Tithing Unsettlement

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Re: Tithing Unsettlement

Post by Angel »

Red Ryder wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 1:55 pm Bishop of the Year!!!!

If I was Bishop:

One temple recommend for you! And you! And you!

Like Oprah…: everyone gets a temple recommend!

In my experience, a pedophile getting a TR taught him what he was doing wasn't so bad. Pay tithe - pay to play. Indulgences.

For all the evil that is reinforced by giving TR's to abusers - the enabling reinforcement would disappear if TR's were given to everyone. Reward free thinkers who refuse to pay, instead of rewards for pedophiles.

It's a sick tool. Rewarding actions based on false beliefs Pavlov response. TR's create a positive reinforcement loop. Over time, this reinforcement strengthens the belief that their actions are virtuous, even if the underlying beliefs are lies. TR's are a psychological mechanism - lead members to persist in behaviors aligned with their false beliefs, as the rewards reinforce a perceived sense of righteousness.

How many oppressive political regimes rewarded patriotic actions to manipulate populations into nationalistic abuse. Rewards for following the leader create self-righteous murderers more concerned with group approval than morality. Group approval = I'm moral.

By the people, not by the pope, by the dictator, by the supposed prophet. If only more systems were by the people, for the people.
“You have learned something...That always feels at first as if you have lost something.” George Bernard Shaw
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Re: Tithing Unsettlement

Post by Advocate »

Thanks for the interesting update.

Out of curiosity, can you share any background on the 3 families? Age range? Returned missionaries?

I ask because the younger generation (for me that's anyone under age 40) seems a lot more open about everything than Gen X and older. Although it still surprises me to see the younger generation be surprised by the church's dishonesty; I figured all of them are aware of it by now.
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