Re: Any church-at-home experience to report?
Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2020 6:25 pm
Yes, I bravely ran away, away.
It's not possible to know whether anyone else wants to do it, because nobody would say so if they didn't. But I suspect they mostly do. Or they feel like they should want to do it, which looks the same from the outside.
I have one BIL who could talk FIL into changes in a way that wouldn't result in FIL saying some passive-aggressive guilt-trippy thing and then sulking until everyone gives in. If anybody else tried, they would probably not soften the request enough, resulting in something like "I thought it would be a good idea to get the family together for something spiritual, but I guess nobody wanted that." Nobody has called him on this kind of BS for decades.
I expect BIL to request changes within a couple of months.