Things have changed a bit over the last 3 years or so in regards to membership and proclamations. Does the above statement still speaks today of New Order Mormons? Do they still exist? There are tons of "middle way" labels people use these days, is NOM one of them?New Order Mormons are those who no longer believe some (or much) of the dogma or doctrines of the LDS Church, but who want to maintain membership for cultural, social, or even spiritual reasons. New Order Mormons recognize both good and bad in the Church, and have determined that the Church does not have to be perfect in order to remain useful. New Order Mormons seek the middle way to be Mormon
NOM used to be a term I used to describe myself but it was hard to explain to people. I now use the term Borderland Mormon because I sit on those lines inbetween being out of the church and be in. I supplement my experiences by finding like minded people in real life (mostly Post Mormon groups, even though I am not Post Mormon), Community of Christ (for some worship experiences) and even Fellowship Organizations that have other ways of looking at doctrine, leadership and personal relationships with God. I would imagine others on this board may do the same thing.
This message board is a good start to be as good or better than the old place. My question is, whoever runs this place, is this a message board for folks to come and be faithful middlewayers (whatever title you choose to call yourself)? Are we a Post Mormon group? Are we going to try to bring back the term NOM and make it into some kind of lifestyle? How known is the term NOM in heavy LDS areas?
Looking forward to your responses!