Bednar dedication of the Smith home

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Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by RubinHighlander » ... tland-ohio
In this home, Emma and Joseph worked unitedly to take care of each other, their children and members of their extended family. This home was a place where they obeyed the commands that the Lord recently had given to parents: to teach their children the gospel and bring them up in light and truth.
- David B.
I could sense how excited Joseph and Emma must have been to be together there with their young children in a house that would hold memories both amazingly joyful and deeply sorrowful
- Susan B.

So much bliss and happiness, so many beautiful revelations from the Lord. Such a great father and husband was he...
sans D&C 121 and 132

History is written by the victors I guess.
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Re: Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by Red Ryder »

A bit more of the truth added:
In this home, Emma and Joseph worked unitedly to take care of each other, their children and members of their extended family. This home was a place where they obeyed the commands that the Lord recently had given to Joseph: to bed and sire other women in the name of the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, to teach the doctrine of polygamy and bring them up in light and truth.
David B.
I could sense how excited Joseph was and how disappointed Emma must have been to be together there with her Sister Wives in a house that would hold memories both amazingly joyful and deeply sorrowful.
Susan B.
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Re: Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by blazerb »

Have they marked the location of the barn where the "dirty, nasty, filthy affair" with Fanny Alger was witnessed by Emma? Do they know the location where Joseph decided to start an illegal bank? Do they note how Joseph snuck out of town at night to avoid prosecution? Oh, the faith-promoting stories that could be told.
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Re: Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by nibbler »

This home was a place where they obeyed the commands that the Lord recently had given to parents: to teach their children the gospel and bring them up in light and truth.
Jesus didn't tell parents to do that until he told Joseph Smith.

Was it also the house where the Lord revealed sliced bread?
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Re: Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by Gatorbait »

Difficult not to be cynical about this sort of thing, so it's best not to try...your comments put a smile on my face for sure.

Too bad that keeping the commandments didn't transform into Joseph and Emma's fam staying faithful TBMs that crossed the plains and did all sorts of swell things to build up "Zion".

Emma was a peach, but she lied about polygamy and polyandry regarding Joseph, married outside the flock, told Brigham what she thought of him and stayed in Nauvoo to take care of Lucy Smith.

Yet, still and all, good ol' Bednar re-dedicates the house- brings back the blessings of peace, love, and teaching and keeping the commandments, especially the seventh of the ten commandments regarding adultery.

Never had much use for Bednar. Older he gets the less I like him.
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Re: Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by Conman52 »

Yeah hopefully they marked the place where Joseph was banging Fanny Alger , what memories.
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Re: Bednar dedication of the Smith home

Post by moksha »

How many marriages did Joseph consummate in that house without Emma knowing?
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