I’m not sure why I get hung up on the “sexual predator” label? Not going to argue I agree or disagree but rather lay out how I see things in an attempt to dig into this hang up. Hopefully I can communicate this accurately as I’m not trying to defend Joseph Smith or condemn anyone that chooses to call him a sexual predator.
Perhaps I’m trying to understand the intent which defines differences between an opportunist and predator?
I see Smith as a pious fraud where he invented his first vision and subsequent Book of Mormon stories as a means to generate money. He was successful in finding people who believed in his stories, who propped him up as a spiritual leader, which subsequently increased his power, money, and ego. At which point he became a pursuer of sexual relationships with his followers. Opportunity is created. Many whom as we know, were of a young age which since pursued makes him a predator. In this case the label fits.
Pious fraud
Egotistical religious leader
Loved attention and power
Opportunity arose
Preyed on members
Sexual predator!
So which came first?
The predator or the prey?
Perhaps Joseph Smith was a pious predator?
Another example… a Rock Star?
If a Rock Star has sexual relations with underage teenagers as a result of opportunity, does that make them a predator or an opportunist? Of course they’re a predator! See Bible Dictionary - R. Kelly
An opportunist would be the rock star that made mad passionate love to the 30 something fan seeking an autographed t-shirt. Morality would define as immoral but not predatory (if consensual).
Predatory would be underage and from a position of power.
Applying conditional acceptance to heaven is a position of power. Applying fear and damnation is from a position of power. All easily defined as predatory.
Now here’s a thought? What if I suddenly become famous and have hundreds of women throwing themselves at me? I would consider that an opportunity due to my fame, fortune, and good looks!

How would I choose to react?
How I choose to react is what defines the difference between a predator and somebody who is not.
Thought experiment:
How would you choose to act?