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Re: A Uchtdorf rise to the Prophetic throne is reasonable.

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:57 am
by Cnsl1
I'm just wondering what are the current Vegas odds on Uchtdorf within 20. Is there an over/under?

Re: A Uchtdorf rise to the Prophetic throne is reasonable.

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:18 pm
by Gatorbait
Jeffret wrote: Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:46 am For decades, or more, members have long dreaded, or anticipated, the ascension of the next president to the grand seat. The reality is that it's rarely made much difference. By the time the individual ascends, he's so feeble or so bound by the tradition of those that came before that they do little.

A lot of people swore they would leave the Church when ETB became president, based upon the radical things he had said for decades. Once he got there, though, little actually changed. His big accomplishment was to push for flooding the world with the BoM, something that seems to have been largely forgotten these days. Most of his time in the chair, he had little capacities.

Hinckley had by far the longest and most impactful reign of anyone in recent times, because he was still relatively young and healthy when he became president. But, his biggest lasting impacts were how many earrings can be worn and a marketing campaign around being Mormons, the latter of which has since been overturned.

Nelson has had a larger impact than many of his predecessors, but the net change is still minimal. His most significant changes were instituted early in his reign, 1) discarding Scouting, which undid the work done by his immediate predecessor, and 2) declaring the term "Mormon" to be derogatory, undoing some decent marketing work by Hinckley.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. But in this case, the trend has been pretty clear.

Oaks probably isn't really going to have all that much impact once he likely ascends. He'll be a little more homophobic, but he'll be concerned about damaging the Church. He has stopped his radical free speech talks as he's gotten closer to the throne. Maybe he'll declare the term "Mormon" holy again.

Uchtdorf may tone down a little bit of Oaks's authoritarianism, but probably won't really make and notable changes. If Oaks doesn't reverse the "Mormon" thing, Uchtdorf might.

The only one I can see within the next couple of decades that may actually cause significant change is Bednar.

The tradition-bound, geriatric rule of the Church works to keep the Church from significant change. This has increased as the Church has become a real-estate and investment holding company supported by a significant bureaucracy.
Like what you said here. As much as I liked Pres Hinkley, I groaned when he opined about the ear rings and tattoos. He probably wished he could have taken that back, but who knows. It was a way that TBMs placed a mark on others for rebellion, and it was wrong to do that.

Re: A Uchtdorf rise to the Prophetic throne is reasonable.

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:08 pm
by Jeffret
Gatorbait wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:18 pm As much as I liked Pres Hinkley, I groaned when he opined about the ear rings and tattoos. He probably wished he could have taken that back, but who knows. It was a way that TBMs placed a mark on others for rebellion, and it was wrong to do that.
Hinckley really rode that folksy grandpa persona and was generally well-liked by people. His training and experience was in public relations and he did that very well. What other president has pursued an interview on major TV.

But, those that watched more critically back when Hinckley led everything were aware that sometimes that folksy charm was a veneer and he could be a bit slippery or scheming.

Re: A Uchtdorf rise to the Prophetic throne is reasonable.

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 10:56 am
by Not Buying It
Jeffret wrote: Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:08 pm
Gatorbait wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 5:18 pm As much as I liked Pres Hinkley, I groaned when he opined about the ear rings and tattoos. He probably wished he could have taken that back, but who knows. It was a way that TBMs placed a mark on others for rebellion, and it was wrong to do that.
Hinckley really rode that folksy grandpa persona and was generally well-liked by people. His training and experience was in public relations and he did that very well. What other president has pursued an interview on major TV.

But, those that watched more critically back when Hinckley led everything were aware that sometimes that folksy charm was a veneer and he could be a bit slippery or scheming.
I think the same is true of President Uchtdorf. He's never earned all of the hope he inspires. He's just about 1,000 times more charismatic than the other guys, who between them have all of the charisma of a bag of moldy bread, and says enough positive things to make one forget all the horrible things he's had to support, sustain, and personally do just to get to be an apostle.

As has been noted in this discussion so far, little changes regardless of who ascends to the throne. But even if that weren't true, Uchtdorf probably wouldn't make the Church any more palatable than it is, because I really don't think he's what everyone like to hope he is.

I never trusted the guy. You know how Frodo said of Aragorn that "the enemy's spies would look fairer and feel fouler"? That's the vibe I get from Uchtdorf - he looks fair and feels foul, all the fouler because he has used his charisma and charm in the service of such a detestable organization.