Am I the new special project?

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Re: Am I the new special project?

Post by Korihor »

Thanks for the updates. It seems as usual we get ourselves worked up about stuff like this and it becomes a uneventful. But congrats for getting a direct call from the SP.

Imagine what this type of communication system would be like in the real world. Insanity.
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No Tof
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Re: Am I the new special project?

Post by No Tof »

Of course it is a game of leadership roulette, but it can go well.

It probably depends on how comfortable you are with where you are in relationship to the church. If you are still trying to maintain a warm cozy relationship it is more complicated. Most of us who grew up mormon don't feel good about lying to Sp types so that isn't a good route. Letting him know all your concerns might open you up to more help the lost sheep visits which I assume you would be happier without.
If he is sincerely interested in where you are in your life journey it could be a good visit. If, and this is more likely, he wants to bring you back in order to put another notch on his gun belt, then he will be more aggressive in his searching questions. Or he could be a secret Spanish inquisition agent. "no one expects the Spanish inquisition......"

Coincidentally, I just had a visit with my Sp last week and it went well. He was genuinely interested even curious, I think, about where I am in life and where I am heading. I told him frankly that I am more happy and calm in my outlook then I ever have been before. Please be advised that this really is hard for a SP or any TBM to understand so you may have to repeat the idea in several different ways, languages or times. Even when he says he understands, it is probably not true.

In any case, I hope you are able to enjoy the visit. You are the one holding all the aces. The answers to your sincere questions aren't at his disposal, if you ask, and only you can decide what you do in your life. They know this and only try to use the old Jedi mind tricks to make you feel otherwise.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.
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