If the Church had a crisis how effective is this system in the 'real world?' Practically speaking, could a charismatic prophet overrule significant opposition by the other 14, or a clique of them?
Did it happen in 1890, as fundamentalists believe?
But only with their families! No one stood up against it.Just This Guy wrote: ↑Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:38 pm Several of the Q15 shared with their families they did not support it.
Radio Free Mormon talks about the "Apostolic Charge" in a couple of his episodes. That is the agreement that the Q15 have that once they vote on something, even if they don't agree with it, they will always publicly say they support it. I remember one episode where he dives into the history and origins of it.deacon blues wrote: ↑Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:43 pm I’ve long suspected an apostolic oath. Dallin Oaks refers to it in an interview. It is probably TOP secret. How could we learn more about it? Is it in a Hugh Brown biography?
Probably in Midway Utah rather than Tonga, but it probably is super Mormon secret, which means it really isn’t a secret…moksha wrote: ↑Tue Sep 27, 2022 4:12 pm I think there is a contingency plan to build an impenetrable Fortress/Temple on the island of Tonga for the Brethren and their families to abide during times of upheaval, such as the bulk of the saintly membership embracing Trump as the new QAnon Messiah (please keep this a secret).
Thank you so much, Deacon! These are priceless.deacon blues wrote: ↑Mon Oct 03, 2022 9:59 am These candid observations by an apostle may shed some light on how things operate inside the inner circle.
But if he did make such a decision he would call upon the sacred apostolic charge to humble them into behaving as if they were all in agreement. I can't imagine that he would every do anything so remotely Christ-like as caring for the homeless, so I'm hoping his body outlives his rational brain long enough to do something so absolutely over-the-top wacky that it really tests his cronies' loyalty. Like having himself crowned King of the World, or bringing back animal sacrifice, or having UFO landing pads installed on top of the temples, or assigning a Bigfoot task force to capture and interrogate Cain.A New Name wrote: ↑Tue Oct 11, 2022 3:00 pm I believe the church is a "corporate sole", where the CEO/Prophet has sole authority as far as the business of the church goes. Rusty could theoretically decide to turn all the chapels into homeless shelters and there is nothing the Q15 could do.
I think that this is a very real issue. Seniority matters in the Q15. I think the senior apostles carry significantly more weight in the decision making and structurally and orally the message is sent that if you are a junior member of the Q15 you are to sit back and observe and do as you are told. You still have a vote when it comes down to a vote but not a lot of influence.blazerb wrote: ↑Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:20 pm There must some sort of hold that the senior leaders have over those just called. A while back, I wondered what trouble Elder Gong could get into if the world saw the picture with his son and his son's significant other (Are they married? I do not remember.). I'm trying to imagine what sort of consequences would make me embarrassed to be seen with my children. I have no idea. It makes no sense unless there is some sort of control imposed on the new members if they don't toe the line.
In short, I'm not sure that there really are 14 other guys that the prophet has to convince. I'll be there are some key leaders that have influence.