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Re: NOMference Sat afternoon SP 2022!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 11:33 am
by alas
Angel wrote: Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:35 am
alas wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 8:40 pm

The problem is not anything the religion specifically teaches, the problem is putting both fathers, and bishops/ministers between the child and God. Then the minister/bishop/father is acting for God, acting on behalf of God, with God’s full approval. Ministers of any and every Christian faith act on behalf of God. Fathers do to, because all religions teach “honor thy Father” as if fathers can do no wrong. Nobody ever asks the child if their father is honor-able.
Generation after generation - genetics? People rationalize their childhood, justify it for themselves, and watch it repeat with their own partner and kids. When polygamy and child brides are part of church history there is further rationalization and continuation of it. What can you do? It's horror all around for everyone. 3 in my family in jail - 3 different religious beliefs - the Mormons involved the most kids, and the most damage within my experience.
It isn’t genetics, but a combination of emotional pain that the person has never healed being acted out it way that are destructive added onto a tendency not to learn from the mistakes of other, and to model our own behavior on the behavior we saw growing up. But you are correct that abused children tend to abuse or marry an abuser. It takes effort to get over abuse and not pass it down to the next generation.

I do think that polygamy did emotional damage and that damage gets passed down. I think the pressure to have too many children causes child abuse. Mothers with too many kids can’t cope and so they take out the stress on the kids. I do know that Utah’s statistics are bad. Higher than average child abuse of all kinds, higher than average spouse abuse, higher than average suicide, and no matter how you look at that, you have to conclude that the Mormon church contributes to those high statistics.

As to what to do, help heal one child at a time.