Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LaMachina »

I'm just gonna poke my head in here one more time...ugh, I hate myself... :lol:

Here's a quote from you, Newme
What's the saying: a person who hears lies over and over will not believe truth he's hearing for the first time
There has only been one person in this thread who repeats the same quippy non-argument over and over and over again.
Same cult-mentality - different herd.
I haven't counted but you must've said it or it's equivalent at least 2 dozen times in this thread alone...almost like it's some sort of mantra you use to convince yourself of your righteous and oh so logical views and dismiss those who who disagree with you as "stupid".

You don't actually address what's being said, you fail to recognize when people agree with your "facts" but justifiably interpret them differently or reject faulty conclusions based on those facts. You accuse others of "illogically diverting the argument" when somehow YOU have shifted the conversation from Religious Liberty to Anal sex to Gay Parenting to Climate change???

I would love it if you would simply outline what it is about someone entering a bakeshop and saying 'Hi, I'm having a special occasion and would like to pay you money to provide the service you advertise yourself as providing" that is somehow a special privilege? But I'm guessing you will respond with something about the moon landing conspiracy and yell to the rafters "CULT MENTALITY"!

I'm starting to get an understanding of why you may have had so many unfortunate experiences discussing this stuff elsewhere. The people here have the patience of saints.


And I say all that in the kindest way possible. :)
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LSOF »

And now, O Newme, this message is for thee.

Two can play the "same cult mentality, different herd" game. (Quoth Stupendous Skeptic, the preëminent Internet atheist:) "You've left one cult, only to join another! [Smug laughter.] You're reciting long-debunked denialist talking points! Crikey, you're gullible! Don't even think of looking at potholer54's YouTube channel, lest your ever-so-fragile denialist bubble collapse, and you be left with membership of two silly cults on your record!"

(Seriously though, potholer54 on YouTube deals with all this, together with cited sources. I'll take the consensus of working climatologists over the Koch brothers any day. See also for a graph of average global temperatures over the past 22,000 years. Also, I still do not know the thirty-one states which allegedly voted against legalizing same-sex marriage.)

This thread is a living example of the aphorism, "It takes an order of magnitude more energy to refute BS than to create it", a special case of "It's easier to destroy than to build".
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by moksha »

LaMachina wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:18 pm You accuse others of "illogically diverting the argument" when somehow YOU have shifted the conversation from Religious Liberty to Anal sex to Gay Parenting to Climate change??
Good call. While some aspects of religious liberty and anal sex share a commonality (pain in the butt), it is seemly unrelated to climate change.

Talking about freedom to worship as you see fit and the current use of the term religious freedom as a license to discriminate against those you do not like are separate ideas. It is a misnomer to call it religious liberty or freedom. Call it religious discriminating or pro-active voodooism or something like that.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

moksha wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:42 pm
LaMachina wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:18 pm You accuse others of "illogically diverting the argument" when somehow YOU have shifted the conversation from Religious Liberty to Anal sex to Gay Parenting to Climate change??
Good call. While some aspects of religious liberty and anal sex share a commonality (pain in the butt), it is seemly unrelated to climate change.

Talking about freedom to worship as you see fit and the current use of the term religious freedom as a license to discriminate against those you do not like are separate ideas. It is a misnomer to call it religious liberty or freedom. Call it religious discriminating or pro-active voodooism or something like that.
Please point to any phrases I've written that "discriminated against" anyone. Or maybe you've been taught to believe the myth that pointing out ugly truths=discrimination. And please, tell me how you've learned mind-reading to know who I like and who I don't like. Moksha, I previously thought more of you and your kindness and ability to reason.

The reason why I brought up homosexuality is because if you ask most Americans how their right to believe has been attacked most will point to the homosexual movement, and hypocrisies like everyone must bend over backwards to serve homosexuals, but homosexuals don't have to return any respect for differing beliefs and how the democratic process was screwed over in favor of "homosexual rights." In explaining the factual harms of homosexual practices, I wanted to prove that the reasoning for rejecting same-sex "marriage" was logically sound, not just religious fanatic bs.

LaMachina, LSOF,
I've presented substantiated FACTS about homosexuality, abortion and climate change- yet they're ignored. WHY?
If you have a problem with some facts - ADDRESS THEM - state exactly why they're wrong with credible evidence!
The fact that you haven't done this demonstrates that you don't have any rebuttal - you haven't thought through this on your own. You're just taking your new liberal herd's authorities' as unquestionable scripture.

I keep repeating something like "same cult mentality, different herd" because that's my big issue with so many who break out of the cult. They point fingers at cult-mentalities - how stupid and idiotic they are - when they're engaging in the same illogical behavior.

Again, my hope and great wish - I'd even get on my knees if I were before you - is that you would THINK for yourself!
And that you'd find truth - even if it makes you look like the enemy to your group - but stand for TRUTH - not lies!
Mob mentality is the most dangerous, IMO - and I feel it from you guys even in this thread. It hurts people, it hurts me -and maybe that's your goal - to try to make me look stupid so you don't have to address the inconvenient facts presented. Mobs often do things that if individuals did, they'd be considered insane. Insanity is denying facts - obvious substantiated FACTS. Insanity is a bunch of people calling names to someone saying they're bullying when they themselves are bullying rather than addressing the facts presented.
Last edited by Newme on Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by CaptainSalty »

Let's wrap this one up and agree to disagree. It's become less than a productive conversation and has derailed from the original OP. I'll keep it unlocked for now but please keep it civil.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by moksha »

I apologise for any incivility.
Good faith does not require evidence, but it also does not turn a blind eye to that evidence. Otherwise, it becomes misplaced faith.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

moksha wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:54 pm I apologise for any incivility.
Thanks, Moksha.
I apologize too.
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