This is for encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition no matter where you hope to end up. This is also the place to laugh, cry, and love together.
Sometimes I think The Brethren are using 1984 as a manual rather than a cautionary tale.
But in seriousness, it's nice to give the bishops more time for the holidays, and that's the only thing this changes, so it's a good step in my book. At least they avoided calling it "historic" or "revelation"
Boy... Rusty's Magick Pen™ sure has been busy during his tenure. So many IMPORTANT changes!
All this re-defining of terms is very, very important in today's world. Future generations of believing MORmONs can have literal, physical documents that they can use to gaslight future non-believers. (Even though the documents actually prove that they are gaslighting.)
TBM wrote:Tithing Settlement??? We've never used that term!!!
I'm sure MORmON Jesus approves. All that "love one another" hippy BS is so 2000-years-ago. Re-defining how we talk about the yearly shakedown regarding MORmON exaltation dues is much more important.
Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions. -Frater Ravus
This just means someone has to update the bingo cards.
And the Mormon lingo will take care of itself.
Can we push back Sunday family dinner until 7:00?
We have tithing declaration at 6:20.
Brothers and sisters, I stand before you today to bare my testimony that the lord knows each of us so well. During our recent tithing declaration, the lord prompted me to…
Tithing! Declare today!
Tithing declaration was so spiritual. The bishop looked us in the eye and sat quietly while Ashleeeeaaaay our 7 year old declared her full tithe status and was excited to discuss her upcoming baptism. Our 9 year old Brigham Moriantishkumer reassured her she was making the right decision even to choose baptism just for the refreshment cookies. He declared to the bishop he was a full time tithe paying member having paid $6.75. I don’t recall where he got 67.50 from but then again I think it’s perfectly ok to pay tithing on couch cushion change.
“It always devolves to Pantaloons. Always.” ~ Fluffy
“I switched baristas” ~ Lady Gaga
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” ~Rosa Luxemburg
I stopped doing tithing settlement years ago decided it was between me and the Lord so they can have their stupid tithing declaration and go straight to Hell !!
This is a positive change. I think it will make a real shift for some people. Bishops and members who believe the words will be less pushy to themselves and their wards. And giving the bishoprics more time is good for them.
All the criticisms are unfortunately true too. People will be gaslit about it. Many bishops won't change how pushy they are and still use it as a settlement opportunity. It's going to be creepy how quickly 80% of TBMs change from "settle" to "declare", and even creepier how they try to correct everyone. And every positive change makes the church that much easier to stay in.
"I would write about life. Every person would be exactly as important as any other. All facts would also be given equal weightiness. Nothing would be left out. Let others bring order to chaos. I would bring chaos to order" - Kurt Vonnegut
I can't believe my fluffy brain didn't ask the REAL question in my previous post:
Is using the phrase "Tithing Settlement" a major victory for Lucifer F. Satan??? Have we as MORmONs been tossing victories over that proverbial fence for years on end?
Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions. -Frater Ravus
I am getting bored at Rusty’s constant rebranding. It has reached the point of Bowdlerizations. A rose by any other name still has the same blasted thorns…um, to misquote The Bard. So, if a rose by any other name still has thorns, just changing the name changes nothing bad about it. People got spooked by graveyards, so the started calling them cemeteries, but then people got spooked by cemeteries, so they call them memorial gardens. They still bury dead people in them no matter what they call them. And tithing declarations will still be used to guilt families into coughing up a bit more cash. All the church greed will still be there. Why not make honest change and call it tithing nagging. Or make a meaningful change, and call the family in and do nothing but thank them for their generous contribution no matter how little the donated, then stop nagging the rest of the year about how it should be 10% of gross of your income, not your interest or surplus.
I didn’t see any clarification in that letter regarding what the actual definition of tithing is. Obviously god is worried about what to call his money collecting scheme but still wants to keep the interpretation vague so members pay to the fullest that their fear drives them to.
The church has engineered your eternal family into a commodity that can be purchased with an annual fee. The fact that full tithing payment is a requirement for saving ordinances is the biggest red flag imaginable. Hagoth
I’d prefer “Financial Statement Review” where the Prophet gets up at the pulpit and reviews the consolidated financial statements of the church and details all of the various portfolios.
Contributions by source
Investment balances by source
Detailed expenditures by use
Sexual abuse payouts
Humanitarian efforts by source
Membership numbers
Tithing dollars refunded to members who have left.
Tithing declaration is lipstick on a pig.
“It always devolves to Pantaloons. Always.” ~ Fluffy
“I switched baristas” ~ Lady Gaga
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” ~Rosa Luxemburg
So... previous prophets "settled" accounts, all the previous prophets were wrong again? If only Rusty would admit what they were really wrong on and actually change something real, like end polygamy, ordain women, admit it's all not-litrral...
“You have learned something...That always feels at first as if you have lost something.” George Bernard Shaw When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just one more thing that shows the church is most interested in money.
I was taught growing up that one purpose of tithing settlement was to check the records for the year and make sure your contributions had been recorded properly. No need for that now with online tithing (you can see your submission anytime), and even if you do submit via paper, how are you supposed to see your records for the year in September?
What makes tithing so special that we need to have a special declaration for it? What is the greatest commandment? Why don't we have a "Love the Lord Thy God" settlement? Is tithing really more important than chastity? Why don't we have a chastity declaration? The church puts its focus on what it considers to be most important: money.
Advocate wrote: ↑Mon Aug 15, 2022 6:09 am
What makes tithing so special that we need to have a special declaration for it? What is the greatest commandment? Why don't we have a "Love the Lord Thy God" settlement? Is tithing really more important than chastity? Why don't we have a chastity declaration? The church puts its focus on what it considers to be most important: money.
I’d argue the temple recommend interview process is a deceleration of sorts. Like, hey sister Peterson… do you wear the Lord’s authorized pattern of underwear day and night? And while mowing the lawn and pulling weeds?
Sister Peterson: why yes I do! Except for when I go to yoga, meet friends for lunch in my work out clothes after, and then to my Botox appointment before I pick up Johnny from preschool. Then when Brother Peterson wants to get frisky, I take them off of course. Oh and if I’m taking the kids to swimming lessons, I obviously don’t wear them cuz I might get in the pool too. The three S’s.
Bishop: uh huh…. continue please. Tell me more about the frisky part… do you take them off before you get in bed? Do you put them back on right away after your marital relations? Please tell me the details. So I can judge your worthiness and determine your ability to enter the house of the Lord.
“It always devolves to Pantaloons. Always.” ~ Fluffy
“I switched baristas” ~ Lady Gaga
“Those who do not move do not notice their chains.” ~Rosa Luxemburg
Turning the mundane into a miracle easier than Jebus turned water into wine. Then you churn your followers guilt, fear, hope and tribalism into billions of dollars in cash and investments. It's like Monsters Inc., where they churn fear and screams into energy for their economy.
Also, the word "settlement" has been procured by the lawyers, since it's the method used to try and protect the church's reputation from evil people who dare bring charges against those church representatives that abuse children.
“Sir,' I said to the universe, 'I exist.' 'That,' said the universe, 'creates no sense of obligation in me whatsoever.”
--Douglas Adams