Testing the system

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Testing the system

Post by Korihor »

With Donald the Trump, it seems the country's political and judicial system is being tested. I don't necessarily agree with Trump, but part of me is glad he's shaking things up. It's showing the cracks, flaws, rust and other problems in our government as well as testing the ability of the Judicial, Executive and Legislative branches to keep each other in check.
At least this is my opinion.
Also, I'm a fan of Twitter Trump, not so much of President Trump. He's bringing the USA into a new era, one way or another.

It seems the church is also experiencing something similar. The robustness of the hierarchal system is being tested currently, a bit overdue in my opinion.

In the end, neither our government nor this church will be reduced to ashes. Life will go on. However, it seems both institutions have put up signage "Pardon our dust during remodeling"
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Zack Tacorin Dos
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Re: Testing the system

Post by Zack Tacorin Dos »


It's looking more and more to me like the Donald is and will be judged as a lousy President, but I too am optimistic and see value in the US of going through the experience of having the man in office. What I think is kind of interesting is that I hadn't thought of the possible value of shaking things up in the power structure between the branches of government. I think you're on to something there. In fact, I think it's more likely that his presidency will help in that way than in the way I've been hoping.

The value I've been thinking about with President Trump is that as an electorate we seem to have become very polarized and seem to favor unsubstantiated sound bites over substance. I think a lot of the problems and inaction of the federal government have roots in this generally shallow-minded, us vs. them electorate. I'm hopeful that the problems Trump seems on a trend to make for four years will help us all see the need to look at candidates and there real stand on public policy a little more critically.

Then again, I tend to be a little overly optimistic :)
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Re: Testing the system

Post by Korihor »

It's kinda surprising that since I made that first comment, just how much crazier things have become.

With Russia acting very peculiarly, it's anyone's guess what will happen. It' makes me think, would we choose a physical conflict again to instigate a cultural shift or are we willing to roll the dice with political and ideological conflicts. Which is worse?
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