I didn’t see this before then it was brought to my attention, but I think the assumption behind the insult needs to be addressed.
OK, I can see that if one doesn’t take my comment as totally satire, like “a Modest Proposal” that you could see it as “man hating”. Dropping everyone into acid who claims to be a prophet is only man hating *IF* one assumes that all prophets are men. Do you see the sexism behind the assumption? I don’t assume all prophets are male. Very Mormon assumption. There were female prophets in the Old Testament. There are modern women who claim to be prophets and have started churches. So, watch the assumptions.
My objection to people who claim to be prophets is too many of them turn out like Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Warren Jeffs. They end up manipulating 14 year old girls into “marriage” and sexually abusing children, or some other strange sexual practices, like free love or total celibacy for all followers.
My thoughts on a true prophet would be like one chapter in (IIRC) Richard Bach’s book “One”. It tells about an old man being given a book by God. He shares it with the two characters in the book and they marvel over the beautiful doctrine. Then the old prophets says, “let’s burn the book” and the two characters are horrified. But it came from God. But it teaches such wonderful ideas. Yes, says the old man, but does the world need another religion to fight wars over? He leads them step by step through what would happen with a new religion....same as has happened with all the old ones. People fight wars over them. So, the three of them burn the book.