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Re: No more resignations??

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:10 pm
by Palerider
2bizE wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:19 pm

So, how are these blessings restored? Do they do some priesthood ordinance? Or is it just a click in the computer?
Sounds like your membership/ordination doesn’t cease, but just gets suspended and then they can unsuspend, which requires you still have info in the database. I wonder if there is simply a flag they put on your record to indicate you are no longer a member. Then they can still pull reports on ex members.

Yep, like wtfluff and el-asherah said.

Re: No more resignations??

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:19 pm
by Palerider
el-asherah wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 3:47 pm
A nagging question is - does the church still include a flagged resigned/excommunicated record in the membership totals. I suspect they do.
The church has a very, very ,very long memory. They make elephants look like they have Alzheimer's.

Actually a little disturbing to think how they might act if they ever truly had the power they desire and were running the world. I doubt apostates, old foes and antagonists would survive long. :?

"Do me a favor and spill my blood so I can at least make the telestial kingdom...."