Re: April Conference and the Elephant in the Chapel
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2021 8:56 am
I think it can be reasonably argued that we don't really have church leaders, but rather church managers.
Pres Nelson, for as many changes as he's implemented, still comes across as a guy who's carrying out his own agenda for his own glory, and maybe it's that his adoring wife can't stop blathering on about how great he is that greatly contributes to this overall visage of a old man frenetically building his own church statue, blissfully unaware of what's going on in the world around him.
I know they're aware of things, certainly. They're not idiots. But they sure don't seem really understanding of the plight of those outside this narrow TBM bubble. They don't appear to lead with vision, drawing on their incredible resources to make the church actually helpful, not to mention palatable, to all of God's children.
So I think all your predictions are accurate. I suspect we'll get a healthy dose of love your neighbor, which is good stuff, don't get me wrong, but a general avoidance of the elephants and rhinos and hippos in the room.
I think the church caters to a narrowing group of followers, and managed by mostly old white men whose formative years were in 1950s Utah. The church has already lost the traditional narrative. Most people with half a brain and some computing skills have discovered that the traditional narrative cannot be correct. We are in the age of global information and quick fact checking. Sure, there are apologists desperately trying to validate the script, but it's a losing battle, and often they cause more harm to the church than good--they certainly did for me. Even the "neo-apologists" with their hip and schtick come across to most young folks as mostly dumbasses because they're not addressing stuff that population cares about.
For lack of a better moniker, the educated left has been trickling out of the church for quite some time.. and trickle probably isn't the right word either.. streaming is probably more apt. But now, I'm completely amazed to see what this staunch, previously dyed in the wool, conservative right has been saying. This demi-god Trump dude has whipped this population into a fervor that trumps the prophet. That's some heavy duty whipping! And I'm not just talking about the fringe Qanon sort. I'm talking about my neighbors who have loved and served and been the rock solid members the church has built upon all these years. When I find myself defending Nelson to these people, something really weird is happening in Zion.
So.. given this current state of affairs.. and projecting the current trajectory.. if the church does not do something pretty drastic with outside the box leading, I think TCOJCOLDS will become a minor also ran in the Christian race. Rich? Oh hell yeah.. but ineffectual cuz we're sitting on our massive pile of gold waiting for Jesus to come back.
Pres Nelson, for as many changes as he's implemented, still comes across as a guy who's carrying out his own agenda for his own glory, and maybe it's that his adoring wife can't stop blathering on about how great he is that greatly contributes to this overall visage of a old man frenetically building his own church statue, blissfully unaware of what's going on in the world around him.
I know they're aware of things, certainly. They're not idiots. But they sure don't seem really understanding of the plight of those outside this narrow TBM bubble. They don't appear to lead with vision, drawing on their incredible resources to make the church actually helpful, not to mention palatable, to all of God's children.
So I think all your predictions are accurate. I suspect we'll get a healthy dose of love your neighbor, which is good stuff, don't get me wrong, but a general avoidance of the elephants and rhinos and hippos in the room.
I think the church caters to a narrowing group of followers, and managed by mostly old white men whose formative years were in 1950s Utah. The church has already lost the traditional narrative. Most people with half a brain and some computing skills have discovered that the traditional narrative cannot be correct. We are in the age of global information and quick fact checking. Sure, there are apologists desperately trying to validate the script, but it's a losing battle, and often they cause more harm to the church than good--they certainly did for me. Even the "neo-apologists" with their hip and schtick come across to most young folks as mostly dumbasses because they're not addressing stuff that population cares about.
For lack of a better moniker, the educated left has been trickling out of the church for quite some time.. and trickle probably isn't the right word either.. streaming is probably more apt. But now, I'm completely amazed to see what this staunch, previously dyed in the wool, conservative right has been saying. This demi-god Trump dude has whipped this population into a fervor that trumps the prophet. That's some heavy duty whipping! And I'm not just talking about the fringe Qanon sort. I'm talking about my neighbors who have loved and served and been the rock solid members the church has built upon all these years. When I find myself defending Nelson to these people, something really weird is happening in Zion.
So.. given this current state of affairs.. and projecting the current trajectory.. if the church does not do something pretty drastic with outside the box leading, I think TCOJCOLDS will become a minor also ran in the Christian race. Rich? Oh hell yeah.. but ineffectual cuz we're sitting on our massive pile of gold waiting for Jesus to come back.