Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

LaMachina wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2017 2:44 pm Well hot damn Newme...

I asked so I guess I only have myself to blame! :lol:

Now I don't have the time at the moment to go through all the cases and arguments you cite but I hope to at some point...although I just got through looking into the Backfire effect and sometimes I fear these conversations are pointless. ;)

But then I remind myself; I have faith in civil discourse!

Now, I know you are aware of logical fallacies as I've heard you mention them before but your post seems to make a few too many highly questionable & logically fallacious claims. Again, I wish I had the time to address them more directly but I'm swamped at the moment and also do not want to go off the rails with some of those claims that don't have much to do with religious freedom. So instead I'm going to pass the buck to this guy who I find sums up the question of religious liberty quite well and better than I could:
Did you know it's a logical fallacy to state, "your post seems to make a few too many highly questionable & logically fallacious claims" without stating exactly which claims contained fallacies?
But it's ok, I understand - you're swamped. ;)
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

RubinHighlander wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:03 pm So many examples of offenses could be listed here that show how religious freedom has been trampled on by the liberals and non-believers and vice versa. Ultimately it boils down to people thinking they are smarter or more special than some other group or person and therefore have the right to tell them they are wrong. It's a common problem for humans, dating back to pre-history tribal days.

Since leaving the church I could say I am more liberal, but certainly not to be anti-mormon, I'm just trying to be a more open minded and critical thinking person. I had already left the Republican party years before going NOM but I didn't go democrat either. I've remained independent, but honestly, I don't like many of those politicians either. It's has become really difficult for me, politically, to find anyone I align with.

As far a religion, my personal opinion is that it causes more problems than it solves. But the same goes for many of our government bureaucrats. Both mainstream religion and politics are not completely broken in this country, but they sure are full of a lot of self preservation, useless bigotry and bull crap!

I don't agree with anyone telling someone how to live their life or how to vote, with the caveat that it does not infringing on another person's rights; also protecting those that can't protect themselves, like kids and animals. I like healthy debate and argument, but I don't like name calling and personal attacks on character or beliefs; this is what many in society, especially the two political parties, don't do so well with. I won't march in a gay parade, because I'm not gay, I don't understand it, but I also would not vote for a law that discriminates against them or agree with a church policy that alienates or forces kids to have to choose between church or parents.

The method of indoctrination the church and other religions use does bother me because it takes away the rights of kids in many ways. There is also much ignorance generated by many religious and government institutions, filtering legitimate information, controlling via fear, guilt and forcing their narrative. This video provides a good explanation on the indoctrination issues that I have with religious institutions like the Mormon church.

Grooming Minds:

I'd like to finish this post with this parting thought: I love this forum is the varied opinions that are expressed, but in a healthy and open way with mutual respect. There's so much experience and knowledge here and I think most of us try to look at both sides of controversial issues. Also, the amount of love and support here is tremendous. This really is a beautiful little safe haven in the cloud for those struggling with their religion and many other issues. What a great group of individuals; kudos to you all! Unlike watching the new, this place gives me hope for humanity's future.
Thanks for sharing your perspective. I'm similar in the sense that I don't consider myself Republican or Democrat - I believe in life and marriage (and the union by which we all exist), and in small government - empowering the poor rather than encouraging dependency. Yet, I also believe in caring for the environment and caring for the poor where it's most needed - in areas where they are on the lowest economic rung of a metaphorical ladder - and require help or else they'll die. I also don't believe that most of the wars the US has gotten involved with have been just. It's not all or nothing... unless you're in a group that says it must be - like the church or political parties etc.

Another thing I resonated with that you wrote is how so many are full of bs - really - everyone to some extent, not just politicians - though they tend to be masters in it. After my faith crisis, I began to see more clearly many of the ways I and others bs'ed one another. I think society requires some but kissing - it's expected. But when you see through everything, and see the bs for what it is, it's hard to play along. But really, we all need the illusion that we're ok - we don't want to look at the ugly aspects of things. We need support and as someone on the old NOM said, "functional illusions."

And I do think this forum (group of people on this forum) has a lot of support available to people who are having an lds faith crisis to one degree or another. In a lot of ways, I feel like I've moved on - and wish more would move past stage 4 (skepticism) of Fowler's stages. ... faith.html
But it is what it is. I guess it's good to be grateful for what you get rather than complain about what you don't get.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LaMachina »

Newme wrote: Fri Feb 03, 2017 2:03 pm Did you know it's a logical fallacy to state, "your post seems to make a few too many highly questionable & logically fallacious claims" without stating exactly which claims contained fallacies?
But it's ok, I understand - you're swamped.
Nah, that's no logical fallacy, it's just laziness. ;)

Apologies, I was out of town but I don't want to keep you waiting any longer! I enter this discussion with some trepidation but I find your position really interesting and I am seeking to understand it. You have provided a ton of content and I will try to respond. One small point of contention: I asked if you could give me examples of non-believers infringing on the rights of believers. All the examples you cite include differing opinions on abortion and gay marriage. While the majority of believers may fall stereotypically on one particular side of those issues there are in fact plenty of believers who support the right of gays to marry and for women to choose an abortion if necessary. Perhaps we're falling into that trap previously discussed where just because someone has a certain view on a topic we assume a lot about their positions?
Newme wrote: Tue Jan 31, 2017 11:02 am Children have the right to not be taught homosexuality in school.
That's a pretty remarkable right to claim...perhaps I've misunderstood your position here? Are you saying children have the right to not hear about or discuss homosexuality at all? Cuz homosexuals exist. Do children have the right to not be taught polynomials? Or to avoid lessons on the chemical carbon? Maybe they do?? Of course I believe any information should be age appropriate but what is the kid with two moms (or even just a gay uncle?) supposed to do when asked to draw his family? Does the picture get censored?

Or perhaps you mean no one should be taught homosexuality is the preferred relationship goal regardless of orientation? I haven't seen that in the examples you cite but we do have good evidence of heterosexuality being promoted as the vastly superior relationship even if someone is gay. But let's take a look:
Yet, in places where same-sex marriage has been supported, these rights have been infringed upon...
*Freshmen were told not to tell their parents about a pro-gay seminar & were required to sign a confidentiality agreement (Derrfield, Illinois Mar. 2007).
*In March, 2007, a Massachusetts high school banned parents from attending a seminar for students on how they can know they are homosexual.
Not informing parents is definitely concerning however schools are in a difficult situation sometimes. We have run into this here (in Canada) with some new legislation which understandably had parents a little freaked out. However, sometimes the home situation can be dangerous for kids and giving schools a little bit of leeway in what they can keep private for their students can protect them from harm. Admittedly it's a difficult balance and IMHO schools shouldn't be the judge of what parents should and should not know. In these stories the school administrations admitted that not informing parents was a mistake.
*In October, 2008, First graders (6 year-old students) were taken on a field trip to watch their lesbian teacher's wedding.
This was a field trip suggested by a parent and the school decided to allow it. Students were given the option of not going which some took advantage of. Seems reasonable to me.
*In Oct 2008, a Hayward CA public elementary school celebrated "Coming Out Day."
From everything I've read about gays and transgendered individuals (and it's been quite a bit on both sides of the aisle as this has affected our lives to a degree), is that providing a welcoming, understanding, loving environment provides for far better mental health prospects than telling them to remain celibate or seek out hetero relationships. These efforts on the schools' part is an attempt to help those kids as they also form part of the school community and enjoy their rights to life, liberty and happiness. I know the Dutch study from your Legal Liability report finds that gays suffer far more mental illness but those who did the study say that more study is required to determine exactly why that is. Concluding that just being gay leads to mental health issues seems like a stretch to me.

And that's something I've never understood about the religious position, particularly Christians who insist that heterosexual marriage is god's way. Paul had this to say about it:
It is good for a man not to touch a woman...But I say this as a concession, not as a commandment. For I wish that all men were even as I myself. But each one has his own gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.
But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: It is good for them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion

I've never understood why more churches haven't taken the position of- Yeah, it's not ideal for us but if you're gay find a partner and get married. It's better than burning with passion.
It seems to be a reasonable approach to me and leads to the best mental health of those involved.
Normalizing & even encouraging children to explore homosexuality obviously causes more to experiment with homosexuality.
I'm gonna need a reference for this one as I've seen no evidence that this is true. While it could certainly lead a gay child to be more comfortable with who they are and therefore live authentically (which I guess would lead to some sort of increase in "experimenting with homosexuality"??) I can't say I've seen a lot of straight kids say -Sweet I'm going to try out homosexuality now!! I know there is the trope of women "trying out" lesbianism for a while but I haven't seen any actual evidence of it other than the apparently supported view that women tend to be bi-sexual more often than men?
Some in the homosexual activist group have bluntly admitted that their eventual goal is to normalize pedophilia and inappropriate adult-child sexual relations.
Uh...ok?? As mentioned, there were mormons who had different goals than I did when I was mormon. Now that I identify as more atheist, there are atheists who have different goals than I do. There are feminists who I disagree with despite my views on feminism and equality. Just because some member of a group hold radical views it does not de-legitimize all goals of that group.
*In May, 2008, a black administrator was fired from the U of Toledo, Ohio, for writing an editorial objecting to the comparison of black discrimination to same-sex marriage.
Free speech does not mean free from consequences of voicing said speech. I was not able to locate the entire editorial but the bits I did find were fairly offensive. And she was absolutely free to hold those opinions. But as a university admissions adviser I'm not surprised that her employer would have very reasonable doubts about her ability to remain un-biased in her job based on her expressed views. Good for her for telling people how she felt but I can't say I'm surprised she lost her job.
*An intolerant opponent of Proposition 8 violently attacked & injured a Proposition supporter in Oct. 2008.
Yeah, assault is illegal and I'm assuming the perpetrator was charge? It happens unfortunately.
*On November 19, 2008, eHarmony, a Christian-based matching service was forced by New Jersey's Division on Civil Rights to provide website matching services for homosexuals.
Interestingly, the founder of eHarmony said that gay marriage had ruined his company and had this to say about it:
I think this issue of same-sex marriage within the next five to 15 years will be no issue anymore. We've made too much of it. I'm tired of it. It has really damaged our company," Warren said, "and when the attorney general of the state of New Jersey decided that we had to put up a same-sex site and we did it out of counsel that if we didn't do it we were not going to have any business in New Jersey — we literally had to hire guards to protect our lives because the people were so hurt and angry with us, were Christian people, who feel that it's a violation to scripture.
Dang...nothing like that good ol' fashioned Christlike love. ;)

*And one of the biggest: 5 of the supreme Court ignored the democratic check-and-balances and like a king, DECREED that society must now accept same sex marriage, despite the fact that marriage is not mentioned in the constitution and is not under their jurisdiction. Scalia (one of the 4 who opposed this) was vocal about how unlawful 5 of the Supreme Court justices were acting: “[T]o allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation.” Mysteriously, after being so vocal about this, and calling them out, he was found dead in his hotel room - when recently he had a clean bill of health from his doctor.
That video I linked to discusses how the Supreme Court did not make new law but interpreted existing law. Seems reasonable to me but what do I know...I'm canadian. :)
And maybe Scalia was murdered by the raving leftist loons but I tend to reject conspiracy theories especially on flimsy evidence. But again, I'm part of the unthinking homosexual herd! :D

But I do think you make good points on government infringing on private business. I'm conflicted on that particular point. Part of me feels like letting business deny services to whoever they want and let the free market decide if they thrive or not. But the world does have a very ugly history of letting people deny basic services to blacks, Jews, women and yes, even gays, and I understand why there are many out there who refuse to live in a world like that. I find it to be a complicated scenario.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

Looks like you had some time on your hands - no more being swamped. ;)
Often, you've shown your bias by claiming another view of facts is biased.
So we could go in circles indefinitely. What is most significant are undeniable facts (like human anatomy, statistics from nation-wide health reports and medical risks) - if you argue those, it's obviously biased and illogical.

Personally, I've been one to openly question religious distorted thinking, yet I still respect their right to believe as they do, so it's not so much that which is concerning to me. Having the right to believe as we do - and not fear repercussion if we express unpopular opinions - that's a major part of America's founding. What's concerning is when rights are denied in favor of others' "special" privileges. Homosexuality has been forced at people socially and even legally - so much that people have been threatened. To be attacked verbally or threatened (as I have) simply because you've pointed out FACTS of homosexuality being harmful (according to the US CDC), there's something very wrong, especially when lawmakers are being pushed to enact laws that allow for one-sided bullying in the name of "anti-bullying."

I find it ironic when people go from being super TBM and condemning people for not believing as they do... to rejecting the church and yet still engaging in the same manipulative cult-mentality of "you suck if you don't believe as I do."
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LaMachina »

Often, you've shown your bias by claiming another view of facts is biased.
Pot, meet kettle. :lol:
So we could go in circles indefinitely.
Indubitably, just didn't want you to think your points were being ignored. But I'm fine with an agree to disagree position.
simply because you've pointed out FACTS of homosexuality being harmful
I actually agree with you here with one small caveat; I believe ALL sex has been shown to be potentially harmful. And when you push a group underground, calling them perverts and degenerates, it doesn't help at all in allowing them to form healthy relationships. Which is why I support gay marriage and allowing open conversation in schools. I will tell my potentially gay child-form a relationship with whoever you want and be smart and safe about it. And monogamy is great and I recommend it.
I find it ironic when people go from being super TBM and condemning people for not believing as they do... to rejecting the church and yet still engaging in the same manipulative cult-mentality of "you suck if you don't believe as I do."
Sorry if you've had that experience but I've never once said anything close to this. IMHO I've taken what you've said, examined it and pointed out where I have disagreed in a respectful and thoughtful way (with a good natured ribbing now and then maybe?) I've even given credit where I think you've made a good point. And I feel I've made some pretty good points too, if I do say so myself! ;)

But if after all that you still feel I'm being biased and illogical and suffer from a herd, cult-mentality than this has truly been an unfruitful conversation.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

LaMachina wrote: Sat Feb 18, 2017 7:02 pm
simply because you've pointed out FACTS of homosexuality being harmful
I actually agree with you here with one small caveat; I believe ALL sex has been shown to be potentially harmful. And when you push a group underground, calling them perverts and degenerates, it doesn't help at all in allowing them to form healthy relationships. Which is why I support gay marriage and allowing open conversation in schools. I will tell my potentially gay child-form a relationship with whoever you want and be smart and safe about it. And monogamy is great and I recommend it.
Anal sex is the primary way homosexual men have sex - and that is proven to be full of risks of anal fissures, anal cancer, colon rupture and bacterial infection - ACCORDING TO MEDICAL FACTS/DOCTORS. That applies to even the statistically rare monogamous homosexual male relationship - besides the STDs, AIDs/HIV and mental illness statistically high in those living homosexual lifestyle, according to the US CDC.

This is not just my "biased" opinion. This is an ugly fact - which a lot of people want to ignore - with the hope of appearing "nice."

What seems to be under attack are those who present ugly truths. It's as if there's this lie that everyone's believing and nobody wants anyone to rock the boat. Remind you of anything?
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LaMachina »

Ahhh, I understand now. It's not homosexuality you have an issue with, it's anal sex! We have uncovered the crux!

Lesbians are all good then, right?

I'm cool with ugly truths myself but I like to probe deeper and find out the whys. It's my weakness. ;)
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

You still don't get it! What's the saying: a person who hears lies over and over will not believe truth he's hearing for the first time. There are aspects of homosexuality that are HARMFUL - not just my opinion - but medically, statistically - factually hurting many people. I gave you some facts - and as I guessed you would - you ignored them and chose to cling to your own biases. And as many have before, you attempt to illogically divert the argument because you have nothing better to add - you refuse to consider facts that your new group tells you to ignore. Same herd mentality, different herd. Statistics on lesbians are not as clear because they tend to switch between men and women - but there is evidence that STDs are spread faster among them than heterosexual women. Anal sex is harmful even if both men are monogamous - the anus is anatomically designed to be an exit-only.

There are credible REASONS why most people showed by vote (which was unconstitutionally overruled) that they opposed same-sex "marriage" - it's not just religious bs. Besides the facts that statistically, homosexual practices prove to be harmful, children need mothers as well as they need fathers - both are important. Supporting same-sex marriage is cheering for children being denied a mother or father. Here's more for you to conveniently ignore:

Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay ‘Marriage’ in Federal Court
Several accounts are given of dysfunctional lifestyles of homosexual parents, and how they missed having a mother or father. ... eral-court

Child of lesbian couple speaks out against gay marriage ... -marriage/

“Every child need a mum” – A gay man speaks out against gay marriage"
“I don’t want to see children being engineered for same-sex couples where there is either a mom missing or a dad missing,” Mainwaring explained. “Somebody needs to stand up for the rights and needs of children in an age when the selfishness of adults seems to be trumping those rights.” ... -marriage/

Kids of Gay Parents More Likely to Suffer Mental Problems, Study Shows ... tudy-shows
"Researchers found that 17 percent of children with same-sex parents had serious emotional problems compared to 7 percent of children with a mom and dad."

Study: Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Face Greater Risks ... laDial.htm
"According to data from the New Family Structures Study, led by Mark Regnerus at the University of Texas at Austin, children raised by homosexual parents are dramatically more likely than peers raised by married heterosexual parents to suffer from a host of social problems. Among them are strong tendencies, as adults, to exhibit poor impulse control; suffer from depression and thoughts of suicide; need mental health therapy; identify themselves as homosexual; choose cohabitation; be unfaithful to partners; contract sexually transmitted diseases; be sexually molested; have lower income levels; drink to get drunk; and smoke tobacco and marijuana."


Mothers' and Fathers' Socializing Behaviors in Three Contexts: Links with Children's Peer Competence
Pettit, Gregory S.; Brown, Elizabeth Glyn; Mize, Jacquelyn; Lindsey, Eric

To claim that fathers are not necessary, or that mothers do not really matter is not only ignorant of the reproductive means by which we all exist, but it's also ignoring abundant research that tells the obvious - that same-sex couples prove to be poor substitutes for the complimentary parenting which mothers and fathers provide. Both mothers and fathers are important to children's optimum development.

What bothers me is the freaking herd mentality I STILL see from some like you. It's the real dangerous part. "Insanity in individuals is something rare - but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule." I have family and friends with homosexual preferences - most of them have been dealt a crappy hand in life and suffer from mental illness (as statistics show). They aren't in the right mind to see things clearly. But people like you and I can and are morally obligated to stand for what's true and right, not support lies that hurt others!

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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LaMachina »

Holy cow...

Is your go-to response to people who disagree with you always "you're a brainwashed automaton suffering from cult-mentality"? You must find the world a very frustrating place to live. If the bandwidth I've wasted here has led you to such a conclusion than I have truly failed to have a productive conversation on the matter.

This thread seems to have also veered off course, a situation I take my fair share of blame for. Believe it or not, I have read many of those studies you cite but I'll cease the circling. Feel free to start a thread on the pros and cons of gay marriage and maybe I'll wade in again.

Enjoy the rest of your Sabbath.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by alas »

Newme, I have read all your arguments and they are valid points, but they do not change my mind at all.

See, here is what you are missing. Gay men are having anal sex whether government makes it legal or not. Period. End of conversation about whether it is good or harmful, because it happens.

So, where do we go from here?

My lesbian daughter married a man and they were miserable. So, the choice was not marriage to a man or marriage to a woman. It was a choice between being happy with a person she was capable of loving, being alone and unhappy, or making some poor man miserable with her. Funny, but given the options, I am going to go with her being with someone she loves. She is still my kid and I want her happy.

Now, at the time they got together, gay marriage was not legal anywhere. Did that stop them from being together? Nope. They both wanted kids, so they got together with gay friends who also wanted kids and decided to get pregnant. The agreement was that the "dads" would have visitation and the only one with a legal connection to the child would raise the child, the physical mom. Well, the baby didn't happen and thank god abortion is legal or my daughter in law would be dead.

Nothing about gay marriage being illegal was stopping any of this.

The fact that gay marriage was not legal just put that potential child in the position of any single mother with an out of wedlock child. If his/her two mothers broke up, it would be just like divorce emotionally with no legal standing of the non-parent type parent. There was all the problems of one person who is actually raising the child is not allowed by law to have any standing in the life of the child who thinks of them as a parent. What if the other mother was on childcare duty when the child got hurt? She would not be able to sign to have the child given medical attention. I had a child ingest a poison at the baby sitter's once, and believe me, you want the person caring for the child to have the right to sign for medical care.

The choice isn't whether or not gay relations are going to happen. The choice is "are they in a better position with promises of monogamy and the legal protections of marriage?"

So, gay relations carry risks that hetero relations don't. Moot point because the gay relations are going to happen. They have been going on in all cultures for as long as we have any history. Read your Bible. Shadrack, Meshad, and abentigo were part of the King of Babbalon's harem because they were given into the charge of the court eunuch. But there was no shame in them being the king's boy toys, only in not obeying their dietary laws.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

I also have family and friends who are in homosexual relationships, and so am I supposed to postpone reasoning and logic?
You say they will do what they'll do - whether legal or not... That's supposed to be an argument for legalizing it? :roll:
Actually, many believe the government to be like a parent who cares for them and would never legalize something known to be harmful - so in legalizing it, many now believe that it's ok or even good - and we have to accept it, despite known harm.

Just because an ambulance needs to run a red light, doesn't mean everyone now can.
You don't get a fishing license to go hunting.
Marriage by definition (up until it was unconstitutionally changed), meant a relationship between a man and a woman.
Now, it's changed - which was done by going against votes/the will of the people. And guess what? Statistics show that homosexual couples break up way more often than heterosexual couples - even those in "committed relationships." Maybe forcing society to redefine marriage has magically changed behaviors, but it looks like the trends continue, according to the US CDC. Homosexual "marriage" has been "legal" for a relatively short time, so it's hard to tell, but so far, it looks like the similar trends we saw before - "One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year. The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime."

You also have ignored all of the ugly facts. Why? Because you are personally involved and want to seem nice -even if you support lies that hurt people? Again, that is what is so disturbing - the cult mentality that ignores inconvenient truths, which continues even after leaving the cult - just applied in different ways.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LSOF »

For my part, I don't know why people are so tenaciously attached in the first place to the idea that marriage can only be heterosexual. It doesn't make sense to me; it never made sense to me, even while I myself was so attached. I was, because I was told to be by the Mormons.

Why do you, newme, render the phrase "homosexual marriage" thus?:
Homosexual "marriage"
with the implication that it is not "true" marriage. Marriage is a social institution, and like all social institutions, it is mutable.
Marriage by definition (up until it was unconstitutionally changed), meant a relationship between a man and a woman.
It does not follow from "it was ever thus" that "it must be thus for evermore." The same thing could be said for monarchy and slavery and polygamy. Where does the Constitution establish a definition of marriage which can be changed only by amendment? Nowhere.
Now, it's changed - which was done by going against votes/the will of the people.
This is specious.
Statistics show that homosexual couples break up way more often than heterosexual couples - even those in "committed relationships."
A citation, demonstrating the same, from a source whose reliability is not in doubt (whether by virtue of having no position on the matter or correcting a former contrary position), would be in order.
One study reports that the average homosexual has between 20 and 106 partners per year. The average heterosexual has 8 partners in a lifetime.
This quote is dropped without attribution; I entered it into Google, and found an NIH study on "Minority stress, alcohol use, and intimate partner violence among lesbians" via, a right-wing news website; incidentally, I could only find right-wing and Christian sources on the first page of the Google results, and "Free Republic" was the very first result.

Now, go we to the study: this line is not to be found therein. The study's title is self-explanatory. It says that "The results of this research can be used to develop effective prevention and intervention programs to reduce alcohol use and IPV in this vulnerable population."

I found the quote in a book "Redeeming the Rainbow", a book that says that God does not approve of homosexuality and that Christian homosexuals ought to remain celibate (and a book whose typography leaves much to be desired), which attributes it to a different study, "Sexual transmission of Hepatitis A in homosexual men", done in 1980 by Corey and Holmes. The free preview of the study did not contain the quote above. The study's abstract noted that "Diaries concerning sexual behavior kept by homosexual men showed that the acquisition of hepatitis A virus infection was correlated with frequent oral-anal sexual contact." This is by no means whatever endemic to homosexuals:
Cuthbert in 2001 wrote: The hepatitis A virus (HAV), a picornavirus, is a common cause of hepatitis worldwide. Spread of infection is generally person to person or by oral intake after fecal contamination of skin or mucous membranes; less commonly, there is fecal contamination of food or water. Hepatitis A is endemic in developing countries, and most residents are exposed in childhood. In contrast, the adult population in developed countries demonstrates falling rates of exposure with improvements in hygiene and sanitation. The export of food that cannot be sterilized, from countries of high endemicity to areas with low rates of infection, is a potentially important source of infection.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Not Buying It »

Dang, this thread is still going? I'd kind of forgotten about it. It kind of went in a different direction though...
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

LSOF wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:12 pm
Now, it's changed - which was done by going against votes/the will of the people.
This is specious.
I'll just point out this logical fallacy - although there were others to pick from. That is "specious" - opinion polls do not constitute VOTES.

Even if some random poll actually was accurate in stating many people now support something illogical, how does that make it logical?

Classic cult-mentality: you must believe because everyone else is believing and authorities say so, so it is. :roll:
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LSOF »

Newme wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:43 am
LSOF wrote: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:12 pm
Now, it's changed - which was done by going against votes/the will of the people.
This is specious.
I'll just point out this logical fallacy - although there were others to pick from. That is "specious" - opinion polls do not constitute VOTES.

Even if some random poll actually was accurate in stating many people now support something illogical, how does that make it logical?

Classic cult-mentality: you must believe because everyone else is believing and authorities say so, so it is. :roll:
I made no argumentum ad populum there; I merely corrected your statement that it was "against the will of the people".
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

LSOF wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:03 amI made no argumentum ad populum there; I merely corrected your statement that it was "against the will of the people".
And I merely corrected you by stating that the actual legally binding (except when unconstitutionally ignored) will of the people is not found by random polls, but by VOTING.

Votes count, polls do not - in regard to due process of law.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LSOF »

No vote was had, and even if a vote were had, (e.g. in a national referendum,) then in June 2015, at the time the HORRIBLE ANTI-DEMOCRATIC TRAVESTY!!! of Obergefell v. Hodges was decided, it would have passed anyway, at least according to the Pew poll I linked.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

LSOF wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2017 11:29 am No vote was had, and even if a vote were had, (e.g. in a national referendum,) then in June 2015, at the time the HORRIBLE ANTI-DEMOCRATIC TRAVESTY!!! of Obergefell v. Hodges was decided, it would have passed anyway, at least according to the Pew poll I linked.
By your response, I can't help but wonder what you're referring to and how you could not understand.
In the United States of America, "Voters in 31 states voted to define marriage as being between a man and a woman." ... rced-upon/
The US has 50 states. 1/2 of 50 is 25. 31 is more than half.
And I don't know how else to explain this to you other than repeat: polls are not the same as VOTING.

Again, as I mentioned, most people voted against redefining marriage. Yet, 5 of the supreme Court ignored the democratic check-and-balances and like a king, DECREED that society must now accept same sex marriage, despite the fact that marriage is not mentioned in the constitution and is not under their jurisdiction. Scalia (one of the 4 who opposed this) was vocal about how unlawful 5 of the Supreme Court justices were acting:

“[T]o allow the policy question of same-sex marriage to be considered and resolved by a select, patrician, highly unrepresentative panel of nine is to violate a principle even more fundamental than no taxation without representation: no social transformation without representation.” Mysteriously, after being so vocal about this, and calling them out, he was found dead in his hotel room - when recently he had a clean bill of health from his doctor.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by LSOF »

That's not "the will of the people"; that's a majority of the people in a majority of states. You are aware, I hope, that a majority of a majority can easily be a minority? Even a super-majority (two thirds, 67%) of a super-majority (two thirds, 67%) is a minority (four ninths, 44%). That's granting that all the states are equal in population, which they're not. The most populous state is California, with a population of 37,253,956. The least populous is Wyoming, with a population of 563,626. That's a very large disparity, almost two orders of magnitude.

The population of the United States is about 320 million. Thus, the average size of a state is 6.4 million; Washington and Tennessee are average-sized. Suppose that sixty per cent of people in each and every of thirty-one of the fifty states of a Homogeneously Populated United States of America voted for it: that is 119,040,000 people, or thirty-seven per cent. Together with the polls I linked above, your narrative of "only a minority of Americans wanted same-sex marriage, but the Supreme Court forced it upon them" is fatuous.

By the way, I'm curious what thirty-one states passed what referenda or initiatives by what margins that banned or otherwise restricted same-sex marriage, because your link does not say, and it (being published by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank with a history of climate change denial and creationism) is rather vituperative and untrustworthy.
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Re: Religious Freedom Still Under Attack!!!

Post by Newme »

LSOF wrote: Tue Feb 21, 2017 6:53 pmBy the way, I'm curious what thirty-one states passed what referenda or initiatives by what margins that banned or otherwise restricted same-sex marriage, because your link does not say, and it (being published by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think-tank with a history of climate change denial and creationism) is rather vituperative and untrustworthy.
"Anti-Mormon literature is rather vituperative and untrustworthy." Same cult-mentality - different herd.

Do you know why they changed "global warming" to "climate change"? Because global warming was factually inaccurate.

"This year, your government will spend in the neighborhood of $4 billion (Now it's MUCH more $$$$$$$$) on global warming research, despite the fact that there has been no global warming since 1998, and despite all of the billions that have been spent so far yielding no conclusive evidence that using fossil fuels to make energy has any significant effect on Earth’s temperature. The human component of carbon dioxide that is injected into the air each year is very small, on the order of 3%. Half the carbon dioxide emitted into the air by human activity each year is immediately absorbed into nature. Carbon dioxide is 8% of the greenhouse effect; water in the air is 90% of the greenhouse effect. By volume, carbon dioxide is currently at about 390 parts per million in the atmosphere, increasing at about 2 parts per million annually. In other words, carbon dioxide is increasing at a rate of .5% per year. Since human activity adds 3% of the carbon dioxide that gets into the air each year, the human component of the increase in carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year is 3 % of .5%, or just .015%." ... hange.html

"Every candidate should support rational measures to protect and improve our environment, but it makes no sense at all to back expensive programs that divert resources from real needs and are based on alarming but untenable claims of "incontrovertible" evidence." ... l-warming/

There has and always will be climate change... "
•1880-1940: A prolonged rise in temperature in spite of modest global carbon dioxide outputs
•1940-1970: A decline in temperature, in spite of rising carbon dioxide levels
•1970-2000: A rise in temperature which follows carbon dioxide levels
•2009-2005: A levelling-out of the temperature rise
•2005-2011: A slight decline in temperature, in spite of still-rising carbon dioxide levels

So, over a period of more than a century, only the data from one thirty-year slot actually fits the human-induced global warming theory. The rest does not. In this situation it is up to the proponents of the theory to explain the discrepancy. With the bulk of the data not fitting the theory, this is indeed an onerous task."

"Climate Change" is BIG MONEY so extensive effort has been put into fabricating misleading graphs. ... fraud.html

Again, what I find most troubling is the overwhelming tendency for many - especially prior cult-members - to continue with herd mentality while they mock others for being "stupid" to follow herd mentalities. I wish I could trust people to THINK, and to really prioritize truth more - even if it makes them unpopular because others in their herd are falling for BS and will ridicule or shun anyone who doesn't follow suit.
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