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Re: Garment Changes

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:22 pm
by Rob4Hope
Emower wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:11 pm
Rob4Hope wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:41 pm
asa wrote: Thu Oct 26, 2017 4:19 pm
The part of taking off their garments is true. However the details are much different than common assumed . Joseph recommended to the group that went with him that they not wear them because " it was too hot' . Everyone except Willard Richards followed Joseph's example . After they were in the jail . The accounts differ in some details but the consensus is that Joseph sent Stephen Markham ( or the jailer's assistant) out to buy wine ( and probably tobacco )so that their spirits might be" lifted". Markham went out and bought the wine but the jailer would not let him rejoin the group . He did take the wine to the prisoners and their spirits were lifted. A few hours later the mob attacked and Joseph and Hyrum were killed and John Taylor seriously wounded .Richards was not harmed at all . Hence all the faith promoting stories about the efficacy of wearing garments

Now wait just a damn minute?

Markan went out to purchase wine? and tabacco? The kind you drink and enjoy,...err....and the kind you smoke?

I am REALLY loosing my testimony now! Inconceivable!

Why can JS take off his garments and drink alcohol and smoke tobacco. Oh wait...he didn't drink it cuz it was non-alcohol kind.


Phew. Glad that faith crisis stuff has passed. Almost lost my testimony over that!!! ;)

And lest we all forget, he did NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN! If he did, Brian Hales would have said so.

So there...(i say with sarcasm...)

[[I'm feeling snarky tonight]]
It was grape juice, I am sure.
Righttttttt.....unhun.......grape juice. You know it know it.....