Perhaps, but this is often the case. A wheelchair for an impaired person, thyroxin when the thyroid goes bad. You're assuming we have ability and purposes we do not or may not possess.If a medicine exists that placates bad behavior by substitute without expiration then there is no healing, only supression.
See above, no-one claimed curative powers. You've moved into strawman territory here refuting things we didn't claim.The suggestion that pornography keeps child molestors from abuse and rapists from assault would require that at some point these would cease their need for such a prescription, yet that is not the case.
It can, but this is too general of a statement. The details tend to support legalisation, regulation and that sort of thing rather than banning in total. So most porn in production in the western world is legal. It's managed under consent, contracts, health standards and so on. Where the trafficking tends to occur is in those areas that are illegal. Underage content, co-erced content and so on. This is illegal and rightly so, to produce, consume and so on. Banning doesn't eliminate this, but with access to legal distribution and production, you can more easily police and control. This is because you've already undercut the primary financial basis of the illegal system with the more popular mainstream content and its legal access Similar to how legalizing marijuana can and does undercut aspects of illegal production and distribution. It doesn't eliminate, but it cuts criminal income and production streams and increases jobs, and taxes for society.Furthermore supporting men and women and children who participate in producing pornography creates an industry that encourages human trafficking, disintegrates sexual intimacy, and inspires others to cease productivity for a chance to profit from the gratification of their bodies.
Back to the strawman. The addiction claim is not inevidence. The crime claim is overstated and largely does not apply as the crimes you assert do not happen generally. Technically porn is illegal, erotica is not. What is commonly called porn is really erotica in the legal sense and this is why its production and consumption are legal.For the reason of repeated consumption and withdrawal that contributes to crime and sexual distortion and sloth, pornography does not heal, is not medicine, and cannot be considered therapeutic.
Sexual distortion can happen, but its for personal history and predisposition issues rather than consumption. This is fairly well established.
Sloth--this is just silly. You don't dictate what someone else does with their time and finds value in. You can judge it but that's just personal opinion. The arrogant judgement here is unwarranted. Your standards aren't absolute and have no weight in what we think of your argument. Indeed it's a weakness in the argument because you're applying standards that aren't agreed upon as valuable.
Healing isn't the claim, that's a strawman.