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Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 1:44 pm
by alas
Cnsl1 wrote: Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:54 am Clearly, Ammon was juiced. Call me a purist, but I don't think those juiced BofM guys should be in.
I don’t know. If Brigham’s view of the CK is correct and a guy has to keep a million or so wives pregnant, the guys will all have to be juiced.

Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 11:08 pm
by Cnsl1
What's so damn ironic is that steroids shrink your testicles and make you sterile. So even if God wanted Nephi to pass on all those fine qualities to a multitude of women, he couldn't.

Now, the Lion of the Lord, Mr Brigham Young and Brigham Often surely had no problem procreating, and thanks to the invention of the Winchester bolt action rifle with a compass on the side and this thing which tells time, was in the order of modern prophets who didn't have to part seas or destroy thousands of savages swinging a sword, but could get others to do their shit for them while dressed like savages, which led of course to the really modern prophets (and can we really call these dudes "modern" prophets? Guys 90 plus years old who think the Eagles are a wild rock and roll band.. Well I guess if we can call that book with the acts of the apostles the "New" Testament, we can give geezers like Rusty the modern nod). And the really modern prophets don't even own swords and have probably never even eaten manna or chopped off anyone's arm, let alone their entire head. They're kinda lame duck prophets if you think about it. Go around in slick suits building temples that no one needs and getting people to pay money that they surely don't need. Maybe this is the era of the salesman prophet. Gotta look good. Gotta sell that product. Don't do anything really cool and prophety. For all his faults, at least Joseph Smith did some crazy ass things and pretended to revelate. You don't see these modern modern guys getting their teeth busted or trying to translate using only a radish and a Ford F250 or something cool like that.

Step up to the plate, Rusty. At least take a wild cut.

And just like that I've derailed a thread that was supposed to be about OLD Testament prophets. It's way too easy to see where modern prophets messed up.

I apologize.

Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 5:03 pm
by Bonfire
Moses has Aaron kill (Numbers 16)
Moses has Aaron stripped naked then killed (Numbers 20)

Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:03 am
by dogbite
It seems to me that Moses is a fictional account. There is no supporting evidence.

Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:17 pm
by Hagoth
dogbite wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:03 am It seems to me that Moses is a fictional account. There is no supporting evidence.
All of the stories of the patriarchs were compiled much later than they supposedly happened, and It makes sense to me that the authors took the various oral mythologized myths and legends of the founders of the various tribal groups that eventually came to consider themselves Israelites and wove them together into a single consistent story that brought everyone in under the same tent. They eventually merged those groups, in the form of the tribes of Israel, into a homogenous lineage. None of the patriarchs' stories can be supported by material evidence, and there are signs that they may have come from very different religious origins. For instance, Moses comes down from the mountain having just been told by Yahweh that he is the Israelite god and Moses loses his sh*t when he finds the Israelites still worshipping the symbol of Abraham's god, El.

Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:29 pm
by Mayan_Elephant
Hagoth wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:17 pm
dogbite wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:03 am It seems to me that Moses is a fictional account. There is no supporting evidence.
All of the stories of the patriarchs were compiled much later than they supposedly happened, and It makes sense to me that the authors took the various oral mythologized myths and legends of the founders of the various tribal groups that eventually came to consider themselves Israelites and wove them together into a single consistent story that brought everyone in under the same tent. They eventually merged those groups, in the form of the tribes of Israel, into a homogenous lineage. None of the patriarchs' stories can be supported by material evidence, and there are signs that they may have come from very different religious origins. For instance, Moses comes down from the mountain having just been told by Yahweh that he is the Israelite god and Moses loses his sh*t when he finds the Israelites still worshipping the symbol of Abraham's god, El.
If we canonized the script of the Sons of Anarchy and a season of the WWE it would make more sense and be more entertaining.

Re: O.T. Prophets who messed up.

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:22 am
by Just This Guy
Hagoth wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 3:17 pm
dogbite wrote: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:03 am It seems to me that Moses is a fictional account. There is no supporting evidence.
All of the stories of the patriarchs were compiled much later than they supposedly happened, and It makes sense to me that the authors took the various oral mythologized myths and legends of the founders of the various tribal groups that eventually came to consider themselves Israelites and wove them together into a single consistent story that brought everyone in under the same tent. They eventually merged those groups, in the form of the tribes of Israel, into a homogenous lineage. None of the patriarchs' stories can be supported by material evidence, and there are signs that they may have come from very different religious origins. For instance, Moses comes down from the mountain having just been told by Yahweh that he is the Israelite god and Moses loses his sh*t when he finds the Israelites still worshipping the symbol of Abraham's god, El.

The bible is very interesting to look at from a purely literary standpoint. I am actually more interested in the bible as an ex-mo than I was as a member.

As a member, the bible was BORING. Long drawn out stories with no decipherable reason for existing.

After My shelf collapsed and I started diving into the rabbit hole of Mormonism, you also apply the same critical thinking to the bible you do to the BoM and BoA. Once you allow yourself to consider the possibility, it is obvious that The Bible is not based on historical fact, but just a collection of myth stories told over a long period of time. Suddenly, all those boring passages start making sense.

One fascinating field of study is called the Bible Documentary Hypothesis. The idea is that the Torah is not a single work, but a mixture of multiple older sources. These older documents were almost literally cut and pasted together to form the current mish-mashed books that make up the Old Testament.

Example, if you look at Genesis, the first chapter go over the creation, but then in Chapter 2, a different creation process is explained. The idea is that that 2nd creation was literally a from a similar but different creation myth that was edited into the first document. The whole Old Testament is like this with repeated stories that have a number of deference. These differences are explained by the different source documents that they were copied from.

It is also fascinating that once you take the religious connections out of it, the best evidence suggests the Torah isn't that old. It was written somewhere between around 550 to 150 BCE. We are talking around the time of Plato and Aristotle. And the myths that were used to make the Torah are not that much older. Only around 1000 BCE. The biggest problem is that this completely undermines the supposed divine origins of the Bible.

The content of the bible itself is very dry and, in most cases, pointless. However, the way that it came to be is fascinating. ... /jepd.html