How did you find the new site?

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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by ThirdTier »

After checking the old URL for the 100th time, I checked Reddit. Thank you all who have brought it back!!! Reddit is good for spreading disaffected Mormon news but I really don't like the predominant tone there. I dunno maybe it's just because I'm not a millennial.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by GoodBoy »

desertrat posted to our local Facebook support group. Thanks Desertrat!
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by DPRoberts »

MDB via Google. The calling Thayne thread.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Corsair »

ThirdTier wrote:After checking the old URL for the 100th time, I checked Reddit. Thank you all who have brought it back!!! Reddit is good for spreading disaffected Mormon news but I really don't like the predominant tone there. I dunno maybe it's just because I'm not a millennial.
It's not just the tone. The pace of discussion on Reddit has been likened to a drive-by shooting. I have seen some very kind reception to believers openly posting on reddit/r/exmormon where they did want honest, polite answers. And it's warmly gratifying to see members of the ExJW group cross posting in commiseration of similar issues of a faith transition. But I also appreciate a more thoughtful pace and longer discussion format on NOM. So that's why Red Ryder, Hagoth, and I put it back together. I have to give a lot of credit to Thayne for navigating the tone of the old site into something good and resilient that led us to re-congregate at NOM 2.0.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Korihor »

Red Ryder wrote:What's this Facebook thing I keep hearing about?
It's a blessing developed by heathens for the benefit of the one true church. God shared an extra few precious minutes of Holy Ghost time with some guy so he would get the inspiration to create a free internet based membership monitoring tool for the Strengthening Church Members Committee. God works in mysterious ways, usually to the financial benefit of his celestial corporation.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Dravin »

I found it because it was mentioned on r/NOMforum. Reddit and NOM scratch different itches for me, and ignoring format differences they have different tones and community. r/exmormon is like a football stadium, thousands of people cheering, booing, gasping at bad and amazing plays, people arguing over ref calls and maybe debating with the stranger next to them if the '84 line up was the best there ever was. NOM is more like a family reunion where people form into clusters to talk about something and you float between those clusters and encounter people you know well and get introduced to the occasional third cousin thrice removed.

It's not that NOM is better, or reddit is worse, they're different and serve different purposes.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by MalcolmVillager »

Some call it luck, others call it faith, I call it destiny!

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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by document »

I found out through Goodboy. :)
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by The Montanan »

Just found this site on Google. I was wondering where it went to.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by 2bizE »

I think red rider posted on MD and that is how I saw it.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by LostMormon »

Red Ryder wrote:What's this Facebook thing I keep hearing about?

Does anyone know how to get ahold of wonderment, the running mom, and so many others? We still have to find about 4900 lost NOMs.

I could put it in the ward bulletin. :)
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by moksha »

Maybe having a Star of NOM that Wise Men from the East may follow bearing gifts the Pengi consisting of Diet Coke, Pad Thai, and Baklava.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by MerrieMiss »

Someone using the name Wonderment has posted on fMh. I don't go there much these days, so I don't know if it's the same person or if they still frequent that site.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by azflyer »

kishkumen / korihor / whatever his name is texted me about it. Otherwise I would have continued to look at the blue screen of death on the old page every week or so when I went to check it.
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Red Ryder »

MerrieMiss wrote:Someone using the name Wonderment has posted on fMh. I don't go there much these days, so I don't know if it's the same person or if they still frequent that site.
Is she super polite and full of great wisdom? If so that could be her? Somebody needs to reach out to her please!
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Monomo »

azflyer wrote: Otherwise I would have continued to look at the blue screen of death on the old page every week or so when I went to check it.
Haha! Me too. Sad times. . .
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by TheRunningmom »

Finally found you all! I got a notification on Tapatalk of a chat going on. I scrolled up and saw I missed a ton of chatter, including the new address. I've missed NOM so much! I signed up a few days ago, waited for an activation email that never came, then found I was able to log in anyway.

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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by AllieOop »

TheRunningmom wrote:Finally found you all! I got a notification on Tapatalk of a chat going on. I scrolled up and saw I missed a ton of chatter, including the new address. I've missed NOM so much! I signed up a few days ago, waited for an activation email that never came, then found I was able to log in anyway.

So happy to be here :D
Yay! You made it :)

I'm so glad to see you here!
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Red Ryder »

TheRunningmom wrote:Finally found you all! I got a notification on Tapatalk of a chat going on. I scrolled up and saw I missed a ton of chatter, including the new address. I've missed NOM so much! I signed up a few days ago, waited for an activation email that never came, then found I was able to log in anyway.

So happy to be here :D
We can call off the search party now!

Welcome back!
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Re: How did you find the new site?

Post by Just This Guy »

Jinx wrote:
Corsair wrote:
Jinx wrote:There's a New Order Mormon Facebook group that I joined with the specific purpose of finding you guys.
There is a New Order Mormon Facebook group? I may have to do some lurking there. It's a closed group but they let me in immediately. Not too many people in the group but some good discussion.

I am Facebook friends with a couple people from the old site. When the old site went down, I chatted with a couple former members.They recommended the Facebook NOM group. There were some interesting discussions, but not much. It could be a few days between posts. It was there that someone mentioned the new site. It took me a few days to register and post due to being very busy at the time.

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