Re: "You are NOT an apostate!"
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:57 pm
A place to love and accept the people who think about and live Mormonism on their own terms.
The other reason that I forgot to mention is that I'm a 60-year old man, for crying out loud, and I am just done with the absurdity of sitting down in a closed room with a middle-aged guy from down the street and allowing him to judge me in regards to my "worthiness," and to verify that I meet his standards of underwear respect. It's madness. I think I'm old enough to finally be a grown-up.
Very true.You know what's funny about this whole thing is that it's just about someone deciding not to give a damn about people with make-believe authority, and how much that threatens the make-believe authority of those people. Since they don't have any REAL authority they have to resort to fear tactics. "Follow your own conscience instead of us and we'll take away your family for freakin' ever! Not to mention your genitals. The Good Ship Zion is sort of a floating Halloween hunted house where you pay (a lot) to have people jump out and scare you.
This always makes me think of the scene in the film planet of the apes where the big gorilla general is going to say a prayer and yells out in his big deep voice "BOW YOUR HEADS!"