Corsair wrote:Most believers are entirely out of their league in these conversations, but they don't know that nor can they easily comprehend how that could possibly be.
So very true, and in fact, the article is itself an excellent example.
All it says is doubt your doubts and no matter what, always ass/u/me the church is true. I mean literally, all the article does is insult doubters and non-believers by stating those with "wisdom, patience, intelligence" stay in the church and those that don't stay lack character and these fine character traits.
The message never changes. No substance, nothing for anyone to actually use or hold onto, just "the church is true, so when anything comes along to contradict that, or cause doubt, just remember the church is true and you'll be fine. And not only will you be fine, you'll prove to yourself and others that you have wisdom, intelligence, patience, etc, etc."
And this "they're really just leaving a cartoon caricature of the church they've created" is another excellent excellent example of disingenuous, deceitful, bullsheet. Or am I somehow the one that came up with the idea that the reason we have Amerindians is because there were Lamanites? Am I the one that said the BoA was "the book of Abraham, written by his own hand upon papyrus"? So basically the church has stooped to the level of telling us that when we believed what it taught, we were really just believing a cartoon version of it, and the non-cartoon church never taught all that crap?!?
This stuff is Mopologetics at its finest. Blame the victim and insult their integrity and intelligence both early and often while you're at it!!