Mayan_Elephant wrote: ↑Thu Jan 25, 2024 5:00 pm
Angel wrote: ↑Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:30 pm
Mayan_Elephant wrote: ↑Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:49 am
Whether or not I can or can't find case evidence of what the church does or did or does not do - does not validate calling all the members part of a herd. Some folks are awful. Some are complicit in awful things. Most people are not.
There seems to be a disconnect in what a person named Jane or Jimmy did being just what Jane or Jimmy did. Somehow, Jane and Jimmy are being lumped into a group that is personally and individually responsible for what Joseph Smith, Sasquatch, another predator, Kirton McConkie and Boyd Packer did.
The "it's just one bad apple" argument is actually a way to blame victims - isolate them, it is just you, everyone else is fine...
me too.
Its not just me.
It is not just one bad apple.
You cannot find case evidence.
No, I have not made a one bad apple argument. I have said the opposite of a one bad apple argument but I will say it more explicitly again. There are many people that have made awful choices. There are institutional and systemic problems. There are processes that are flawed. There are real victims because of the choices of individuals and the process of the institution.
Not every person who associates with that institution, particularly the religion or community, is complicit or responsible for the bad choices of the individuals that have committed crimes and atrocities.
I have not looked for case evidence because the argument is flawed. Case evidence, including a heinous case, would not implicate a common member. Neither would case evidence of corporate fraud implicate a staff employee or customer. What I can't do and what I am not doing are not mutually inclusive and neither are evidence of a conspiracy.
Cnsl1 wrote: ↑Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:13 pm
I don't have any interest in all that shit you think is what I need. I just want to hang out here sometimes because I miss the music or want to hear my friend give a talk.
Sometimes a fish is just a fish and a rock is just a rock. Cn made a succinct and solid point. Sometimes people go to that church for a friend and have no interest in - or responsibility for -
all that shit.
I think here it helps to clarify a difference between the system as established by the few big wigs (even the bald ones) and the local level of people trying to do their best in a flawed system, and other people who just want to be comfortable and not deal with difficult problems.
I think I understand Angel was hurt by not only the system, but by ward members who just didn’t want to have to deal with difficult problems. The system is very flawed. It totally fails to support sexual abuse victims. It doesn’t even think they need support. I’ll tell a story to back this up in a minute. First of all there is the sexism of the system. Always “priesthood” is more important than any one member, especially a female member who doesn’t even have the possibility of ever being priesthood. You see this in how missionary work is done, in how wards are divided, it is everywhere in the system. Then there is the fact the church thinks its job is to get sinners to repent. The healthy don’t need a physician. Only the sinner needs help from the church. Then there is the fact that their G. D. Brains shut down on any real life difficulty. Think about how Packer just couldn’t put his brain around God making gays gay. So, he retreated to blaming them.
The story is about Packer also, and not only shows how the church thinks sexual abuse is no big deal, that the victim is not really harmed all that much, that it is sort of just like any other sin and the sinner is the one we need to get to repent. My friend was a stake president whose wife was sexually abused by her father. She had stuffed everything inside until her life was safe enough to deal with. So, married with children and church active husband. Then she fell apart. She was unhappy with the secular therapy, first it allowed the survivors to cut off family, act on their anger, and stay stuck in the anger (her feelings, and she wasn’t my client so I don’t know the quality of her therapy or support group.) but the secular therapy also failed to address the relationship to God, religious questions. Yup, I had that problem too. So, her bishop husband ran into other women who were dealing with the same issues and got them together in a group. He worked at answering their questions about God. After several years, it because a successful program and women were coming from all over. The first presidency heard about it and wanted to know what the blank he thought he was doing. So, they called him on the carpet. Boyd K P says, “why aren’t they over something that happened to them in the second grade?” Totally dismissing the idea that being raped by one’s father caused any long term damage. He just couldn’t see why it might be a problem.
My friend’s program did more to keep me in the church than anything else ever did. And my own stake president’s Boydish attitude of why have such a program when it isn’t church basket ball was the final straw that drove me out.
But what I have heard from Angel is that for her family too many ward members didn’t believe or didn’t care. They wanted the whole thing to go away and not challenge their itty bitty brains, or their itty bitty compassion. They just didn’t believe such a thing could happen, so the kids were lying. Or if it did happen, it was the kid’s fault.
So, Angel has a good reason to be angry.
But Mayan has a point. There are good people in the people part of the church. But it is like my mother who knew something was very wrong between me and my father, but did nothing. She just couldn’t believe my father would do such a thing. And even if she did, what could she do? She couldn’t divorce him and support five kids. Not in the 1960s with no real work experience and her low paying job where any and every male got promoted over her. So, she could ignore and hope there really wasn’t a problem between me and my father, or she could blow the family apart and put us all on welfare. She was caught, helpless in a bad system where she was helpless against the bad apple, which made her a bad apple too.
No matter how good the good people are, when they are in a bad system, when they are part of that system, it just turns them into rotten apples too.
My husband and I recently had a discussion about why he stays in that system, knowing it is a bad system, knowing it really hurt me. How can he stay part of that system. Well, his leaving won’t help me, and he does find some good in the system, in spite of all the problems, so, yes selfishly he stays part of a system he knows can be harmful because it doesn’t harm him. Does that make him a bad apple too? Or just benefitting from a bad system in which he is a privileged member?
Sometimes the privileged members don’t want to know about the problems because they don’t want to lose their privilege. So, they ignore the harm, or stay in the system thinking they will be a safe person in that system. I know several members who know the church hurts gays, but they stay justifying it in that they think they will be a safe spot. They don’t see how upholding the system does more harm that they can ever protect someone from by being in the system.
Is it a mistake to stay in the system when they benefit when it is hurting others? There is a fable about a perfect happy town that stays happy by torturing one child, and how some people choose to leave because they would rather take their chances in a less happy place than hurt someone else.