What happened to the old NOM board?

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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by Cnsl1 »

I want to add my gratitude for the folks keeping this forum alive and well. It has been very therapeutic.

The StayLDS forum was a godsend to me several years ago, and prior to that I'd found the old NOM forum, or at least I think I did though I don't know if I ever posted there. Based on what I recall, the format was much different and there was a lot of green.. the color green. Maybe some pics of plants or forest?

I may be way off, remembering something else. Help me out....

But back to my thanks... sincerely thank you.

Thanks to those keeping this active. Thanks to all the sincere forum members who help me feel a community of similarly minded folks.
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by moksha »

Not Buying It wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:57 am I never had any hard feelings toward Thayne when the old Board died - he never owed us anything. We should be grateful for what he did, I personally didn't like some of the complainings I saw at the time.
Anytime significant swaths of information go missing from the internet, it is like a library fire at a library with irreplaceable information.

Future historians will be able to document life pre-internet but will have sketchy information thereafter if servers blink offline.
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by wtfluff »

Cnsl1 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:02 am ...
Based on what I recall, the format was much different and there was a lot of green.. the color green. Maybe some pics of plants or forest?
You're not wrong.
OldNom.jpg (216.46 KiB) Viewed 2546 times
There's quite a bit of "stuff" from NOM 1.0 out on archive.org for those who want to reminisce.

And may I add my thanks to The Cap'n, Red Cowboy and Tapir-Riding Chief for their resurrection of NOM.

NOM 1.0 was my landing-space upon my original journey into the dark night of the soul. Many sleepless nights were spent reading the old "stories" on NOM 1.0, and I quickly knew I wasn't alone, and I also wasn't completely crazy. (Let's face it, I'm still a bit crazy... That will never go away. :? )
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by malkie »

Red Ryder wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:57 am
Not Buying It wrote: Tue Jan 10, 2023 10:29 am Yes, many thanks to those of you responsible for bringing NOM back.

I never had any hard feelings toward Thayne when the old Board died - he never owed us anything. We should be grateful for what he did, I personally didn't like some of the complaining I saw at the time.
For myself, complaining was mostly due to grieving the loss of my documented “faith crisis journal”. Sort of like losing a journal in a house fire and never having the ability to go back and read my thoughts. I guess I could have saved my thoughts and posts or PDF’d them but I just thought everything on the internet never went away.

All these years later and I think I’ve processed that loss like any other and realized I’ve still got a lot of great wisdom from all ya’ll from our interactions and wonderful conversations over the years.

Honestly, I never would have imagined NOM 2.0 would have continued this long. In October of 2023 we will have hit 7 years!

And that’s plenty to be proud about.
Ahhhh, so the tired old "several months before her 7th birthday" NOM apologetic is alive and well?

OOPS: I forgot to add the :D
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by stealthbishop »

It's hard to believe what LDSMan (blessed be his name) started and what so many others contributed along the way has continued this long!

Another sincere thanks to everyone who has contributed and made sacrifices for NOM 1.0 and 2.0.
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by crazyhamster »

wtfluff wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:14 am
Cnsl1 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:02 am ...
Based on what I recall, the format was much different and there was a lot of green.. the color green. Maybe some pics of plants or forest?
You're not wrong.

There's quite a bit of "stuff" from NOM 1.0 out on archive.org for those who want to reminisce.

And may I add my thanks to The Cap'n, Red Cowboy and Tapir-Riding Chief for their resurrection of NOM.

NOM 1.0 was my landing-space upon my original journey into the dark night of the soul. Many sleepless nights were spent reading the old "stories" on NOM 1.0, and I quickly knew I wasn't alone, and I also wasn't completely crazy. (Let's face it, I'm still a bit crazy... That will never go away. :? )
Likewise, I can't put a value on the help the original board was in processing my departure from the church. I was so relieved when this board finally popped up and still come back somewhat regularly to see how everyone is doing, even if I don't post much anymore. Big kudos to those who put in the hard work of keeping the site running.
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by MoPag »

Culper Jr. wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 7:31 pm Well, since this has come up, I can finally tell the truth about what really happened. Back in 2016, I was just beginning my faith crisis. I had found the old NOM from a post Rock Waterman made on Pure Mormonism (a brief phase while I was trying to salvage my testimony). Exmo Reddit was a little too wild for me at the time, but NOM was more respectful and slower paced. I had signed up but not posted anything, mostly lurking. I was teetering back and forth between belief and unbelief. I finally made the leap and made a few posts. Pretty soon after that, the site crashed.

I was seriously convinced for a short period of time that God had destroyed the site because I had posted things mildly critical of the church.

Anyway, I came to my senses and found the resurrected NOM. So sorry guys, it was my wickedness that destroyed the old site. Now you know. I hope you can forgive me.
OMG Culper, I found NOM from a Rock Waterman post too!

This board has changed my life and really probably saved it too! I love you guys!!!!
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by Not Buying It »

I do think the old Board had a lot more people who knew there were problems in the Church but wanted to make it work. It was interesting over time to watch a shift from a lot of people who wanted to stay in the Church and knew there were problems to a lot of people who wanted out and were just coping with being stuck in it. Part of that is because the Church has made it increasingly untenable for anyone who knows about problems to make it work.
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Re: What happened to the old NOM board?

Post by SoJo »

Ha! I was just talking about this board with my wife last night and thought I'd check to see if it was back up. Lo and behold, the Lard did bring me to this place and I did see!
It's been a long while. I miss our lunches at the Gateway Mall in SLC. It would be great to see people again.
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