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Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:57 pm
by SaidNobody
River Morgan2 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:00 pm
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:44 pm It isn't over yet. And even though more and more evidence and testimony and fraud it's being exposed the left would really just rather assume that it never happened. It happened. We will not rest until it has been addressed.
It IS over! There was no THERE there! The corpulent gentlewoman has yoohooed!

Fifty lawsuits could present not one scintilla of evidence and were each thrown out. Of courts packed with Trump appointees. Even the conservative leaning SCOTUS!

Stick a fork in it. It's done.

70M Democrats (I'm assuming that means you) agreed to a free and fair vote. Last time you falsely accused our candidate of cheating and we humored your investigation. You destroyed good people in the name of hypocrisy.

We have called foul on this election. We have accused you if cheating and we have asked for transparency. Your response is block access, block efforts to validate, block access to courts and fair hearings.

Do you seriously think we are going to come to the next election as if nothing happened? You guys are killing this. You agreed to a fair vote but blocked Republicans poll watchers from observing the sites that mysteriously flipped the vote. You guys violated the covenant of the vote.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:49 pm
by River Morgan2
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:57 pm
River Morgan2 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 5:00 pm
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:44 pm It isn't over yet. And even though more and more evidence and testimony and fraud it's being exposed the left would really just rather assume that it never happened. It happened. We will not rest until it has been addressed.
It IS over! There was no THERE there! The corpulent gentlewoman has yoohooed!

Fifty lawsuits could present not one scintilla of evidence and were each thrown out. Of courts packed with Trump appointees. Even the conservative leaning SCOTUS!

Stick a fork in it. It's done.

...Do you seriously think we are going to come to the next election as if nothing happened? You guys are killing this. You agreed to a fair vote but blocked Republicans poll watchers from observing the sites that mysteriously flipped the vote. You guys violated the covenant of the vote.
SaidNobody, I absolutely respect your right to your own opinion, although I am quite sure you aren't getting your information from any reputable site. It does not change the fact that Trump lost by 7 million Democrat, Independent, and Republican votes. And he lost in the Electoral College by the same amount as he won by four years ago.

Facts. Reported by reputable news media that are neither left nor right leaning.


P.s. The following link is to a site ranking media by left or right leaning bias.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:19 pm
by SaidNobody
River Morgan2 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:49 pm

P.s. The following link is to a site ranking media by left or right leaning bias.
For the record, I totally respect your opinion too. And I also respect your rights to disagree with me.

But to summarize your post you accept the official cover story and me along with 73M other voters' claim of wrongdoing can go stuff it.

The humorous analogy of this would be you're all going to hell and if you don't believe me just go ask the prophet.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:06 am
by moksha
The only step left for Trump is to use his emergency powers and declare that he will stay in office forever. Since Putin congratulated Biden, he might not be able to rely on the Russian Army to back him up. What is your take on that SaidNobody, can Trump still count on Putin's support?

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:58 am
by Hagoth
River Morgan2 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:49 pm P.s. The following link is to a site ranking media by left or right leaning bias.
That's why I get all of my news from the Weather Channel!

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:55 am
by SaidNobody
moksha wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:06 am The only step left for Trump is to use his emergency powers and declare that he will stay in office forever. Since Putin congratulated Biden, he might not be able to rely on the Russian Army to back him up. What is your take on that SaidNobody, can Trump still count on Putin's support?
The word is that Ivanka has offered her as collateral things go wrong. So we're pretty sure Putin will come through for Trump this time.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:09 am
by Not Buying It
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 12:44 pm
Not Buying It wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 11:15 am
SaidNobody wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 8:49 pm
I'm here.

I wonder if you will still feel that way when Trump wins.

CNN just took Georgia and AZ away from Biden, as of 10pm 11/09/2020

There are others coming.

You guys were so quick to cry Russia in 2016. We are crying Democrats. But this isn't a hoax. We have video, testimony, confessions, obvious violations of the law, and a president that doesn't lose.
This hasn’t aged well...
It isn't over yet. And even though more and more evidence and testimony and fraud it's being exposed the left would really just rather assume that it never happened. It happened. We will not rest until it has been addressed.
Oh please. Rumor and baseless accusations do not a stolen election make. Trump’s lawyers have failed repeatedly to provide any hard evidence in the literally dozens of court cases that voter fraud was pervasive and widespread enough to impact the election. Trump didn’t even have the Supreme Court on his side, and he handpicked three of them.

And let me ask you this - how is it you think voter fraud impacted the Presidential election, but not the Senate races that gave control of the Senate back to Republicans and gained them seats in the House? If you ask me, if Democrats rigged the election they did a crap job of it, they should have taken the Senate and the House while they were at it. Lots of names were on the ballot - explain to me how Trump is the only politician in the country who lost due to fraud? How did any Republican manage to get elected in this election if fraud truly occurred? There are states where Trump lost and other Republicans won - if there was fraud, how do you account for that?

Just give it up. Your guy lost. Trump supporters are the worst losers on God’s green earth, for all their talk about “liberal tears”. Come back to reality with the rest of us.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:15 am
by wtfluff
River Morgan2 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:49 pmFacts. Reported by reputable news media that are neither left nor right leaning.
Remember what the esteemed Chief has typed about SaidNobody River:
Hagoth wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:37 am I'd say about 99.999% delusional, 190% trolling for the sake of argument, and 1000% one of those people who can never admit to being wrong. You know the type from Mormon apologetics. But SaidNobody is much better behaved than some of those guys. And that's why we love him.
The only facts that matter to SN are facts that he makes up himself, or facts that he can tweak to fit into his delusions and conspiracy theories.

My own delusions tell me this is so.

And yes, I changed the percentages in Hagoth's post to fit my own delusions.


Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:47 pm
by SaidNobody
Not Buying It wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 9:09 am
Oh please. Rumor and baseless accusations do not a stolen election make. Trump’s lawyers have failed repeatedly to provide any hard evidence in the literally dozens of court cases that voter fraud was pervasive and widespread enough to impact the election. Trump didn’t even have the Supreme Court on his side, and he handpicked three of them.

And let me ask you this - how is it you think voter fraud impacted the Presidential election, but not the Senate races that gave control of the Senate back to Republicans and gained them seats in the House? If you ask me, if Democrats rigged the election they did a crap job of it, they should have taken the Senate and the House while they were at it. Lots of names were on the ballot - explain to me how Trump is the only politician in the country who lost due to fraud? How did any Republican manage to get elected in this election if fraud truly occurred? There are states where Trump lost and other Republicans won - if there was fraud, how do you account for that?

Just give it up. Your guy lost. Trump supporters are the worst losers on God’s green earth, for all their talk about “liberal tears”. Come back to reality with the rest of us.
Okay, I'm going to mansplain a couple of things because, umm, I'm a man and I will explain this.

Conspiracy Theory 101: Conspiracy analysis is like astronomy. Over time, you notice certain celestial bodies moving in unexpected ways, so you beginning for looking for the hidden gravity source. You know something is pulling on it, but you cannot see it yet. Conspiracy Theory is the belief in and search for forces and effects that you cannot see that are influencing your life.

Conspiracy Theory 101, Appendix A: If you think there are no unseen influences are affecting your life, well then, party on dude.

Conspiracy Theory Observation #1: Trump lost: What? Seriously? But what about the massive rallies, spontaneous Trump trains, all the "closest racists", more than doubled support among minorities, and other unprecedented expressions of support?

Wasn't enough! Duh! Biden is everyone's favorite.

So even though Trump got more votes than any other president in history, Joe Biden got 10M more votes? More than even Obama? And as someone mentioned, even though Republicans picked up every toss-up sit in the House, they somehow forgot to vote for the President. Unbelievable. So like here, we begin to suspect that maybe something is happening that we cannot see. So we sat looking. Sure enough, a least 5 sites that provided the votes to turned that election blocked Republican poll watchers. Not just rumor. I watched a dozen videos at workers posting videos showing poll watchers being blocked from the counting process. My AG actually bragged about his efforts to block "Trump's Poll Watchers" so they couldn't intimidate voters. Oddly, Philadelphia was one of the cities that tried the vote with very suspicious numbers. A week before the election someone broke into a warehouse in Philly and some voting equipment, a couple of laptops. Being very untrusting like I am, I knew right there something was going on. Experts say that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be sure the vote was valid because of the encryption codes that were stolen. The election machines were supposed to be disconnected, but evidence and witnesses say that they were connected to the internet.

I wonder why the Dems didn't take all of the seats. I mean, aside from fact that it would have been SUPER obvious, why?
Evidence from the audits of the machines shows that they actually tried. On average, most of the major seats get about 35,000 ghost votes but that wasn't enough. Yet, with the extra votes accumulating to an unbelievable 10M vote lead for Biden, it wasn't enough to bring the Dem candidates over the line. 10M extra votes for Biden would have been cool, but it still wasn't going to get him the electoral votes that he needed. A little after midnight on it became obvious that Biden didn't have what it took. At about 3 am in five Democrat-controlled cities, they stopped the counting. Excuses were made and the Republican poll watchers were dismissed. There is a video of this from Georgia, after a "water main break(fake)" was reported.

Joe Biden won 16.7% of the counties in America and got 81.2M votes, Trump got 83.3% of the counties and about 73M votes. Not impossible, but seriously unlikely.

But that is only the framework. 17 of 18 belle weather counties voted for Trump. BBC explains how Trump broke the belle weather counties prediction system because they accepted Trump and therefore exposed their racism. Statistics basically say that Biden's win is a 1:1000000000000 chance. I'm not a smart man, but this makes sense to me.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:52 pm
by SaidNobody
wtfluff wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:15 am
River Morgan2 wrote: Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:49 pmFacts. Reported by reputable news media that are neither left nor right leaning.
Remember what the esteemed Chief has typed about SaidNobody River:
Hagoth wrote: Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:37 am I'd say about 99.999% delusional, 190% trolling for the sake of argument, and 1000% one of those people who can never admit to being wrong. You know the type from Mormon apologetics. But SaidNobody is much better behaved than some of those guys. And that's why we love him.
The only facts that matter to SN are facts that he makes up himself, or facts that he can tweak to fit into his delusions and conspiracy theories.

My own delusions tell me this is so.

And yes, I changed the percentages in Hagoth's post to fit my own delusions.

Just for the record, my delusions are more functional than yours. I've never liked facts. In fact, I don't even believe in facts. People are being brainwashed. If authority says "fact" people simply cram it into their belief system. And as a side note, I really don't like your delusions. You're Mormon for Christ's sake, you can do better than this.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:22 pm
by wtfluff
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 5:52 pmJust for the record, my delusions are more functional than yours.
HA! Prove it.

Oh, wait...
SaidNobody wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:28 pmI like to talk for the friendship and edification, not proving myself. Like, really, I've got nothing to prove.
You've "got nothing to prove." Your hundreds of posts about tRump aren't trying to "prove" anything.

Thanks for the "edification and friendship" in your post SPG.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 6:57 pm
by River Morgan2
Politics is a very difficult subject to discuss because everyone has such strong opinions. But we're all friends here!


Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:21 pm
by River Morgan2
If you get the Washington Post, you can read about more Graceful Transfer of Power. 😡

The 12/16/2020 headline reads,"GOP inches toward an unprecedented attempt to overturn the 2020 election."

"It’s looking increasingly likely that our country could be headed for uncharted territory: members of Congress combining to formally object to states’ electors in an attempt to overturn a presidential election result.
Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) signaled Thursday that he might provide the crucial Senate vote that, when combined with at least one House Republican, would force Congress to consider the challenges. Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Sen.-elect Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) are also declining to rule it out. The White House is now leaning into the effort, too. Trump promoted a misleading headline suggesting Tuberville had decided, and press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Thursday night alluded to states’ “alternate slate of electors voted upon that Congress will decide in January....”


Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:09 pm
by SaidNobody
River Morgan2 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:21 pm
The 12/16/2020 headline reads,"GOP inches toward an unprecedented attempt to overturn the 2020 election."

You could hurt my feelings and act like this is a surprise.

So let me say this again. Feelings matter. Everyone is like, "Joe Biden won. That's a fact. Move on."

Ok, just because you own the media and publish your facts doesn't really make it a fact. You see, a vote requires agreement. Just because one side claims that they won doesn't make it so. The other side had to agree.

Apparently this was considered. If there are doubts about the election it can be challenged. Believe it or not, Joe Biden actually tried to pull this in 2016. Dems hated Trump so much they tried to block him from taking office. But Dems didn't have the necessary votes in the states to turn the election. Dems were praying until the moment that Trump took the oath that they could stop it.

I'm not a smart man, but I've been told that we got this. If Trump chooses, this election is his. I know he wants the states to investigate so the proof can be provided but they refuse. He wants the credit of winning the election, like he did. But the states are blocking the investigations. If the states would investigate and correct their official count, if would be easier.

People are going to be pissed. But if you feel cheated, just remember that I felt that way first.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:26 pm
by moksha
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:09 pm I'm not a smart man, but I've been told that we got this.
So you are now claiming the box of chocolates won? At least that is more palatable than Trump and not knowing what you are going to get makes it a safer bet as well.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:17 am
by hmb

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:43 am
by River Morgan2
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:09 pm
River Morgan2 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:21 pm
The 12/16/2020 headline reads,"GOP inches toward an unprecedented attempt to overturn the 2020 election."
You could hurt my feelings and act like this is a surprise.

...So let me say this again. Feelings matter. ...
People are going to be pissed. But if you feel cheated, just remember that I felt that way first.
Yes feelings matter. But facts matter more. And I know you are upset that Biden won. In 2016, I was upset, indescribably upset, that Trump won. But he won in 2016 and he lost in 2020. Facts. Verified by recounts. Adjudicated in court. As soon as you come up with defensible facts, then I'm on your side.
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Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:43 am
by SaidNobody
moksha wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:26 pm
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:09 pm I'm not a smart man, but I've been told that we got this.
So you are now claiming the box of chocolates won? At least that is more palatable than Trump and not knowing what you are going to get makes it a safer bet as well.
I am one notch smarter than the box of chocolates. I know pretty much whatever I pick it's going to be chocolate.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:54 am
by SaidNobody
River Morgan2 wrote: Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:43 am
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:09 pm
River Morgan2 wrote: Fri Dec 18, 2020 7:21 pm
The 12/16/2020 headline reads,"GOP inches toward an unprecedented attempt to overturn the 2020 election."
You could hurt my feelings and act like this is a surprise.

...So let me say this again. Feelings matter. ...
People are going to be pissed. But if you feel cheated, just remember that I felt that way first.
Yes feelings matter. But facts matter more. And I know you are upset that Biden won. In 2016, I was upset, indescribably upset, that Trump won. But he won in 2016 and he lost in 2020. Facts. Verified by recounts. Adjudicated in court. As soon as you come up with defensible facts, then I'm on your side.
I'm not really upset that Joe Biden won because obviously, and you saw this coming, he didn't win.

Facts are, and anyone who knows me on this site knows this is a long time stance for me, just illusions. Something happens and we call it something. But what happened is never encapsulated into that one word or idea. For example it might be a fact that there was a recount. But we already knew how many ballots there were we just believe a lot of them are illegal.

There are many statistics that are available but are inappropriate. Fraud is actually an everyday occurrence in elections. We have systems of throwing out election ballots that we believe to be false. Many sites get somewhere from 1-3% rejection. This could be because of obvious double voting, mismatching name with the dresses, mismatching names with signatures, etc. There were almost no rejections on most Democrat cities in question.

It is easy to say show me the evidence. But when you are standing in front of the evidence that becomes a problem. We have sued for transparency and in some cases garment. It has revealed compromise voting machines, dead voters, out of state voters, double voters, and ghost voters. I think in Nevada alone who did allow some forensic audits there were over 170,000 votes considered illegal.

This game of show me the evidence reminds me of a game my brother used to play with me when I was a kid. And it was called you can have your lunch if you can get past me. I don't play games like that anymore.

Re: Graceful Transfer of Power

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2020 6:38 pm
by River Morgan2
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