Tithing Question + An Introduction

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Re: Tithing Question + An Introduction

Post by Newme »

Bluebird32 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:00 pm Anyway, my one hang up with this is the tithing question. We have been donating 10% of our income to charities or people in need in our community. This is the one thing I could see them calling me out on if I say I’m a full tithe payer. What are your thoughts on this? I’ve heard you can pay tithing anonymously. Is that true? If they try to ask why I haven’t submitted donations to the ward could I just say I pay anonymously and that would be enough?
At least you have your husband - really work to keep your marriage strong - for the inevitable bumpy ride.

“There must needs be opposition in all things” - including the church. I love the amazing sense of community and encouragement in being better people. There are 2 main harmful evils that have crept into the church. One is cult-mentality - like considering leaders infallible and looking more to them than to Christ. The other is how finances are handled.

Financial corruption (which contribute to debt, bankruptcy, poverty and related suffering) is undeniable. Changing scripture from what it states (increase) to mean “income” to get more money, is not of Christ. The reason God commanded tithe be based on increase is shown in the following example:
  • 2 men earn the exact same income amount.
    1 man is the sole provider of a family of 7 and after paying bills has no increase left.
    2nd man lives with his parents who pay all his bills, so all of his income is increase.
    Yet, the church demand$ the $ame amount from each man - thereby causing the 1st family to be poor. Christ was about alleviating poverty and suffering - not causing more.
Deuteronomy 14:28-29 (conveniently ignored in lds curriculums) states that tithing collectors are to give at least 1/3 of TITHES to those in need. Christ asked those who can, to give much more.

While we are often pressured and shamed into giving “honest tithes,” church leaders keep money dark and secret, though Oaks did admit no tithes go to the poor. Funds intended for the poor go to the corporate empire of mormon leaders and we have no clue or say in how it’s spent. We do know the church had some elaborate malls built, and a list of greedy wordly companies using the name of Jesus Christ in vain. Meanwhile, about 1,000,000,000 of our brothers and sisters are starving. Who do TITHES belong to? God. And how do we love God? By loving the least of these.

Grand ribon-cutting opening by for another mall (at least 2 now) built using the name of Jesus Christ...



Even if you designated fast offerings - the church leaders now say it’s their money and they can use it as they want...

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