Thoughts on priesthood blessings and feeling the spirit meaning the church is true

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Re: Thoughts on priesthood blessings and feeling the spirit meaning the church is true

Post by malkie »

In my Patriarchal Blessing, I was told a few strange things about seeking goals in the high mountains.
"Stake Patriarch" wrote:... Thou art able to proceed directly by building hanging bridges over the
crevices and bends of the mountain sides and thy direction thus remains
direct. ...
At the end of the blessing, the Patriarch told me that he had never before given such a blessing, or anything like it, and had no idea where his words came from.

He also told me that when my sons were ready to receive their blessings I should not bring them to the Stake Patriarch (him or anyone else), but must bless them myself, and have the blessings recorded.
aka malkie
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Red Ryder
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Re: Thoughts on priesthood blessings and feeling the spirit meaning the church is true

Post by Red Ryder »

That’s interesting.

So do you plant to follow his direction and give the blessings yourself?
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Re: Thoughts on priesthood blessings and feeling the spirit meaning the church is true

Post by malkie »

Red Ryder wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:41 pm That’s interesting.

So do you plant to follow his direction and give the blessings yourself?
If they and I had been active at the right time in our lives I would have, but it's too late (in different ways) for all of us. Neither son has had his PB, and I think it's unlikely that they ever will. And although I haven't been kicked out, or resigned, I'm out mentally, and have been so for many years.
aka malkie
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Re: Thoughts on priesthood blessings and feeling the spirit meaning the church is true

Post by Angel »

alas wrote: Tue Jan 24, 2023 1:28 pm
My patriarchal blessing was not only a nope, it was a hell nope. It told me I would be a comfort to my father in his old age. No, thanks, I was to be the biggest thorn in his side in his old age. He is not capable of enough repentance for me to trust him as far as I can throw him, so no way am I going to be any kind of comfort or reassurance that he is loved, cause, duh, he isn’t. He abused everyone who ever loved him and the consequences for that is that there is nobody left who loves him. Even his mama didn’t. And why should I, the one he abused the worst be expected to comfort his sorry ass? I didn’t get my “blessing” until I was far enough into the healing process to know that forgiveness does not undo the damage. I was already a married with children adult and my husband pushed because he thought it might help me heal. Yeah, it might have if it had said, “you have no responsibility to forgive and reconcile with the unrepentant.” But God laying the kind of guilt trip on me that says I am the one who has the responsibility to make his life better? No, I don’t think so.
Jesus. Another thing I heard - something like if you don't forgive yours is the worst sin? My b.i.l. abused his kids and mine, way more than 70×7, years and years, I was blind to it. The *spirit* doesn't protect, and doesn't give anyone callings (he served with kids, served on bishopric)

The empty boat ... huang-tzu/

Some people are empty boats. There is nothing and no one there.

Much better to be an athiest, see it all as just the unconscious laws of nature, than to believe there is some evil God who hates so many, who stands by watching the horror.

Empty boat. Much better mindset to see the boat as empty.
“You have learned something...That always feels at first as if you have lost something.” George Bernard Shaw
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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