Re: Return and Report: Magic Mushrooms in the Desert
Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 2:59 pm
A place to love and accept the people who think about and live Mormonism on their own terms.
Indeed. I think there are yet discoveries to be made to help people who are trying to overcome various types and severity of mental illness.
I searched until I found the original 1945 version of Yogananda's autobiography rather than the new version going around. I'm not sure what piece of the human mind is drawn to tales of miracles - those who can float, tales of those who can read minds, who have lived past normal life expectancies, who cast visions and materialize themselves, stop their hearts and start them again, take large doses of drugs with no effect.... On the cover page is the quote "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe" John 4:48 .... The book does have the power to carry you away, I caught myself calculating capillary forces of water in trees after the book made a convincing at first glance statement that trees had heartbeats, that their cells contracted to push water up the trunk.. It was not true. There are no real documented cases of people actually stopping their hearts. With each description of miracles in the book is the idea of pursuing enlightenment not parlor tricks, that the parlor tricks are just the side effects, and not to be sought after - the same "do not seek for signs" kind of thing. There are interesting MRI studies of how meditation does actually change your brain, and some wheat among the tares as in all groups. It is good science fiction.
Myths are a way of encoding information in stories that are fantastic or irrational in some way that makes them memorable. I think people respond to myths as a way of framing ideas and norms when the fundamental, abstract concept itself is difficult to visualize or summarize. It is a way of passing down information about what is culturally important. In a culture that is centered around a person the myths, of course, will be exaggerations of things that person said, did, or experienced. Their main goal is to maintain the sense of awe that accompanied that person's presence to later generations.Angel wrote: ↑Fri Jul 02, 2021 9:24 amI searched until I found the original 1945 version of Yogananda's autobiography rather than the new version going around. I'm not sure what piece of the human mind is drawn to tales of miracles - those who can float, tales of those who can read minds, who have lived past normal life expectancies, who cast visions and materialize themselves, stop their hearts and start them again, take large doses of drugs with no effect.... On the cover page is the quote "Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe" John 4:48 .... The book does have the power to carry you away, I caught myself calculating capillary forces of water in trees after the book made a convincing at first glance statement that trees had heartbeats, that their cells contracted to push water up the trunk.. It was not true. There are no real documented cases of people actually stopping their hearts. With each description of miracles in the book is the idea of pursuing enlightenment not parlor tricks, that the parlor tricks are just the side effects, and not to be sought after - the same "do not seek for signs" kind of thing. There are interesting MRI studies of how meditation does actually change your brain, and some wheat among the tares as in all groups. It is good science fiction.
For the Yogi's, there are rumors it started as a way to intimidate neighboring hostile forces. Spread rumors of powerful mystical yogi's living somewhere and people are less likely to attack you. Patriotic citizens keep the rumors alive, the yogi's make a good living of people giving them $ for their spiritual guidance, it becomes entrenched and part of what everyone believes is essential for survival, and it is still going on today with fervent believers who all "feel the spirit" - literally - over what is in their mind. I have felt "the spirit" or whatever you want to call it too, in several different groups with vastly different beliefs. It is an incredible thing, and I still do not understand what that feeling is. It does not "testify of truth", it does not protect, or prophecy of future events. It can bond people together, it can elevate you. I do think "elevation emotion" is the closest thing, although I would not call it an "emotion" as it is different from that. "elevation" yes.Hagoth wrote: ↑Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:29 pm
Myths are a way of encoding information in stories that are fantastic or irrational in some way that makes them memorable. I think people respond to myths as a way of framing ideas and norms when the fundamental, abstract concept itself is difficult to visualize or summarize. It is a way of passing down information about what is culturally important. In a culture that is centered around a person the myths, of course, will be exaggerations of things that person said, did, or experienced. Their main goal is to maintain the sense of awe that accompanied that person's presence to later generations.
Mormonism is a wonderful example of how quickly myths evolve in the gaps to create useful bridges. Was Joseph Smith literally visited by Peter, James, and John, and did they lay hands on his head and pass the Melchizedek priesthood on to him? Did Brigham Young transform into Joseph Smith? Did Jesus appear to Lorenzo Snow and tell him to break norms and form a presidency immediately? Of course not, but just look how powerful those myths have been in crystalizing the notion that there is an unbroken chain of authority that has been carefully orchestrated by God.
I absolutely love everything you said here, Angel. I'm all about separating the experience of "feeling the spirit" from the religions who claim to own it. No one owns "the spirit," whatever the hell it is, and as soon as you hand over the reigns to an organization who claims to control your access to it you give up something very important. Not that it doesn't work for some people, but I would rather open my mouth and catch the rain, rather than sip from a half-full sacrament cup. If you don't know you can genuinely feel the spirit while looking at the night sky or walking through the forest, it's something you really should learn. And it can be magnified by groups, which is something that churches take advantage of. Ask wtfluff about his spiritual experience at a heavy metal concert! I have actually been taught in church that if you claim to feel the spirit in nature you are succumbing to a counterfeit spirit that Satan uses to make you think you don't need to be in church or reading the Book of Mormon to feel the real spirit. There is nothing that undermines a religion's authority than coming to the realization that we all have equal access, and there's no such thing as genuine religious authority. I feel the same about gurus, although I'm sure there are teachers out there, among the sea of charlatans, who really could be valuable guides if you could find one.Angel wrote: ↑Fri Jul 02, 2021 11:42 pmFor the Yogi's, there are rumors it started as a way to intimidate neighboring hostile forces. Spread rumors of powerful mystical yogi's living somewhere and people are less likely to attack you. Patriotic citizens keep the rumors alive, the yogi's make a good living of people giving them $ for their spiritual guidance, it becomes entrenched and part of what everyone believes is essential for survival, and it is still going on today with fervent believers who all "feel the spirit" - literally - over what is in their mind. I have felt "the spirit" or whatever you want to call it too, in several different groups with vastly different beliefs. It is an incredible thing, and I still do not understand what that feeling is. It does not "testify of truth", it does not protect, or prophecy of future events. It can bond people together, it can elevate you. I do think "elevation emotion" is the closest thing, although I would not call it an "emotion" as it is different from that. "elevation" yes.Hagoth wrote: ↑Fri Jul 02, 2021 3:29 pm
Myths are a way of encoding information in stories that are fantastic or irrational in some way that makes them memorable. I think people respond to myths as a way of framing ideas and norms when the fundamental, abstract concept itself is difficult to visualize or summarize. It is a way of passing down information about what is culturally important. In a culture that is centered around a person the myths, of course, will be exaggerations of things that person said, did, or experienced. Their main goal is to maintain the sense of awe that accompanied that person's presence to later generations.
Mormonism is a wonderful example of how quickly myths evolve in the gaps to create useful bridges. Was Joseph Smith literally visited by Peter, James, and John, and did they lay hands on his head and pass the Melchizedek priesthood on to him? Did Brigham Young transform into Joseph Smith? Did Jesus appear to Lorenzo Snow and tell him to break norms and form a presidency immediately? Of course not, but just look how powerful those myths have been in crystalizing the notion that there is an unbroken chain of authority that has been carefully orchestrated by God.
For those of us who have spent time in a cult, there are some who want to fill that void by joining another cult. Like someone who goes through a divorce, and then jumps into some horrible re-bound relationship immediately afterwards. I do think there are some healthy forms of spirituality out there, but am being very cautious about it. I'm guessing that "real" spirituality is in moderation - just keep away from the extremes, take things small steps at a time, cautious, moderate, try small bites here and there.![]()
Heavy metal concert,Hagoth wrote: ↑Sat Jul 03, 2021 6:58 am ... If you don't know you can genuinely feel the spirit while looking at the night sky or walking through the forest, it's something you really should learn. And it can be magnified by groups, which is something that churches take advantage of. Ask wtfluff about his spiritual experience at a heavy metal concert!...