Examples in the BoM where you can show *how* Joseph Smith authored it

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Re: Examples in the BoM where you can show *how* Joseph Smith authored it

Post by Palerider »

jfro18 wrote: Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:12 pm
I'm not saying anyone could just sit down and do what Joseph Smith did, but I think anyone who was familiar with the KJV and was a grifter storyteller could do it because it's not that great of literature, and the fingerprints are all over it as to exactly when it was written.
There. Fixed that for you. 8-)
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Re: Examples in the BoM where you can show *how* Joseph Smith authored it

Post by jfro18 »

Hagoth wrote: Tue Feb 16, 2021 11:40 am Hey jfro, have you heard this week's Mormonstories interview about this topic?

https://www.mormonstories.org/podcast/v ... m-l-davis/

I have listened to the first hour and found some tasty nuggets there.
It was a great listen - in the second hour (I think) they were trying to think of the moments during dictation where Joseph realized he screwed up, and I put the verses you had mentioned a few days earlier in the comments of the video and those are in there which is fun.

That was definitely a good listen - a lot of insight which would fly over my head until someone points it out that again shows that JS was trying to imitate writing styles/structures that were surrounding him.
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