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Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 4:24 pm
by John G.
w2mz wrote:I couldn't find my picture of the pig with lipstick, so I found a pict similar to a car I had years ago. No deep meaning, I just dig old VWs. :)

I love old bugs too! A few years ago I was super close to actually buying an old one. Unfortunately it didn't work out.....

My avatar and screen name is from the movie Memento. A great movie that I highly recommend if you haven't seen it.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:57 pm
by Hermey
It's just simply how I often feel.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:50 am
by vankimber
I just love sparkly things. I have several big books about collections of jewels, and looking through them makes me ridiculously happy.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:51 am
by moksha
Sail on silver girl
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way
See how they shine

Silver Girl wrote:I I found this new image - it seems to capture the Silver Girl look and the idea that the universe is waiting for me to sail on and (as Simon and Garfunkel said) to shine without the oppressiveness of the church in my life.
Great interpretation. I had always assumed that Paul Simon was making a poetic reference to the Divine reaching out for us in the last moments of our lives.

Hmmm, no longer scared. Sounds like a great clue! :D

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 5:45 am
by nibbler
Mine is Hollis Hurlbut from the Simpsons episode Lisa the Iconoclast.

The avatar itself is the exact moment Hollis sees Jebediah Springfield's silver tongue, which causes him to realize that everything he believed about Jebediah Springfield was a lie. He's devastated and hides the evidence before anyone else can see it.

Eventually Lisa discovers the truth and decides to tell the people of Springfield. Hollis initially tries to prevent Lisa from telling everyone but later relents. Lisa recognizes that the legend of Jebediah Springfield is inspirational for the townspeople, that the truth would hurt, so Lisa and Hollis decide to keep their secret.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 9:46 am
by Korihor
Prepare for ramblings of someone who has no idea what he's doing.

I like the idea of being a bad boy because I never was one. I was always desirous to be be rebellious but never was. Korihor and Dr Evil appeal to me cause they were the bad guys.

My username is Korihor because he was bad guy but then got defeated and killed for his wicked ways. The story of my life. I try to do what I think is right and turns out I was on the wrong side again, only to have the Zoramites trample me to death.

I like Dr Evil, he tries to be evil but isn't very good at it. Kinda like Korihor. All of my dastardly evil ideas really aren't that evil, but I think I'm pretty much a bad ass.

As in NOM1.0, my avatar is subject to change based on my mood.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 1:16 pm
by Lithium Sunset
Korihor wrote:As in NOM1.0, my avatar is subject to change based on my mood.
I(we) look forward to it haha.

I picked Calvin and Hobbes because the comic cheers me up and makes me smile. I also thought it might cheer up anyone else who has fond memories of reading it. I mean what's not to love?

I picked this strip because I happened to ask my mom if she believed in the devil today(I don't).

And I forgot to add this earlier- thanks for the hint Silver girl :) I was wondering where you were. It wouldn't be the same if you weren't here.

And can I just say.... I love seeing everyone find there way here.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 3:39 pm
by Deepthinker
Hermey wrote:It's just simply how I often feel.
I like your avatar. I saw it a few times on some political forums.

It does show how too often we may feel when discussing religion and politics.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:36 am
by Hagoth
Hagoth was my username on the FARMS website. I just kept it when I changed teams. One of my hobbies is boat building. I created my avatar as a sort of political cartoon jab at BoM apologetics.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:52 pm
by MoPag
My avatar is made up of old pics of the Nauvoo temple moonstones around the five pointed star window. Basically I manipulated them so they form the Pagan triple Goddess symbol. Studying paganism, and learning about the triple goddess especially, really helped me come back from the crap the church taught me about what it means to be female. So my avatar is about taking things from my past and reshaping them into something better.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:39 pm
by EternityIsNow
My old avatar was the Green Lantern, which I liked due to the mission of that superhero. But we have been given a new NOM... so now trying to find a good avatar with 'Eternity' and 'Now'...

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:50 pm
by FamilySearch
I like to think that the Spirit of Elijah hits some of us a little harder than others. I love learning about human evolution but I find family history work for the sake of temple ordinances to be extremely boring/pointless. I just smile when a TBM tells me how exciting it is to trace a family line back to Adam and Eve; my avatar is a family portrait including ancestors that lived approximately 7 million years before Adam and Eve.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 5:57 am
by sirensong
just like my avatar, I play the flute. i used to have long dark hair just like my avatar, though now it's completely silver and not so long... and the art is a little dark, a little dreamy, a little ethereal...

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:03 pm
by MerrieMiss
I was really terrified to sign up. I chose a name I thought that no one would ever link to me and then I tried to think of a random image. The harder I tried to think of something random the more meaningful everything became. I saw a beautiful bird in the park that day, so I chose a picture of a bird. The fact that it's by John James Audubon probably says a lot about me, though.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:26 pm
by chesteridaho
I am a software developer and use "Chester Tester" any time I needed a name for testing. I started using it in the early 2000s when Chester Cheetah went undercover as part of an advertising campaign. I feel undercover as a non-believer when I attend church with my family, so I thought it fit.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:03 pm
by glass shelf
First, I'm glad I read this thread beacuse I was wondering if one of you was here, and I see you've just adopted a new name. :)

I finally picked a new avatar. My old one was a girl behind broken glass which fit my sn and how I felt when I first joined NOM. This new one is about rebuilding my own life from my own choices of things that I love. I just used one with broken glass to tie into my sn and old avatar.

I, too, post on reddit. I've had a couple old accounts that I deleted there when I decided I was done with them. I'll probably burn the one I'm currently using at some point. I use it as a place to act snarky and vent anger while occassionally being helpful.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:02 pm
by Red Ryder
User name: I wanted something generic to make google searches for any posts hard to find and went with Red Ryder.

Avatar: At first I had Ralphie aiming his Red Ryder BB gun but then came across the comic book covers. I'm not a comic book collector or anything like that, but find a sense of nostalgia in them that remind me of a much simpler time on planet earth. A time before hundreds of apps, shows, websites, electronic devices, and all other distracting things of today existed. A simple comic book could bring a smile and needed distraction to kids every where.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 3:07 pm
by Shawn
I was once a "Losty" and I liked Desmond Hume, but I don't remember why I chose him a few years ago on the StayLDS forum. There was a reason. Oh, well.

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:20 pm
by Oliver
My avatar is a reflection of my user name which was the new name I was given when I received my endowment many years ago. So if anyone here received their endowment in the St George temple early December, 1977, well then, Hi there!

Re: Explain your avatar choice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:25 pm
by alas
I picked Kermit cause I'm Miss Piggy.

Years ago, my husband described being an incest victim like having green skin. Everyone can see that you are different. But nobody dares to ask why you are different, or even mention it. Yet it frightens them, so they stay away.

So, Kermmy and me, it's not easy being green.

I realized that being an active closet non believer was the same way. People at church could see I was different. I didn't fawn over the things most TBMs fawn over, and I took a much more Jesus centered approach, and I argued that works don't earn us heaven. Jesus gives it to anyone who will take it free of charge. It is called grace. My testimony never said a thing about this church being true or JS being a prophet, or the current leaders, or tithing, or temples. Nope, I talked about love and Jesus, and being a good person. But people were nervous about me being different. They didn't understand and didn't dare ask. So, I was again the one with green skin that nobody dared ask why I was different.

alas is my full initials. First name Anna. The fact that my initials make a word just makes it fun. My dear brother's initials are bra.