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Re: Hook, line and creamer

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 5:16 am
by Red Ryder
Culper Jr. wrote: This conference was a fundamental shift for me in the way I think about the Q15 and other leaders. I used to see them as caring at least on some level for the well being of the membership and being stuck between the policies and pronouncements of past prophets (lots of p's there) and wanting to be at least somewhat progressive. After this conference, I no longer think they care about the membership at all outside of what they can gain from the membership's service and money. They are not making hard decisions about members who suffer (abuse, LGBT for example) to preserve the doctrine of the church against the progressing values of society. There are not just a couple of hard-a$$es among other generally caring leaders. With maybe a couple of debatable exceptions, they ALL fundamentally DO NOT CARE about the members. Every concession to things the members want (2 hour church, walking back the POX) are coincidental to something the Q15 want or are grudgingly doing out of some necessity. I thought something like loosening up on WoW, or garments, or ANYTHING would have shown the members that they are at least listening and making an effort to make life easier for families, especially in mixed faith situations. Instead of coffee, we get hate filled BS from the top 3 threatening the salvation of anyone who doesn't pay and obey. Even Eyring was throwing it out there. Any residual respect or goodwill that I had for these men is now gone.
I remember having this same epiphany shortly after Hinckley died. The leadership shifted their compliments too quickly over to Monson and the positioning for power became intolerable to watch. It’s only gotten worse with Nelson and Oaks. I don’t see the problems you mentioned going away anytime soon.

Re: Hook, line and creamer

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 5:31 am
by crazyhamster
Having not seen a conference session for years until this weekend, I was really struck by just how dry, detached, and perfunctory the talks were. Not only did they not address people's real concerns both about the church and the world, but there was very little sense of, well, love. They mostly seemed like they were giving a presentation at some corporate board meeting.

Re: Hook, line and creamer

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:10 am
by MoPag
crazyhamster wrote: Tue Apr 09, 2019 5:31 am Having not seen a conference session for years until this weekend, I was really struck by just how dry, detached, and perfunctory the talks were. Not only did they not address people's real concerns both about the church and the world, but there was very little sense of, well, love. They mostly seemed like they were giving a presentation at some corporate board meeting.
SO true^^ But honestly it shouldn't surprise us. They are business men, doctors and lawyers. They aren't theologians. Their own insecurities are much more pressing to them than any social issues.

And it's a sick, twisted corporation where the workers (us) pay them to let us work for them.