Keeping up with Trump

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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by alas »

Hagoth wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 4:54 pm
SaidNobody wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2022 5:32 pm Russian state media is predicting the US will begin a civil war over the Trump search warrant. The Republican Crime Syndicate has declared war against the FBI and Justice Department.

What is your opinion?
It would be a very short civil war.

I kind of like the plan that I heard proposed on the radio a couple of years ago by a white nationalist. Texas secedes from the union and it becomes a MAGA nation where all of the militiamen and Confederacy patriots can congregate and no one one would have to tolerate any of those damned liberal ideals. You know, a place where you can worship the hell out of Jesus without any pressure to do any of that sissy bleeding heart stuff he was always going on and on about. ;)
My husband and I have wishfully discussed that possibility. Texas has always put Texas ahead of the US, bragging about how they are the only state ever to be an independent nation. If people in Germany or France ask an English speaking person where they are from, Britts say Great Britain, people from the various English colonies in India or the Islands will say their nation, all Yanks say the US, and Texans say Texas. Expecting that everyone knows Texas, so the Germans get this funny look on their face and say, but you sound like an American. Yeah, I saw that happen more than once while we lived in Germany. Texans are kind of like General Robert E Lee, who didn’t want Virginia to secede, and was asked to be in charge of the Union forces. But he put his loyalty to Virginia ahead of his loyalty to the US and when the Confederates asked him to head up their armies, he agreed. So, yeah, Texas has never been loyal to the US, only Texas. So, no loss.

And Facebook could put up a house exchange and Trumpers in California and New York could agree to exchange homes with liberals in Texas.

Maybe if Texas doesn’t give the conservatives enough room, we could let New Mexico, Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia and Louisiana all join Texas. They have all lost their collective minds. Then they can build a 20 foot wall on the Border of Mexico and shoot anyone they catch crossing. That would make Texas happy. Arizona and Florida as well as the idiots who elected that blond bimbo have all gone quite nuts too. And I would let the damned state that is responsible for McConnell go too.

Having lived in both Florida, Arizona, and Texas, I am really shocked at how far off the deep end those states have gone. And well, Mississippi was always kind of nuts. Back in 1971, we lived in some old slave quarters out back of a Southern mansion just a mile from Jefferson Davis’s mansion in Biloxi Miss. We were warned by the US Air Force to never go into town while in Uniform, because the anti war thing was too big of a thing, and for whites to always be careful what part of town we were in, and for blacks to stay the blank out of white neighborhoods, and well, everyone, just stay out of down town after dark. Confederate flags were more common than at Trump rallies, and well, Mississippi was always just a bit nuts. So, that would be no loss to the US.

The New Confederacy, or maybe they could call it the Republic of Republicans. They could just use the same old Confederate flag, elect Trump as president, Desantis as Vice. He is very good at vice already. They could compete with Mexico for a corrupt government. They could use the various militias as their standing army. The proud boys could be secret service. They could keep pretending there is no climate change. That would make Texas happy, as well as rich.

Then karma could get them as global warming takes the temperature up of Southern states to 150 F.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Trump Demands Either New Election ‘Immediately’ or Make Him ‘Rightful’ President Now
Former President Donald Trump on Monday took time off from melting down over the FBI executing a search warrant at his home to seize classified documents to demand that he be installed as commander-in-chief of the United States—22 months after he decisively lost the 2020 race.

The twice-impeached ex-president, though, did propose a “minimal solution” if he is not returned to the White House right away: Declare the 2020 vote “irreparably compromised” and hold a new one “immediately.”
Article XII of the Constitution clearly states that all megalomaniacal narcissists have the right to call for a do-over.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

The best way to get Kirton McConkie on board with keeping all documents secret is to suggest the missing 116 pages have been found in a Mar-a-Lago root cellar.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

Now Trump is dogwhistling for violence if he gets indicted.

My question: how far do things have to go before Republicans in congress feel the need to dig deep and grow just a tiny sliver of spine? Too far, I'm guessing.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Hagoth wrote: Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:49 pm My question: how far do things have to go before Republicans in congress feel the need to dig deep and grow just a tiny sliver of spine? Too far, I'm guessing.
Trump is promising that Republicans will be revolting. Terrorist acts and rioting in the streets by white nationals in thrall to a narcissistic megalomanic, if he is indicted. Will it be the downfall of America as we know it?
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by DPRoberts »

It will certainly be a test of our republic. Literacy regarding basic civics in our country is abysmal, so it is not too hard to convince certain people to turn to violence. However, I think I would rather see Trump face charges that are appropriate and provable than have justice denied out of fear. In another age he would be up on charges of high treason given his contempt for the rule of law.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

DPRoberts wrote: Sat Sep 17, 2022 2:26 pm It will certainly be a test of our republic. Literacy regarding basic civics in our country is abysmal, so it is not too hard to convince certain people to turn to violence. However, I think I would rather see Trump face charges that are appropriate and provable than have justice denied out of fear. In another age he would be up on charges of high treason given his contempt for the rule of law.
The most important lesson the people of this country could learn from this mess (besides that crime doesn't pay) would be that bullies don't get away with whatever they want just by bullying, and that people aren't better off in the long run for caving to, and standing behind, bullies.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

And now he's openly embracing Qanon, while simultaneously asking them for donations for his "defense fund." There used to be one born every minute, but I think they're arriving by the truckload now.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Trump announced on Hannity's program on Fox, that he has the power to declassify stolen top secret documents just by thinking about it.

To bolster this claim, both Fox and the Republican Congressional delegation will testify that Trump's mental telepathy is real and cite Q-anon evidence of Moon Quakers as proof.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

moksha wrote: Thu Sep 22, 2022 8:52 pm Trump announced on Hannity's program on Fox, that he has the power to declassify stolen top secret documents just by thinking about it.

To bolster this claim, both Fox and the Republican Congressional delegation will testify that Trump's mental telepathy is real and cite Q-anon evidence of Moon Quakers as proof.
It all makes sense now. He has magical powers. All of these independent witch hunts are converging on him. because he IS a witch!
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

For anybody out there who still insists that Trump never lies, I hope you were watching this:
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Cnsl1 »

The man needs to be arrested. I think he'll be doing this again during the next election.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by hmb »

I think it's already too late. Even if Trump is indicted and convicted, there are many more that have shown themselves to be worse. The worse the MAGA-ites, the more they are supported. The creepier they are, the more they are embraced. I hope I'm wrong, but I think our democracy is headed for ruin. I've never been one to vote for party over politics, but voting straight blue has never been so important. I wonder what the majority of the population will be saying 50 years from now?
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

hmb wrote: Sat Oct 15, 2022 1:30 pm I wonder what the majority of the population will be saying 50 years from now?
50 years from now Trump will either be remembered as the biggest villain and cautionary tale in American history or they will be goose-stepping past his statue and forcing protesters up against the wall under billboard-size portraits of him. I'm sure Trump was planning on the second scenario, but My money is on the first.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

“The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly teaches me to suspect that my own is also.” -Mark Twain

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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

It will be interesting to see whether Sean Hannity follows Murdoch's lead in throwing Trump under the bus. It will also be interesting to see if Trump's fascist base will be phased by Fox News abandoning Trump. For the most part, Fox viewers have achieved a state of mushroomhood, having been kept in a true news blackout for so long and having been fed bull s**t, but they are way too old to shoot out new spores. They will eventually decay and melt back into the sofa as part of the fungi cycle of life.

It is the young fascists still loyal to Trump that seems worrisome.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

moksha wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:36 am It will be interesting to see whether Sean Hannity follows Murdoch's lead in throwing Trump under the bus.
It will also be interesting to see where *ucker Carlson directs his fear-anger-hate-lies message going forward. From what little I've seen, he's still riding the MAGA train at full throttle.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by hmb »

Hagoth wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 4:16 pm
moksha wrote: Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:36 am It will be interesting to see whether Sean Hannity follows Murdoch's lead in throwing Trump under the bus.
It will also be interesting to see where *ucker Carlson directs his fear-anger-hate-lies message going forward. From what little I've seen, he's still riding the MAGA train at full throttle.
Gee, what does the "*" represent in *ucker's name :lol: ?

This has been such an entertaining week, filled with nail biting, sighs of relief, and celebration. For now, democracy is winning. Watching Trump, and his ilk, implode is icing. It's not over though. I worry the masses will become quickly complacent. Trump still wields a lot of power, though why??? Until the Maga(t)s are back in the fringe, hiding under bridges like trolls, the flames of ugly can easily be fanned back. I hope the republican party will divide itself into continued losses, until it finally becomes productive. I don't have to agree with them, the way I don't always agree with the democrats, but I don't want to fear them destroying hard earned freedoms.

Things I've learned from this experience: The phrase, Elections have consequences, is more than just a saying. Elections at the local level are just as important as national elections, and don't take our true democracy for granted. Yes, I've been guilty of comfortable ignorance, but no more.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

hmb wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:45 am I hope the republican party will divide itself into continued losses, until it finally becomes productive.
I like to believe that in some ways this has been what our country really needed. It pulled a Band-Aid off. Many of us were shocked to realize how much bigotry, paranoia, racism, and hatred has been simmering and waiting for permission to raise its ugly head. The melting pot is also a pressure cooker. Hopefully we can address this sickness in an intelligent and productive way.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Cnsl1 »

Something about a melting pot, things start blending together and looking the same. I always thought that wasn't the right metaphor. I think I'd like our country to be more of a tossed salad. And to be the best salad, we need all the ingredients to be what they are.

Let's not put it in the blender like my grandfather did. Drinking your meals isn't that much fun.
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