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This sounds like it could be a fun read. I probably should have waited to hear whether it's any good but I'm a big fan of (non-superhero) comics and I couldn't resist pre-ordering it. So I will find out next week whether it's any good.
Okay, the book arrived today and I read it in one sitting. It's something like 450 pages but it's a comic so that's possible.
The first thing I'll say is that the hardcover edition is very attractive. I think it might be going for a sort of first edition Book of Mormon look, and it even has a built-in bookmark. Quality stuff.
As for the story itself, I think it's very good. It's a sympathetic telling in many ways, but it also plainly depicts events such as Emma catching Joseph in the barn with Fanny Alger. He seemed to make a real effort to stick to what happened and not stray much from that. A lot of things had to be left out or glossed over, of course, and it's hard to say how much I filled in the gaps since I'm so familiar with the story. But I think he chose well what to depict.
The art is understated but consistent and nice to look at throughout. With the level of visual detail, the book must have taken ages.
My verdict: I'm glad I blindly pre-ordered the book because it was worth a read and also the sort of effort I think is worth supporting.