This is for encouragement, ideas, and support for people going through a faith transition no matter where you hope to end up. This is also the place to laugh, cry, and love together.
I bought myself some new shorts at Costco recently. They were on sale for $10. And they're rather comfy.
Last night was a little ward valentines party at our meetinghouse. In all honesty, it was nice. A few treats, a little line dancing and slow dancing. One younger couple was there to teach a few moves and help those of us with 2 left feet. We had some nice conversations with friends.
Everyone there wore pants, full-length dresses, etc. Except for 2 guys that wore shorts. The other guy had longish cargo shorts. I had on my new fangled Costco shorts. The kind every other dude in the world wears in a hot climate. While standing, the shorts end just above the knee. While seated, the lower 1/3 of my thigh is visible. (I was also wearing my big boy under britches
Needless to say, it was rather obvious my clothing that night did not conform to male endowed standards and it was obvious what I was not donning beneath my shorts. No one said anything, I'm not aware of any funny looks from anyone. But it's one more blatant sign to my ward.
it was rather obvious my clothing that night did not conform to male endowed standards and it was obvious what I was not donning beneath my shorts. No one said anything, I'm not aware of any funny looks from anyone. But it's one more blatant sign to my ward. were strutting around a ward party, exposing your beautiful, glorious, pale & glistening thighs like a magnificent peacock, signalling that no, you would not conform, you would not deprive the world of their radiating magnificence any longer, you would not be held down any longer but those despots who insist that nothing be shown above the knees!!! And NO ONE SAID ANYTHING!?!? Makes me wonder who's more obsessed with undergarments, us or them.
Jokes...I think you may have hit on the next quiet revolution in the church pews. Forget pants to church, I'm going to attempt to get a short shorts groundswell going.
I got talked into going to a pool party at one of the really well off Ward family's house. I like shorter swimsuits, older style mid-thigh length because I don't believe in wearing pants to the pool. After trying figure out which short would be best, I had to buy a new knee length on the way to the party. So I kind of caved in.
And NO ONE SAID ANYTHING!?!? Makes me wonder who's more obsessed with undergarments, us or them.
I used to always wonder/worry who could tell I wasn't wearing mine. I'd even look for evidence that other women weren't wearing theirs as a way to feel better about not wearing mine... were strutting around a ward party, exposing your beautiful, glorious, pale & glistening thighs like a magnificent peacock, signalling that no, you would not conform, you would not deprive the world of their radiating magnificence any longer, you would not be held down any longer but those despots who insist that nothing be shown above the knees!!!
My day has been made.
Congrats Kish!
This is how I picture you at the party.
I hope Mrs. Kish joins you this year if she hasn't already and exposes her beautiful, glorious, pale and glistening thighs like a magnificent peacock as well.
Even if it's something disappointing, it's still better to know the truth. Because people can deal with disappointment. And once they've done that, they can feel that they have really grown. And that can be such a good feeling. -Fred Rogers were strutting around a ward party, exposing your beautiful, glorious, pale & glistening thighs like a magnificent peacock, signalling that no, you would not conform, you would not deprive the world of their radiating magnificence any longer, you would not be held down any longer but those despots who insist that nothing be shown above the knees!!!
My day as well.
My day as well.
I love you Kish my man!
On a rare occasion I may attend a Sunday event with family. Just to please the wife I wear a white shirt and to make sure there is no misunderstanding the shirt is thin enough to show NO POLYWEAR.
First of all, congrats. That reminds me of something a friend said to me once. We were on a cruise and I was in some short swim trunks. As we sat on the top deck chatting across from each other he said "I used to think you're crazy, but I now clearly see your (you're) nuts!"
Haha, hopefully they were not that short.
BTW, I am sure nearly everyone noticed and judged you righteously in their hearts! were strutting around a ward party, exposing your beautiful, glorious, pale & glistening thighs like a magnificent peacock, signalling that no, you would not conform, you would not deprive the world of their radiating magnificence any longer, you would not be held down any longer but those despots who insist that nothing be shown above the knees!!!
My day has been made.
Congrats Kish!
This is how I picture you at the party.
I hope Mrs. Kish joins you this year if she hasn't already and exposes her beautiful, glorious, pale and glistening thighs like a magnificent peacock as well.
Fortunately, the ward historian was there to capture my glistening peacock thighs.