Keeping up with Trump

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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by SaidNobody »

moksha wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:32 pm
SaidNobody wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 6:03 pm Republicans are dishonorable.
Yup. This is what I'm talking about. See how easily you did that, focus on a few words that could be used to incriminate me? Oddly, they would probably increase the popularity of my words here.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by hmb »

Yesterday's hearing was informative. I'm only surprised by how many people claim to be shocked by any of this "stuff" that comes out. Really? Is anyone really jaw-dropping shocked at this point? Trumps tantrums? Trump welcoming armed rioters to "peacefully" march to the capital? Trump stating that those who want Pence hanged were in the right? Obstructing justice by Trump's minions sending threats to witnesses? The pardons that have been requested? Nothing surprising here!

Hutchinson's testimony was first hand knowledge, other than the alleged grabbing the steering wheel and grabbing the driver near his clavicles. The secret service guys deny these allegations, and they are willing to testify. I look forward to learning more about that. Until then, it is hearsay. The witnesses so far have been credible. Why would anyone testify, under oath, to tell the truth, just to be threatened and lose his or her career? I have much more trust in information coming from those under oath than those who hide behind taking the fifth and tweets.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

hmb wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:40 am The secret service guys deny these allegations, and they are willing to testify.
Snopes also disputes the denials.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by hmb »

moksha wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 9:09 pm
hmb wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:40 am The secret service guys deny these allegations, and they are willing to testify.
Snopes also disputes the denials.
Honestly, the allegations of the former president behaving badly pales in comparison to the big stuff. Even Fox can't put a reasonable spin Tuesday's witness. I wonder if there will be GOP, Trump supporters start to despise Cheney less and Trump more? I wouldn't expect if from hardcore Trumpians, but perhaps others??
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Secret Service agents perjuring themselves under oath would show the corrupting influence of Trump.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by SaidNobody »

moksha wrote: Fri Jul 01, 2022 3:24 am Secret Service agents perjuring themselves under oath would show the corrupting influence of Trump.
The FBI used what did they call is the perjury trap to get almost everyone of Trump's associates and everyone they arrested. The law is such that if you tell even the tiniest lie or give the littlest false information that's true then you have committed perjury. I can't spell all the names and so I'm not going to get into that part of it. But basically, perjury trap is when the FBI agent goes asks person A if he put cream in his coffee on Thursday but can prove on camera that he didn't but he claims that he did, it's perjury. That is what was so frustrating about all of this. They arrested people on the stupidest things I can imagine. One of the worst perjuries in the entire arrangement was failing to file a value report of assets in another country. And whether he intentionally did it or not was never proven.

All this stuff is worthless. There is always corruption but it wasn't Trump corrupting them. Personally, secret Service I know about have too much honor to intentionally perjure themselves.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Cassidy's testimony has already been corroborated. The Trump ship is sinking.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by dogbite »

Now that I have some time again, lets catch up.
SaidNobody wrote: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:29 am
His children are basically half Russian.
No. Just so much no. Czechololoslovakia was a puppet state. it's citizens and history are not friendly to Russia or their time under their second hand rule.
It's a huge stretch to call them the same. Consider that their mother fled the country a using marriage of convenience to leave at all, while she continued to date another. And standing in a bread line makes you love Russia? Do you even read what you write?
He donated his private and crews so a kid could get surgery in LA because the airlines wouldn't take him.
Couldn't instead of wouldn't. The infrastructure for the kid wouldn't fit on a commercial liner and itself would have violated what is allowed on public passenger jets. It's this sort of neglectful mischaracterization of things in the stories you tell of Trump. But good for him for doing it.

Convenient it was after he had already declared his candidacy.

SaidNobody wrote: He could have brought Russia back into the G8 and everyone could have benefitted. And he could have made deals with Putin to stop the invasion of Ukraine. But no, everyone was trying to connect him to Russia. Putin didn't manipulate Trump, not once. Trump was forced to hold him at arm's length because any deal would have been seen as being manipulated.
Empty speculation. Based on his actual performance and lack of cooperation with the rest of the parties to such possible deals, it is of low probability.
Of course, he couldn't have done it on his own. He didn't do much on his own. He was a leader. He could have lead. True, he didn't like what the G8 stood for and he didn't like that a few countries, even if powerful, got to dictate to the rest of the world.
Then he would have withdrawn from it wouldn't he?

SaidNobody wrote: Hunter Biden was literally on the Board of the company being investigated by the prosecutor that Joe Biden had fired.
There is simply no chain of evidence for this claim. The source is Guliani which is not in favor of it's authenticity.
Hunter had information on his laptop about illegal deals with China. Hunter is/was on the board of a multi-billion-dollar company in China. Biden sold us out to China and we are still trying to convict Trump for the Jan 6th setup.
The laptop info was available under Trump's presidency. If it was all it was cracked up to be, he would have appointed a special prosecutor and directed other investigation. Trump's failure to pursue anything official should tell you a lot about how good that claimed evidence is.
If you think that, you have missed that entire issue. All of Biden's shady dealings are in Hunter's name. It's all on the laptop. Fox tried to expose it, but the FBI and others came down on them hard.

Your statement contradicts itself. If the laptop says what you claim to know it says, then there is no need for Fox to expose it. It's already exposed. And the FBI (under Trump's leadership as chief Executive) allegedly cracking down on Fox makes no sense because the evidence is already out there and you know about it. Certainly some red state attorney general or prosecutor has a career to be made on this publicly available evidence.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by dogbite »

SaidNobody wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 2:20 pm
I was directed to a website that listed, on some priority of importance the lies he told. I thought, oh shit. So I started looking them up. One of the first was, most times published on the cover of Time magazine. I looked it up. He said, mostly this way, "I think I might be the most published man on the cover Time. Turns out, Richard Nixon (40+) was the most published guy. Trump (11) the most times for someone living. They were all like this. Michigan Man of the Year. He was given an award by some leaders in Michigan. One said something like, if we had a man of the year you would it."
Whatever you looked it up on got it wrong. If you're looking up the spin, you'll miss the facts. The whole argument was not about ever being on the cover of time. There are a couple stories tied together here. First is about Person of the Year which Trump has lied about turning down a second time. Second is Trumps commissioned forgery of Time covers for display at his properties. ... me-covers/
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by dogbite »

SaidNobody wrote: Sat Jul 09, 2022 5:56 pm
The FBI used what did they call is the perjury trap to get almost everyone of Trump's associates and everyone they arrested.
False. The very use of the term perjury trap shows the characterization agenda in play.

Perjury is about knowingly giving false information under oath. What the FBI gets people for--Martha Stewart for example--is about making false statements to Federal Agents which has no bearing on whether you know it's true or not.

And perjury should be prosecuted or our whole system can't work. Are you saying you support perjuring yourself?
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by dogbite »

The FBI in particular has an interview policy that is easy to abuse however. They invite you to the interview at their premises.. It's you and two FBI agents. One takes notes during the interview. These notes are uses in the prosecution as evidence.

The counter then, is to consent to a recorded interview in the presence of your attorney at a neutral location. These are often turned down by the investigators because it is much harder to make their case against this sort of situation.

That Trump's advisors counsel failed in this regard or they used themselves as counsel show their incompetence.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Steve Bannon was convicted of both counts of contempt of Congress. I suppose we will hear from our sole representative of Team Insurrection about this.

The January 6th Insurrection was caused by an ego that couldn't accept defeat.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by hmb »

moksha wrote: Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:50 pm
The January 6th Insurrection was caused by an ego that couldn't accept defeat.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

The Department of Justice has an active investigation underway and has been calling witnesses before a grand jury.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Russian state media is predicting the US will begin a civil war over the Trump search warrant. The Republican Crime Syndicate has declared war against the FBI and Justice Department.

What is your opinion?
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by dogbite »

There may be a few violent responses down the line. I expect they'll be small, short and fail terribly for the perpetrators and supporters.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by moksha »

Mike Lee's unwavering support of Donald Trump's criminality will endear him to many Utah voters. In Arizona last year, Lee was able to compare Trump to Captain Moroni. Makes you wonder whether Captain Moroni took home some of the golden plates and stashed them in his basement.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by nibbler »

moksha wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:15 am Mike Lee's unwavering support of Donald Trump's criminality will endear him to many Utah voters. In Arizona last year, Lee was able to compare Trump to Captain Moroni. Makes you wonder whether Captain Moroni took home some of the golden plates and stashed them in his basement.
Just the sealed portion.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by SaidNobody »

moksha wrote: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:44 pm Russian state media is predicting the US will begin a civil war over the Trump search warrant. The Republican Crime Syndicate has declared war against the FBI and Justice Department.

What is your opinion?
That you are not suspicious enough.
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Re: Keeping up with Trump

Post by Hagoth »

SaidNobody wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2022 5:32 pm Russian state media is predicting the US will begin a civil war over the Trump search warrant. The Republican Crime Syndicate has declared war against the FBI and Justice Department.

What is your opinion?
It would be a very short civil war.

I kind of like the plan that I heard proposed on the radio a couple of years ago by a white nationalist. Texas secedes from the union and it becomes a MAGA nation where all of the militiamen and Confederacy patriots can congregate and no one one would have to tolerate any of those damned liberal ideals. You know, a place where you can worship the hell out of Jesus without any pressure to do any of that sissy bleeding heart stuff he was always going on and on about. ;)
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