Re: Evolving temple experience
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 2:47 pm
#5 deserves it's own post! What do you say Rueben?Reuben wrote: ↑Mon May 21, 2018 2:14 pmHere are a few things that helped me enjoy the endowment intellectually when I was a NOM-leaning TBM and starting to get bored silly with it.Kalikala wrote: ↑Mon May 21, 2018 12:49 pm I have a good friend that offered to go on a little temple trip, just the two of us, because she knows I've struggled with my husband leaving the church. I haven't told her about my FC. So I'm slightly horrified and at the same time morbidly curious to go to the temple again. Last time I went I was fully believing. Part of me hopes I can find some kind of positive in it since it is likely that I will be faking it for quite some time.
1. Start with this idea and work backwards. At the veil, you're given God the Father's administrator password. Then you log in as him.
2. Find Jesus. The atonement is the fall in reverse, and vice-versa. (Adam taken out of ground, Jesus put in the ground, etc.) Another way to put it: the atonement is all about returning to an innocent garden-of-Eden-like state by doing the fall backwards.
3. Where did the coats of skins given to Adam and Eve come from? It was the first sacrifice, a symbol of Christ. This suggests what the garment means, and it's not the ability to survive a fire or stop a bullet.
This is rather beautiful stuff to me, which is unfortunately ruined by other aspects of the temple.
If you can give yourself emotional distance, you could approach these next two like an anthropologist. Warning: if you do, you might become averse to going back.
4. Learn about the penalties that were removed in 1990, and the connections between the signs and penalties. (Honestly, they're horrifying.)
5. Identify every method of social control used, starting before you enter the temple.