more concerned with others’ view of them than doing what’s right. This is why even otherwise intelligent people succumb to appeal to emotion nonsense. They’re not stupid - they know when bad is portrayed as good, & when lies are portrayed as truth - but what matters more to them is FEELING like others like them... So they join the herd, & may even lie to themselves which just makes them more knotted up inside. Then when someone dares present inconvenient facts, they freak out because deep down they know it’s true & it’s a reminder how they sold themselves out & other truth they’ve carefully avoided.
Correct me if I’m wrong. (As if I need to add that.

Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:23 am
by Hagoth
wtfluff wrote: ↑Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:22 am
"The only way the entire human population could ever actually unite and come together is if there were an alien invasion where all of us would have to fight together to survive."
But this is what would probably really happen:
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:32 am
by Hagoth
Newme wrote: ↑Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:27 pm
About half-way down the screen page The Center for Health Statistics August 26, 2020 update on provisional death counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) states the following:
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”
Of course the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. As Alas pointed out, yes most deaths are of people who have preexisting conditions BUT few of those conditions are fatal by themselves. The most common is obesity. If you've taken a look around the country lately, about half of Americans suffer from this preexisting condition but seem to be able to survive somehow anyway.
I'm not arguing that there aren't a lot of people and media sources overreacting, but there are a lot of people underreacting too, or worse, using it as an opportunity belittle people who are just trying to be careful and protect their loved ones, many of whom are older or have preexisting conditions.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:29 am
by Hagoth
Newme wrote: ↑Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:52 pm
And maybe it’s similar to homosexuality becoming an issue on which to dictate how “loving” someone supposedly is.
Just a warning. I will freeze this thread if it turns into another tirade about anal fissures.
Re: What are you doing to protect your family against the virus?
Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:05 pm
by oliblish
Newme wrote: ↑Sat Sep 05, 2020 4:27 pm
oliblish wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:36 am
Newme wrote: ↑Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:48 am
The USCDC is finally admitting that only 6% of the deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to covid. They exaggerated by 94%! And what is most sad is the insane herd mentality that believed it, even when this came out several months ago...
The CDC is admitting no such thing. As a matter of fact they have come out and explicitly denied this because of all of the misinformation being spread on social media by the likes of you.
Sorry but you’re mistaken...
About half-way down the screen page The Center for Health Statistics August 26, 2020 update on provisional death counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) states the following:
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.”
Again, for anyone paying attention, this is not really new. Way back in March...
“More than 99% of Italy's coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country's national health authority.”
In a real pandemic, worthy of all these draconian oppressive measures, people would be dropping like flies all around us - but they’re not.
What I find most disturbing are Hitler-type insane oppression - people telling on one another, neighbors having neighbors arrested for playing in the park or getting their water shut off for having a family gathering. Wake up people! There are actual threats besides the red herrings you’re all programmed to chase after.
Sorry, but I am NOT mistaken. The CDC is NOT admitting that only 6% of deaths they blamed on Covid were actually due to Covid as you have claimed. And like I said in my previous post, they have issued a statement to correct those who are trying to twist their numbers.
This is not just my opinion. This comes from Bob Anderson, who is the chief of mortality statistics at the CDC:
People are misinterpreting standard death certificate language, CDC's top expert on mortality said. President Trump has retweeted social media conspiracy theories saying that only a small percentage of the people reported to have died from coronavirus really did die from the virus. They have pointed to death certificates that list other underlying causes.
But that doesn't mean the patients did not die from coronavirus, Bob Anderson, chief of mortality statistics at the CDC, said in a statement.
"In 94% of deaths with COVID-19, other conditions are listed in addition to COVID-19. These causes may include chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension," Anderson said in the statement, provided to CNN by CDC. "In 6% of the death certificates that list Covid-19, only one cause or condition is listed," the statement added.
"The underlying cause of death is the condition that began the chain of events that ultimately led to the person's death. In 92% of all deaths that mention Covid-19, Covid-19 is listed as the underlying cause of death."
Source: ... index.html
Anthony Fauci says much the same thing:
A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report is being twisted by conspiracy theorists to imply the COVID-19 death toll is not as serious as it sounds, health experts say. In response, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other medical authorities say unequivocally that at least 180,000 Americans have died because of this virus.
And if anything, the figure is likely an undercount, say health experts.
"Let there not be any confusion," Fauci said after President Donald Trump retweeted an article that inaccurately suggested the real number of COVID-19 deaths is 9,000. "It's not 9,000 deaths from COVID-19. It's 180,000-plus deaths," Fauci told Good Morning America. "The point that the CDC was trying to make was that a certain percentage of [deaths] had nothing else but COVID," Fauci said.
"That does not mean that someone who has hypertension, or diabetes who dies of COVID didn't die of COVID-19. They did."
The report, which was published Aug. 26 and is part of the CDC's standard weekly data update to the public, looks at death certificates and noted that COVID-19 was the only cause of death listed in 6% of deaths involving the coronavirus.
But some have misinterpreted this figure in two ways, by suggesting that only 6% of COVID-19 deaths are from COVID-19, and that only people with preexisting conditions are at risk of serious illness. Neither of these interpretations is correct, say experts.
A spokesperson for the mortality branch of the National Center for Health Statistics, which is part of the CDC, told ABC News that death certificates typically list any causes or conditions that contributed to mortality.
"These causes are entered into the death certificate by a physician, medical examiner, or coroner," the NCHS spokesperson said. "Death certificates may have one or more causes or conditions listed, as determined based on the medical expertise of that professional."
The NCHS defines "underlying cause of death" as "the condition that began the chain of events that ultimately led to the person’s death."
According to the NCHS, in 92% of all deaths that mention COVID-19, COVID-19 is listed as the underlying cause of death. There were 161,392 such death certificates as of Aug. 22, the NCHS found. On 94% of death certificates that mention COVID-19, an additional condition is also listed, such as diabetes, hypertension, pneumonia or respiratory failure.
Source: ... d=72759172
I fear I am wasting my time and I doubt facts and statements from top experts in the field will change your mind. I find it ironic that you will tout numbers published by the CDC but will ignore the experts at the same CDC that explain what those numbers mean.
I am done responding to this issue.